Whats the difference between Listerine colors?

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A trip down the dental care aisle used to be easy, with just a few brands and not nearly so many varieties to choose from. These days, even picking out a mouthwash can seem like a monumental task, especially if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. To help you make the right choice for your smile, your Riverside dentists sort through the most widely available types of mouthwash, discuss the advantages of each one, and offer suggestions for incorporating mouthwash into your at-home dental care regimen.

Choose Your Rinse!

Whether it’s blue, green, pink, or purple, every brand and variety of mouthwash has something to offer in the way of keeping your mouth healthy or, at the very least, freshening your breath. Some of the most common mouthwash include:

  • Cosmetic Mouthwash [Think brands like Scope]. Cosmetic mouthwashes work primarily because of ingredients like cetylpyridinium chloride that counteract the odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds released by bacteria in the mouth. Cosmetic mouthwashes are designed to improve your breath temporarily. However, they often usually contain alcohol, which can dry out your mouth and counteract the self-cleaning action of your saliva.
  • Antiseptic Mouthwash [Think brands like Listerine]. These bracing mouthwashes are designed to kill the bacteria living in plaque and while also leaving your mouth tasting and smelling fresh. However, they cannot substitute for brushing and flossing. Instead, include rinsing with an antiseptic or antimicrobial mouthwash in addition to regular brushing and flossing.
  • Fluoride Mouthwash [Think brands like ACT]. These mouthwashes contain fluoride, a naturally derived mineral proven to actually rebuild tooth enamel. We often associate fluoride rinses with children, since many popular brands are made specifically for younger users. However, fluoride mouthwash can help adults, too. Fluoride mouthwashes are especially helpful for people who primarily drink bottled water [which usually hasn’t been treated with fluoride] or who live in areas without fluoridated municipal water.

Visit Your Riverside Dentists

If chronic bad breath is getting in the way of your social life, of if it’s simply time for you to refocus back on taking care of your smile, your Riverside dental experts are here to help. The caring professionals at Riverside Dental Group provide a full suite of services, including general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry. Call our 92504 dentist office at [951] 689-5031 for all of your dental care needs.

Alcohol-free mouthwash: The products selected for patients who prefer an alcohol-free mouthwash help patients maintain good oral health with an alcohol-free formula.

Alcohol-free mouthwash for a cleaner, fresher mouth: The products selected for patients who prefer an alcohol-free mouthwash for a cleaner, fresher mouth help patients fight bad breath germs with an alcohol-free formula.

Bleeding on probing: The products selected for patients who have issues with bleeding on probing help control gingivitis and reduce bleeding. Read the clinical study focused on LISTERINE® Antiseptic and its efficacy against plaque and gingivitis.

Caries and demineralization: The products selected for patients with caries and demineralization help strengthen enamel and prevent caries. Find out more about RAPID FUSION TECHNOLOGY™ in our fluoride products.

Children: The products selected for children help maintain oral health with an alcohol-free formula.

Crowns and bridges: The products selected for patients with crowns and bridges help protect oral health around dental work.

Dental implants: The products selected for patients with dental implants help protect oral health around dental work.

Gingival recession leads to root caries: The products selected for patients with gingival recession leading to root caries help prevent caries. Find out more about RAPID FUSION TECHNOLOGY™ in our fluoride products.

Gingivitis: The products selected for patients with gingivitis help prevent plaque and gingivitis. Read the clinical study focused on LISTERINE® Antiseptic and its effect on existing plaque and gingivitis.

Halitosis/Bad breath: The products selected for patients with halitosis/bad breath kill bad-breath germs.

Healthy mouths: The products selected for patients with healthy mouths help maintain good oral health. Find out more about the technical innovations behind LISTERINE® Brand products.

Less intense flavor: The products selected for patients who want a less intense flavor address different patient preferences.

Natural alternative: The products selected for patients who want a natural alternative help patients maintain good oral health with an effective natural option with no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or dyes.

Orthodontia: The products selected for patients with orthodontia help care for hard-to-reach places.

Post scaling: The products selected for patients with post scaling help provide gentle cleaning above the gum line.

Safe for xerostomic patients: The products selected for patients with xerostomia do not dry out oral soft tissue.‡Read the clinical study surrounding LISTERINE® Antiseptic and its effect on xerostomia.

Sensitive gums: The product selected for patients with sensitive gums offers a cushioned, high-loft design that provides gentle cleaning at the gum line.†

Sensitivity to peroxide: The product selected for patients with sensitivity to peroxide offers a peroxide-free whitening formula that provides tartar control and fluoride.

Tartar build-up: The products selected for patients with tartar build-up are clinically proven to control tartar build-up.

Whitening in-between visits: The products selected for whitening in-between visits help patients maintain a healthy, white smile.

Xerostomia* with caries: The products selected for patients with xerostomia and caries provide a fluoride benefit *in patients who may be more prone to root caries.§Find out more about RAPID FUSION TECHNOLOGY™ in our fluoride products.

Which color Listerine is the best?

Again, I usually recommend the blue and green Listerine. Since it contains antiseptic ingredients [including alcohol and essential oils] it helps kill the bad bacteria inside of your mouth that are responsible for periodontitis and gum infections.

What do the different colors of mouthwash mean?

The bright blues, greens, yellow, and purples of various mouthwashes are intended to differentiate similar products in the eyes of consumers. While they may have the same active ingredients, differently colored mouthwashes look like separate products.

Which Listerine is the strongest?

Listerine Total Care: The best all-round mouthwash – if you don't mind the sting. Listerine dominates the mouthwash market, and Total Care is its flagship product. Boldly, it claims to kill up to 97% of germs, while reducing plaque by up to 56% more than brushing alone.

What are the different types of Listerine?


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