Set a good example là gì

Nghĩa của từ sets a good example|set a good example

trong Từ điển Tiếng Anh
is a good model, serves as a role model

Đặt câu với từ "sets a good example|set a good example"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sets a good example|set a good example", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sets a good example|set a good example, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sets a good example|set a good example trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Set a good example .

2. Have to set a good example.

3. Mr Son has set a good example.

4. Elders, set a good personal example in cleanliness.

5. I rely on you to set a good example.

6. You must set a good example to the children.

7. Try to set a good example to the children.

8. Parents should set a good example to their children.

9. The best way is to set a good example.

10. Moreover, the system sets a good example to fraternal colleges in Yunnan.

11. This is not a good example to set other children.

12. Behold, has he not set a good example for thee?

13. He set a good example in applying what he learned

14. A good example is belladonna.

15. Behold, has he not set a good b example for thee?

16. Do you see how Hannah set a good example for us?

17. First of all, as parents you need to set a good example.

18. His work set a good example for late Christianity in cultural interfusion .

19. A good example of one is a set of charter schools called KlPP.

20. Secretary Travers is a good example.

21. A good example from the Abbey.

22. Pusch Ridge is a good example.

23. [b] How did Abraham and Sarah set a good example in their marriage?

24. Lucy, for God's sake, put on your life belt. Set a good example.

25. In the childhood, tribulation is his teacher, and his mother sets a good example for him.

set an example Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

set an example

To do something or act in a way other will or should emulate; to act as a model for others, good or ill. A noun or pronoun can be used after "et"; often modified with "good" or "bad" before "example." John, please don't curse like that when you're angryit sets a bad example for the kids. I try to set an example for my employees by always arriving to work on time, replying to emails and phone calls promptly, and taking care of problems as they arise.See also: example, set

set an example

Also, set a good or bad example . Behave in a way that should [or will] be imitated, as in Dad was always telling Bill to set a good example for his younger brother, or They were afraid of setting a bad example for the other nations. [Late 1700s] See also: example, set

set [somebody] an eˈxample


set [somebody] a good, bad, etc. eˈxample

show a standard of work or behaviour for others to follow or copy; show a good, bad, etc. model for others: She sets us all an example [= a good example]. You shouldnt use bad language in front of your children it sets a bad example.See also: example, set
See also:
  • get in the act
  • get into the act
  • get into/in the act, to
  • keep up an act
  • keep up the act
  • keep an act up
  • keep the act up
  • act [up]on [something]
  • act on
  • acting

set an example

set an example
Also, set a good or bad example. Behave in a way that should [or will] be imitated, as in Dad was always telling Bill to set a good example for his younger brother, or They were afraid of setting a bad example for the other nations. [Late 1700s]

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