Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Although the Bayview Four and their pursuit of the truth are the main focus of the story, several other characters prove to be equally smart and entangled in Simon's murder in the most surprising ways. Altogether, the characters are a combination of the worst and best of Bayview High, from the sly and ruthless Jake to the quintessential good girl, Bronwyn.

Updated on November 7th, 2022 by Danielle Bruncati: After deviating from the source material at the end of season one, One Of Us Is Lying fans weren't sure what to expect when season two was released at the end of October. However, the season did not disappoint. Of course, the Murder Club returns and finds themselves actually involved in a murder that needs to be covered up. Adding to the stakes are several new faces who are determined to outsmart Murder Club and take them down once and for all. So, who is the smarted One Of Us Is Lying character? Well, that depends on whether or not they can get away with murder it seems.

13 Giselle

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Giselle joins Bayview High a few episodes into season 2 and immediately hits it off with Vanessa. Not an official student, Giselle is only in town to figure out what happened to Jake -- her alleged summer boyfriend. Her appearance causes mayhem for Murder Club, especially Addy who now must reckon with the fact that Jake might have been cheating on her.

While Giselle seems like the perfect foil to the Murder Club's antics, she is not wise enough to outwit them. She puts her trust in the wrong people, and her blind love for Jake makes her weak physically and mentally. As such, she becomes an unlikely victim of the Simon Says game the Murder Club is forced to play.

12 Detective Wheeler

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Detective Wheeler has been a part of One Of Us Is Lying since the very beginning when she took on the case of Simon's death. And she's back again in season two to investigate Jake's mysterious disappearance on Halloween night.

Detective Wheeler must be good at her job for Jake's parents to trust her with solving his disappearance case, but she seems to be no match for the Murder Club. She got the assailant of Simon's case wrong in season one, wrongfully throwing Nate in jail. And in season two, she strikes out again, failing to realize that Murder Club is the one behind Jake's death, not Fiona.

11 Kris

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

An honorary member of Murder Club in season one, Kris wants nothing to do with the shenanigans of Murder Club in season two and even goes as far as breaking up with Cooper. It's a difficult and yet, smart move on his part since he really has no ties to the club other than his relationship with Cooper.

However, love has a way of getting what it wants, and ultimately, Kris ends up back involved in the Murder Club's antics of season 2. Though Kris is not an unintelligent character, his love for Cooper has him doing some dumb things.

10 Cooper

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Cooper's entire world revolves around impressing major league scouts so he can get drafted and support his family, who has always supported him. Of all the characters, Cooper has the most to lose by being involved in Murder Club because of his sport potential and the fact that he is gay (and not out for most of season one). This theme continues in season two, with the stakes that much higher since now he is involved with an actual murder.

Although he isn't the smartest in Murder Club, he's cunning enough to help out in the investigations. This is especially evident in the season finale, "One of Us is Dead," when he convinces Jake that he believes him and keeps him distracted, so the others can sneak in and search for evidence of Jake's involvement in Simon's death.

9 Simon

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Simon's untimely death in the pilot removes him from the show before the audience has a chance to know him better. However, thanks to flashbacks and details from other characters, fans get to see a bit of his life and personality. For the most part, he's one of the worst teen villains on TV because of his destructive posts on About That, but a few people, such as Janae and Maeve saw a little bit of good in him despite all that.

The way Simon runs his gossip mill is impressive, especially considering the level of manipulation and scheming he employs to get juicy secrets about his fellow students. Simon's duplicity knows no bounds, and he blackmails some people and trades secrets with others to get the best content for his app. Unfortunately, he put his trust in the wrong person, which ultimately led to his death.

8 Vanessa

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Vanessa may seem like another stuck-up, wealthy, popular girl at Bayview High, and while she kind of is, there's a lot more going on in that head of hers. As Jake's childhood best friend, she is determined to figure out what really happened to him on Halloween since she knows he wouldn't leave the country without telling her.

Though she's a bit hasty in her declarations, she is right nine out of ten times. She's the only one that pieces together that Murder Club killed Jake, and she's the one that helps them cover it up by going on television. It's clear Vanessa should not be underestimated.

7 Janae

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

While Simon's death has the greatest impact on the lives of the Bayview Four, it's also the catalyst for some major changes in Janae's life. Before her best friend dies, she happily leads a quiet life, barely acknowledged by the rest of the school. Seeking justice for Simon forces her to speak out more and show a clever side to her that most people don't realize even exists.

While Janae spends part of season one against Murder Club, she's a full-fledged member by season two. Spending all that time with Simon means she's learned a thing or two about being conniving and is able to help them stay out of trouble. After all, it's her idea to take Jake's dead body out to sea on her dad's yacht.

