Topping DX3 Pro Reddit


I've an option to buy the DX3 pro at 120eur or the e30 at 150eur.. But I'm really only gonna use optical input from my TV but I guess the bluetooth function is nice to have in the future at least.

I guess my real question is if I'm going to sacrifice sound quality if i go with the DX3 pro since it's not purely a DAC?

Thank you all :]

Edit: Words

Thanks, I'll go with the DX3 Pro :]

TLDR:Is the DX3 Pro a bit underpowered for the Sundara? Will I gain anything significant by going for a different DAC AMP?


So i'm pretty new to the 'better headphones' game and recently bought a Hifiman Sundara.

Plugging it into the back of my pc, It sounded better than the Sony MDR 7605 that I was using previously, but it didn't play very loud. I decided to look into buying a small DAC + AMP to sit on my desk, expecting a nice bump in audio quality too. [i prefer a 2 in 1, since there is a lot of stuff on my desk already]

I bought a Topping DX3 Pro, based on the raving review that Amir from gave it. I only realized later that i have the v2, while the review was about the v1, which is supposedly measures a lot better.

I must say i'm a bit underwhelmed by the difference between the pc output and the topping dx3. It does play louder, but i need to crank it up quite a bit in order to do that [-20db at +9.0 gain settings, then play at 60% in windows]. Maybe the Realtek ALC1220 on my mainboard wasn't that bad to start with, but still, I expected a bit more.... fullness?

The bass on the MDR 7605 was quite prominent. The Sundara sounds a lot cleaner, but it feels a bit thin on bass to me. Worth noting: These are my first open backs.

So i was wondering, is the DX3 Pro a bit underpowered for the Sundara? Will I gain anything significant by going for a different DAC AMP?

Last week I received the Topping E50, and it replaced my Topping DX3 Pro. I have the Grado SR325e and the Audeze LCD-2C, and for both, it works impressively better. I always thought that the Grados were overly sharp in the highs. I was never really satisfied by them and bought the Audeze as the next step because they pronounce the lower frequency much more, which I enjoy. So after I received the E50, I just kept using the Audeze because I like them very much. I recently tried the Grados with my new Dac, and I was impressed by how better the Grados sound. The Highs are smoother, and the bass is more present [or at least present for Grado standards.]

So, after months of researching and indecision on a dac / amp... I decided on the Topping.

Thing is - I am nearly three weeks from time of order and they still haven't been sent [Shenzen Audio]. Is this normal Chinese retailer activity? Is it just me that thinks it counterproductive that they don't advise when items are not in stock? I am being told "22-25 Nov" now after if was "middle of month" last week.

The only other direct order I have done from China was a watch during 11.11 sale last year - but I figured the delay there was due to 11.11 sale - this time I ordered earlier and look like I might be in for the same wait again. [receive mid January]

Has anyone here managed to actually receive theirs and how long did you have to wait?

TY in Advance

Topping dx3 pro+ released today. It’s basically measured same as EX5 with a much higher output power[1.8w@32ohm]. The output impedance is also less than 0.1ohm now. All these only comes with a $199 price tag.

I never have such a strong buyer remorse. Sorry for the ranting.

I know the dx3 pro isn't that "budget" but it's the most I can spend rn, so kinda budget haha.

Currently own some Sennheiser HD58X's and some sh*t logitech z150 speakers. Looking to upgrade the speakers soon and the headphones later in the future, so I thought I would invest in a good desktop solution that can provide enough power and clean audio to higher end headphones and especially some desktop speakers.

Would be buying from New Zealand, and probably ordering off Aliexpress since amazon has expensive shipping to my country.

So would the Topping dx3 pro be a good all in one type solution for what I need?

EDIT: if it wasn't clear, max budget is around $225USD/$350NZD, buying from New Zealand.

Eyecandy :3

Eyecandy link

Let's keep this short not too outrageously long. I really like the DX3 Pro, not only because of how good it sounds or its value, but rather because of its unique features. Therefore, this review will focus on the features of this device. Audio Science Review has a write-up that discusses the unit's SQ in great detail.

