What are the 5 shared values?

Our purpose – to make an impact that matters – and our aspiration – to be the undisputed leader in professional services – define us. At the root of these goals are our Shared Values. These values serve as the basis for every decision we make and the actions we take, enabling us to deliver impact how and where it matters most for Deloitte clients, our people, and society. Our shared values are timeless. They succinctly describe the core principles that distinguish the Deloitte culture, which is consistent worldwide.


Asst Prof Tan Kheng Boon Eugene: To ask the Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth if he can provide an update on the status, standing and relevance of our Shared Values since its adoption in 1991.


  1. Acting Minister Lawrence Wong: The concept of a set of Shared Values, which Singaporeans of all races and faiths could subscribe to and live by, was first mooted in 1988 and subsequently passed in Parliament in January 1991. The aim was to anchor an evolving Singaporean identity on common threads in our varied cultural heritage, as well as the attitudes and values which have helped us to survive and succeed as a nation. The Shared Values are:

    • Nation before community and society above self 
    • Family as the basic unit of society 
    • Community support and respect for the individual 
    • Consensus, not conflict 
    • Racial and religious harmony

  2. The Shared Values have served as an important point of reference for the Ministry of Education [MOE]’s Civics and Moral Education Curriculum from 1992. The school curriculum today is anchored on six core values [respect, resilience, responsibility, integrity, care and harmony] which are based on the original Shared Values. They provide a framework for students to discuss issues, and they continue to underpin MOE’s Character and Citizenship Education curriculum.
  3. Each of the Shared Values is championed by organisations in the public, people and private sectors. For example, the family as the basic unit of society is upheld not just by the Ministry of Social and Family Development but also by many civic groups in Singapore such as the Centre for Fathering and Family Life Society. Likewise, racial and religious harmony is strengthened through the work of the People’s Association and its grassroots leaders, the network of Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles [IRCCs] as well as societies like OnePeople.sg.
  4. As society evolves, our attitudes, values and aspirations will change over time. This is why we are now having a national conversation to ask ourselves what matters to us as individuals and as a society, and what we aspire to as a nation. Through the “Our Singapore Conversation” dialogues so far, we can see that Singaporeans care deeply about their families and about values such as graciousness, kindness and harmony. These are broadly consistent with our Shared Values.
  5. I encourage all Singaporeans to participate actively in the many dialogue sessions that are being held in the coming weeks and months, and to continue sharing their views and perspectives, so that, as a society, we can forge a shared understanding of the common values that should underpin our nation’s future.

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Our Shared Values . Nation Before Community And Society Above Self . Family As The Basic Unit Of Society . Community Support And Respect For The Individual . Consensus, Not Conflict . Racial And Religious Harmony [Text in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil].

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What shared values?

Shared values are the core beliefs that guide the behaviors of a group. These values are not just words posted on the website; they are actively used to make decisions, especially the toughest ones where difficult tradeoffs are involved. Sometimes the values are a few single words.

Why are the shared values adopted?

The aim of introducing the shared values was to help forge a Singaporean identity that would incorporate the various aspects of the nation's multicultural heritage with the attitudes and values that had contributed to Singapore's success.

What are the cultural values of Singapore?

The culture of Singapore was consciously created and supported by legislation to uphold five official shared values including: Nation, Family, Community, Consensus, and Harmony. Understanding how these values are reflected in business practices is critical for working in Singapore.

What are the units of Singaporeans?

The use of English as a common language of administration and instruction after Independence helped to unify all Singaporeans without privileging any one cultural group, even as the different communities were encouraged to preserve their own languages and cultural roots.

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