The right fit over a warm body là gì idiom năm 2024

lead verb [CONTROL]

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  • There was nobody strong enough to lead an effective countervailing force against the dictator.
  • Men have always played an active part in leading worship while women have been confined to more passive roles.
  • Gandhi and Martin Luther King both led campaigns of civil disobedience to try to persuade the authorities to change their policies.
  • The opposition leader led a very forceful attack on the government in parliament this morning.
  • The deputy state fire marshal led the arson investigation.

lead verb [SHOW WAY]

She led them down the hall.

Từ điển từ đồng nghĩa: các từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa, và các ví dụ

  • takeI have to take my mother to the doctor today.
  • go withI offered to go with him to the police station.
  • come withCan you come to the hospital with me?
  • accompanyChildren under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • driveMy husband usually drives the kids to school.
  • give someone a liftCan you give me a lift into town?

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lead the way

to show the way by going in front:

You've been there before - why don't you lead the way?

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SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

lead verb [DIRECTION]

lead verb [LIVE]

lead a busy, normal, quiet, etc. life

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SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

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Các cụm động từ


B2 [ S ] uk

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/liːd/ us

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in the lead For the first time in the race Harrison is in the lead.

take [over] the lead After last night's win Johnson has taken [over] the lead in the championship table.

lead of By the end of the day's play Davies had a lead of three points.

Thêm các ví dụBớt các ví dụ

  • The latest opinion poll puts the Democrats in the lead.
  • The French driver has taken the lead in the Paris-Dakar rally.
  • She succeeded in retaining her lead in the second half of the race.
  • Italy had a comfortable three-goal lead over France by half-time.
  • Lewis held onto the lead until the final lap.

lead noun [SHOWING WAY]

follow someone’s lead We'll go through the dance routine again - follow my lead [= do what I do].

lead noun [INFORMATION]

lead noun [ACTOR]

Who's been cast as the lead?

Meryl Streep was the lead in that year's Oscar-winning film.

lead noun [ELECTRICAL]

[ C ] [also wire]; [UK also flex]; [US also cord]


SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

lead noun [FOR ANIMAL]

[ C ] mainly UK [US usually leash]

andrewburgess/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

lead noun [BOXING]

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

lead noun [U] [SUBSTANCE]


Livio Maynard/EyeEm/GettyImages

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

Thành ngữ

[Định nghĩa của lead từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press]

lead | Từ điển Anh Mỹ

lead verb [CONTROL]

lead verb [SHOW WAY]

[ I/T ]

to show the way to someone or something, esp. by going first:

lead verb [CAUSE]

lead verb [BE FIRST]

lead verb [LIVE]

Các thành ngữ

Các cụm động từ

lead noun [ANIMAL]

lead noun [BE FIRST]

lead noun [SHOW WAY]

lead noun [U] [METAL]

lead noun [U] [PENCIL]

[Định nghĩa của lead từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press]

Các ví dụ của lead


Either way, spiral stairs lead to a common landing, called the parlour in plans.

The size of the drop leading a plume is roughly proportional to the initial thickness of the layer.

It was this early experience as a rice breeder which also led to an interest in seed dormancy.

I shall start with the historiographical reason that, indirectly, also leads us to consider the more philosophical reason.

Improved understanding of the hormonal causes and consequences of symptom fluctuation may lead to improved pharmacological and psychological treatments.

On not being led up the garden path : the use of context by the psychological parser.

The second part returns to the idea that an excess of privatisation has led to a 'tragedy of the anti-commons'.

Thus, changes in known lexical representations may lead to changes in homonym learning but not novel word learning.

This would lead to the formation of rich representations including not only our body and the world, but the interaction between them.

All of these characteristics lead to constant renewal as forms are continually replaced with newly coined expressions that can effectively intensify existing expressions.

Facts that have such consequences are, so to speak, ' embedded ' in the world's past, as part of the causal processes leading up to the present.

Indeed, patients were often reluctant to be prescribed a detoxification drug which had not led to them successfully achieving abstinence in the past.

In other words, backward-reconstruct paths of zeros that lead to the output of the computation.

On the outskirts of the bazaar, livestock dealers lead their swarming herds along narrow village paths lined by millet-stalk fences.

This former self, we learn, stood before two paths, one leading to a hill, the other to a meadow.

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Các cụm từ với lead

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với lead.

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

female lead

Haco, who assumed the conventionally 'disempowering' image of female lead-vocalist in an otherwise disproportionately male group of musicians, was in fact the key composer and a technically trained engineer.

lead actress

The drama troupe soon faces trouble without a lead actress.



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lead alloy

Casting or cutting and machining lead to the treatment to proceed while customised lead alloy shields are being prepared.

Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.

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