The DX3 Pro is a small, nicely built desktop unit. Metal all around, sturdy 3.5mm jack.

Satisfying clicky digital volume nob that also acts as a button to control the unit, but much more complicated to use than the included remote. The remote has no included battery, however, and the battery installation isn't shown in the user guide.

Included remote

Awesome amber 8-segment display that shows current volume, input, input specs and output mode. The display is very pleasing to the eye and is a welcomed change compared to my E10k blue LED.

Rear I/O

Inputs:: USB with drivers supporting up to PCM 32/768khz or DSD512. Has 1 optical input and 2 digital coaxial input that follows S/PDIF, as well as Bluetooth input that supports AptX at 16/44.1khz, or at least that's what Poweramp on my S8+ says.

Outputs: RCA line outs in the back for an external amp, 3.5mm jack at front.

I don't understand why this unit has 2 coaxial inputs; and I'd rather trade one of them for a coaxial or optical output. Why? In the future, if you ever upgrade from the great DAC in here, you at least get to use it as a Bluetooth receiver.

As everything can be controlled using the remote, its best to just look at the remote:

Remote functions [from Topping website]

Power: The DX3 Pro can go into standby when there's no audio signal and turn on when there is, automatically. One side effect is that the unit is never truly turned off - the Bluetooth is always on, for example.

Input selection: The remote can cycle through the 5 inputs [Bluetooth, USB, Optical, Coaxial x2] of this device. The volume knob-button can also do this.

Output selection: DX3 Pro has many output modes: Headphone out, Headphone out + Line out, Line pre-out and Line out only. Again, there are buttons on the remote for controlling outputs [5, 9, 11 specifically]

DAC filters: There are 6 filters, but I honestly can't tell the difference, other than one of the filters having a very slight bass boost.

Gain mode: Switches between 0dB and +9dB. Very useful for hard to drive sets, but I haven't had to use it at all.

Screen brightness: 3 levels of brightness, but no choice to turn it off.

Make-music-sound-better sticker

The DX3 Pro has HiRes Audio certification, which might mean more or less than you might think. To pass the certification, the device must be able to produce sound up to 40kHz and pass a listening test. While the 40kHz is not very important, the listening test can somewhat attest to the sound quality of this device.

I'm not very qualified to discuss how the DAC/amp sounds, but I can tell that it sounds great. It has enough power to properly drive my HD650, while the noise floor and output impedance is low enough to not affect sound. The DX3 Pro is the only device that can drive my KZ ZSN Pro without making noise.

Compared to the Fiio E10k, it sounds slightly more neutral and detailed, but the latter may very easily be my brains playing tricks on me. I have no complaints regarding the sound, seeing that there’s no distortion at the highest volumes on high gain. The DX3 Pro can turn my HD650 into speakers and sound good at it [though my E10k can do that as well, albeit at a lower volume].

As alluded to earlier, I didn't buy the DX3 Pro for the sound quality, but rather for the usage experience. The Bluetooth is always on, and we have a remote, meaning that the moment I get home, my phone will connect to the unit and output audio from my phone to my HD650. I have been bringing my HD650 into bed, and this is the reason why.

Bluetooth info when connected to Galaxy S8+

This review was supposed to come out a month ago, but I waited, because of durability issues. On the Internet and audio forums, you will see handfuls of cases where the DAC/amp just stops working. However, Topping has attempted to address the issue, and in the Drop that I participated in [April ?] on MassDrop, I’ve only heard of 2 malfunctions out of 200 units sold; and after leaving mine running for a total of 4-500 hours during the past month, I’m confident that this unit will last long.

The Topping DX3 Pro is a desktop, high performance DAC/amp that also supports Bluetooth and comes included with a remote. It is one of the most competitive unit on the market right now. Actually, calling it "competitive" is not very fitting here, because no product like it exists at all, regardless of price point actually, DX7 Pro exists :/.

Shameless plug: YouTube review.

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