6 Addy

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

On the surface, Addy seems like nothing more than one of the pretty, popular girls dating a jock. Even the press reporting on Simon's murder labels her as the pretty girl of the group. While that shallow interpretation of her character is accurate in the first few episodes of the show, Addy's transformation after the big breakup with Jake proves that looks can be deceiving and sets her up to become one of the best teen characters on the show.

Jake initially tries to frame her for the murder, but as he says to Cooper in the finale, "It's a shame no one thought she was smart enough to come up with a plan half as good as mine," so he frames Nate instead. However, Addy proves to be more insightful than Jake, and everyone else gives her credit for. She continues being an underestimated threat in season 2 by figuring out the connection between Giselle and Jake before anyone else.

5 Bronwyn

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Before stepping into that fateful detention, Bronwyn is nothing more than a student who's top of her class, on track to become valedictorian, and a perfect match for the good girl trope typical in teen movies. Like the rest of Murder Club, her life changes drastically after Simon's death and the subsequent investigation. Instead of focusing on getting good grades, she spends her time hunting for evidence to exonerate herself and her new friends.

Bronwyn's mental acuity proves useful beyond the classroom, as well as they search for clues. Her tenacity also pushes her to keep fighting for Nate's release, even after everyone dismisses him as the killer when he's arrested. However, while Bronwyn is book smart, she's not always street smart, which is why she winds up in some pretty dicey situations in season two, nearly costing them all their freedom.

4 Nate

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Due to his criminal record and reputation as a drug dealer, Nate's mostly seen as the school's bad boy. The police and press single him out as the main suspect of Simon's murder on this basis, and in the episode "One of Us Is Dancing," he's arrested for Simon's murder because of an anonymous tip that led the police to the stolen EpiPen's planted on his bike.

Despite his bad-boy reputation and contrary to his don't-care attitude, Nate's a lot smarter and caring than he lets on. In addition to successfully dealing drugs at school without getting caught by the teachers, he's the group's expert on criminal proceedings because of his background. On several occasions, he saves Bronwyn from implicating herself and even suggests destroying evidence, so the cops have nothing to use against them.

3 Jake

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Throughout the first season, Jake straddles the line between the guy viewers feel sorry for because his girlfriend cheated on him and the insufferable, over-controlling jock who doesn't let Addy freely express herself. All sympathy for him is gone in the season finale once his part in Simon's death is revealed.

Apart from changing people's opinion of him, the reveal also shows how smart Jake is. He not only talked Simon into a twisted dare to further his agenda but also stabbed him in the back and literally got away with murder while framing others and making their lives miserable. He might be convincing and a mastermind, but he wasn't smart enough to outwit Murder Club, though.

2 Fiona

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

Much like Jake, Fiona prides herself on hiding her true identity. Somewhat new to Bayview, Fiona has a hard time making friends because of her past, which is revealed on About That prior to Simon's death. She plays a major role in season two when she is assigned to be Nate's tutor and thus.

Fiona might seem all sweet and innocent, but its soon revealed that she is the mastermind behind Simon Says. Not only that, she was Jake's right-hand woman in relaunching About That after Simon's death. Intelligent and desperate for revenge for someone she loved, Fiona will stop at nothing to take Murder Club down once and for all.

1 Maeve

Top main smartest character in novel expect detectives năm 2024

For most of the first season, Maeve struggles with living in her sister's shadow and being seen as a fragile girl who needs protection because of her medical history with leukemia. She proves to be anything but vulnerable when she steals Simon's laptop from Bronwyn, surprising both her and the audience.

The mastermind of all things tech-savvy, Maeve regularly helps Murder Club hack into hard drives, steal evidence, and cover their tracks on more than one occasion. She's even brilliant enough to work as a double agent in both seasons and pulls off some of the best plot twists of the entire show by doing such.

Who is the most intelligent fictional detective?

The smartest TV detective of all time also has to be the most legendary fictional detective of all time. Sherlock Holmes has been adapted to the screen numerous times, but Benedict Cumberbatch's turn as the sleuth in BBC's Sherlock has become one of the most iconic Holmes adaptations in recent memory.

Who is the most genius detective?

10 Smartest TV Detectives, Ranked.

8 Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo).

7 Batman (Batman: The Animated Series).

6 Gregory House (House).

5 Rustin "Rust" Cohle (True Detective).

4 Gilbert Grissom (CSI).

3 Columbo (Columbo).

2 Adrian Monk (Monk).

1 Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock).

Who is the smartest fictional character?

Smartest Fictional Characters of all time.

Ra's al Ghul..

Black Adam..

Mongul the Elder..





Barry Allen..

What is the IQ of Sherlock Holmes?

Radford estimates Holmes' IQ at 190, which places him much, much higher than our crazy-haired scientist. Since then, there have been many more studies on this fictional character leading people to lower his intelligence rating, but he still remains one of the smartest characters ever written.