What is the main purpose of recommendation?

Home Blog How to Complete Your Recommendations

When you complete your dissertation, the discussion chapter calls for you to establish recommendations based on the findings of your study. This can be difficult if you are not sure what to recommend or what colleges are specifically looking for. As such, here are some helpful tips to assist you with recommendations for your discussion.

The best way to tackle your recommendations is to see what limitations were left over at the end of your study. How were you limited? Were you able to successfully accomplish all that you set out to do? Chances are that you were not; through no fault of your own, there were probably some things that did not make the cut or threw your results off. You should base your recommendations on these limitations. The purpose of rooting your recommendations in your limitations is that it allows for future researchers to continue the research that you were unable to continue. It also establishes new gaps within the literature, which allows for the research to be continued to its logical conclusion.

Finally, you want to cater your recommendations to two schools of thought: recommendations for future research and recommendations for future practice. Your recommendations for future research are the things that scholars should focus on drawing out because your research was unable to hit all of the main points of your topic. Your recommendations for future practice are key takeaways for individuals to implement within the real world, allowing you to see your ideas in action. Keeping these points in mind will help you compose a more coherent and comprehensive recommendations section for your discussion chapter.

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  • Address committee feedback
  • Roadmap to completion
  • Understand your needs and timeframe

  • Summary

  • Contents

  • Subject index

Understanding and Evaluating Research: A Critical Guide shows students how to be critical consumers of research and to appreciate the power of methodology as it shapes the research question, the use of theory in the study, the methods used, and how the outcomes are reported. The book starts with what it means to be a critical and uncritical reader of research, followed by a detailed chapter on methodology, and then proceeds to a discussion of each component of a research article as it is informed by the methodology. The book encourages readers to select an article from their discipline, learning along the way how to assess each component of the article and come to a judgment of its rigor or quality as a scholarly report.

Chapter 16: Recommendations


Learning Objectives

  • Relate recommendations to discussions and conclusions
  • Describe the array of generic future actions that can be recommended [main purposes]
  • Elaborate on the characteristics of effective recommendations
  • Distinguish among actionable, imperative, and modal verbs
  • Compare and contrast the three modal forces
  • Elaborate on how modal force affects the strength of the recommendation
  • Identify the principles of crafting and organizing effective recommendations


In review, the Results or Findings section profiles “What was found?” The Discussion section focuses on “So what does this mean, and why do we care?” The Conclusions section deals with “What are the implications?” [Labaree, 2016]. These elements of a research report inform the development of recommendations, which deal with “Where to next? What are the next steps people should consider taking, given what was found and what ...

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9. A. provide a beneficial guide to resolve a certain issue

10. Summarizing the Main points in the research

11. A. a clear and simple language.

12. C. Practical Implication

13. B. Conclusion of the Study

14. C. Summary of Findings

15. A Recommendations of the Study



- Title

- Introduction

- Literature

- Methodology

- Data Interpretation

- Results of the study

- Conclusion


- is the part of the research study that aims for the reader to take or make a solution for the issue that has been studied in the research.

It can be some steps to follow for the initial parts or the best practice

for long-term goal solutions.


1. Redefined the topic of the research that is being studied about

2. Make a compilation or summarization of the important information concluded in the research study.

3. Established connections of main points to the results.

PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS is a type of Research implications that is also called Convenient

implications, since it established a Realistic and detailed explanation of the research findings.

To learn more about Steps in Research, please visit this link:



What is the purpose of recommendations in research?

Recommendations are arguably the most important part of the analysis phase—this is where you'll suggest specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and constraints identified in the assessment. Recommendations should directly respond to key findings arrived at through data collection and analysis.

What is the purpose of conclusion and recommendation?

The interpretations given by the researcher of the significance of the findings of a research project for the client's business, along with recommendations for action.

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