Skip a beat là gì

miss a beat Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

not miss a beat

To not slow down, pause, or lose one's place, especially in spite of a potential distraction or disruption. The boss didn't miss a beat during the meeting when his son-in-law walked in 45 minutes late. You can't fluster my mother. No matter how you try to shock or annoy her, she never misses a beat.See also: beat, miss, not

miss a beat

Hesitate momentarily, out of embarrassment or confusion. This expression is most often used in a negative context, as in He sidestepped the reporter's probe into his personal life without missing a beat, or Not missing a beat, she outlined all the reasons for her decision. This expression alludes to the regular beat of musical time. [Mid-1900s] See also: beat, miss

miss a beat

hesitate or falter, especially in demanding circumstances or when making a transition from one activity to another.See also: beat, miss
See also:
  • not miss a beat
  • not skip a beat
  • skip a beat
  • without skipping a beat
  • without missing a beat
  • get on with [something]
  • get on with it
  • recollect
  • re-collect
  • recollect [oneself]

heart skip a beat|beat|heart|heart miss a beat|mis

1. The heart leaves out or seems to leave out a beat; the heart beats hard or leaps from excitement or strong feeling. Often considered trite. When Paul saw the bear standing in front of him, his heart skipped a beat. 2. To be startled or excited from surprise, joy. or fright. When Linda was told that she had won, her heart missed a beat.

miss a beat

miss a beat
Hesitate momentarily, out of embarrassment or confusion. This expression is most often used in a negative context, as in He sidestepped the reporter's probe into his personal life without missing a beat, or Not missing a beat, she outlined all the reasons for her decision. This expression alludes to the regular beat of musical time. [Mid-1900s]

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