Research gap in literature review example năm 2024

If you are a budding researcher, the foremost challenge that stands before you is the identification of a remarkable and novel research topic in your field of study. Some scholars find a note-worthy research problem while many struggles to identify an interesting research problem. Identification of a novel research problem is the first and most vital step to start a research work. Therefore, to help the scholars’ iLovePhD has published an article on “How to identify research gap”, wherein the tips for identification of a gap in research are also explained. In this article, the different types of research gaps in the literature review are presented.

Scholars need to understand the difference between research gap and research problem.

“A research gap is a key problem or a question that has not been answered by any of the existing studies within your area of research.”
“A research problem is a constructed statement which is developed from a research gap and it should clearly describe the novelty of your study.”

Different Types of Research Gaps in the Literature Review

According to Robinson, Saldanhea & McKoy [2011], Muller-Bloch, & Kranz [2015], and Miles [2017], the research gap has been classified into seven categories.

Different types of research gaps in the literature review

Evidence gap: Little or no evidence to address the research problem.

Knowledge gap: Knowledge may not exist in the actual field. It might be the case that the result of a study differs from what was expected.

Practical-Knowledge gap: When professional behavior or practices deviate from research findings or are not covered by the research.

Methodology gap: A distinction in research methods is needed to have new insights or to avoid ambiguous findings.

Empirical gap: Research findings need to be evaluated or empirically verified.

Theoretical gap: Theory should be applied to certain research issues to generate new insights; lack of theoretical knowledge may lead to a gap in research.

Population gap: Type of research gap that deals with a population which is not adequately represented or under-researched in the prior research [Eg., Gender, age, race].

We hope this article makes you understand the different types of research gaps in the literature review.

A research gap statement is a brief summary of what is missing or unclear in the existing literature on a topic. It helps you identify a specific problem or question that you want to address in your online research project. Writing a research gap statement online can be challenging, but not impossible. Here are some tips to help you craft a clear and concise research gap statement online.

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Review the literature

Before you can write a research gap statement, you need to review the relevant literature on your topic. Use online databases, search engines, and academic websites to find and access reliable sources. Read and analyze the sources critically, and take notes of the main arguments, methods, findings, and limitations. Look for gaps, inconsistencies, contradictions, or unanswered questions in the literature.

  • Julio Menochelli Educational Strategy and Innovation Senior Consultant In addition, When writing a research gap statement online, consider these points: Collaborate with online experts for diverse insights. Utilize AI tools and platforms for research enhancement. Engage in online learning and discussions to develop skills. Enhance clarity with visual aids in your statement. Network with professionals, especially on LinkedIn. Showcase real-world applications of your research. Emphasize the iterative nature of the research process. Address ethical considerations and diversity in your research. Think about the long-term impact of your work.

Narrow down your topic

After reviewing the literature, you need to narrow down your topic to a specific and manageable focus. A broad or vague topic can make it difficult to write a research gap statement online. To narrow down your topic, you can use online tools such as mind maps, keywords, or research questions. These tools can help you clarify your purpose, scope, and angle of your online research project.

  • Simon Mwakitabu PhD Candidate, ALSTOM Transport Group | Ecole Centrale Lyon [LTDS]. One thing, or could be two that I have found helpful in narrowing down your topic is to first create a problem. That's all. When you start reading the literature behind for similar works done to solve a similar problem but not your problem, you will find along the way WHAT ABOUT's, WHY's and WHY NOT's. And there you have got a gap, think about it.

Write your research gap statement

Once you have a clear and focused topic, you can write your research gap statement online. A research gap statement usually consists of three parts: the background, the gap, and the significance. The background provides some context and background information on your topic. The gap identifies what is missing or unclear in the literature and what you want to investigate. The significance explains why your research is important and how it will contribute to the knowledge or practice in your field. Here is an example of a research gap statement:

Although many studies have examined the effects of social media on mental health, there is a lack of research on how different types of social media platforms influence different aspects of well-being. This research gap limits our understanding of how social media users can optimize their online experiences and cope with potential risks. Therefore, this study aims to explore how Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter affect the self-esteem, mood, and stress levels of college students.

  • It is important to remember that finding a gap is not enough reason to support your research. You must identify the gap and justify why a need exists to fill the gap. Justifying the need for your research is a critical step that is often overlooked or underdeveloped. Take the time to include justifications in the background and in the significance.

Revise and refine your research gap statement

After writing your research gap statement online, you need to revise and refine it to make sure it is clear, concise, and coherent. You can use online tools such as grammar checkers, word counters, or readability analyzers to help you improve your writing. You can also ask for feedback from your peers, instructors, or online tutors to get a different perspective and suggestions. Make sure your research gap statement aligns with your research objectives, questions, and methods.

  • Namrata Nagar Bilingual writer, translator, storyteller | I dance to experience and showcase soulful stories beyond digital screen on Stage | I am a digital literacy coach to Baby Boomers and Gen X in Rochester When you write your research gap statement, think of your research conclusions or results. The gap you are mentioning in the beginning will be filled to an extent by your research that you will write as conclusion, discussion, and/or results.
  • Nicole Wardell English Language Arts Teacher A research gap statement is usually included as part or section of a larger essay, called a literature review. This section is generally included toward the end of a literature review after reviewing the existing research on a topic.
  • Julio Menochelli Educational Strategy and Innovation Senior Consultant A research gap statement is a vital part of a literature review, typically found towards the end. It serves several key functions: Identifying Shortcomings; Defining Research Goals; Advancing Knowledge; Strengthening Significance: Informing Research Design; Encouraging Critical Thinking and Guiding the Audience. The inclusion of a research gap statement within the literature review is indispensable for the research process. It serves as a critical tool for identifying deficiencies in existing knowledge, guiding the direction of the study, and justifying its significance. Addressing these gaps not only contributes to the advancement of knowledge but also ensures that research is purposeful, and relevant to the broader academic community.

Janet A. Thompson, PhD

Scientist | Medical Writer | Skilled in scientific & medical writing, public presentation. Expertise in lung & metabolic disease, mixed exposures, n vivo & in vitro models.

The gap statement is like a bridge connecting what is know about a topic and what is unknown. “There exists a knowledge gap in our understanding of ….” Is an example of such a statement.

How do you write a research gap in a literature review?

A research gap statement usually consists of three parts: the background, the gap, and the significance. The background provides some context and background information on your topic. The gap identifies what is missing or unclear in the literature and what you want to investigate.

What is a research gap example?

These are gaps in knowledge or understanding of a subject, where more research is needed to fill the gaps. For example, there may be a lack of understanding of the mechanisms behind a particular disease or how a specific technology works.

What are the 7 gaps in research?

It consists of seven core research gaps: [a] Evidence Gap; [b] Knowledge Gap; [c] Practical-Knowledge Conflict Gap; [d] Methodological Gap; [e] Empirical Gap; and [f] Theoretical Gap; [g] Population Gap.

How do you write a gap analysis in a research paper?

How to Do: A 5-step gap analysis template with an example.

Step 1: Identify the area to focus on- You need to know where to focus. ... .

Step 2: Identify what goals you want to achieve- ... .

Step 3: Know your current state- ... .

Step 4: Determine where you want to be in the future- ... .

Step 5: Understand the gaps between the two states-.

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