Twitter ID là gì

With the Find my Twitter ID tool you can quickly find a Twitter user ID and the live follower count of a Twitter account. You can lookup a user by username or profile link. It's also possible to convert a Twitter ID into a Twitter username by entering the ID in the tool.

What is a Twitter User ID?

A Twitter user ID is a unique identifier which is belongs to a Twitter account. Each user have, besides a user ID, also a unique Twitter username. In general Twitter is using Twitter usernames instead of user IDs which you can recognize with the @ symbol before the username. Some application requires you to add the user ID to get data or show a Twitter feed..

How to find your Twitter username?

You can find your Twitter username in the following steps:

  1. Launch the Twitter app.
  2. Press the hamburger menu on the top left.
  3. Grab your Twitter username which is located below your profile image and name.

A Twitter username will always starts with @ symbol, e.g. @commentpicker.

You can find your Twitter profile url via the Twitter app in the following steps:

  1. Open the Twitter app via your mobile phone.
  2. Click the hamburger menu in the top left corner.
  3. You will see the Twitter username below your name.
  4. A Twitter username always starts with "@" e.g. @commentpicker
  5. Remove the @ from your username and add it after //

Your Twitter profile link will look like this: //

You can find your Twitter profile URL via the browser in the following steps:

  1. Open the browser and navigate to Twitter.
  2. Login with your Twitter account.
  3. Navigate to Profile in the left menu.
  4. Copy your Twitter profile link from the browser address bar.

Type in any Twitter ID or @handle below, and it will be converted into the respective ID or username on the rightbelow:

Enter a Twitter ID or @handle
on the leftabove
and it will be converted here.

You numeric Twitter ID and other information will appear here.

This tool called "Find Twitter ID" provides an easy way for you to get a Twitter profile's numeric ID and other information such as User name, Name, Creation date, Follower count and Following count.

How to use?

This tool accepts a Twitter username or profile link, for example:

  • katyperry

  • DaybreakGames

  • //

  • //
  • Put your username or profile link in the text box and click the "Find numeric ID →" button, or simply press enter. The numeric ID will appear in the green box.

    Why use this tool?

    1. Find Twitter ID provides an easy way for developers and designers to get a Twitter profile's numeric ID. 2. You will know your place in Twitter history. For example, put the username "jack" in the text box, the numeric ID will show "12", it means he is one of the earliest users Twitter's database.

    3. You will know exactly when the account was created.

    Download Article Download Article

    Twitter gives out a unique ID to each person as they join the network. Do you want to find your user ID?

    1. 1

      Go to and sign in with your account. Then click on your profile picture at the top bar and select Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu.

    2. 2

      Open 'Your Twitter data' Tab. Click on the Your Twitter data from the sidebar.

    3. 3

      Confirm your password. Type your password and click on the Confirm button.

    4. 4

      Done. Now you can see your User ID, under the username.

    wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 95,317 times.

    Co-authors: 3

    Updated: May 31, 2018

    Views: 95,317

    Categories: Twitter

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