pre teen là gì - Nghĩa của từ pre teen

pre teen có nghĩa là

anyone between the ages of 10-12, maybe 13

usually rather stuck up, shops at limited 2 and listens to GC and yellocard, usher, beyonce, and such.

wicked annoying


That pre-teen is getting on my nerves

pre teen có nghĩa là

a youth between the ages 10 and 12. has no taste in music or fashion other than the things he or she sees on popular television. pre pubescent little fucks that have voices that crack and undeveloped cleavage.


some guy: oh well then billy, why don't you tell me why you like chris brown so much?

pre-teen: definitely the lyrics.

pre teen có nghĩa là

Loud and whiney, usually found roaming around the mall trying to be 'grown up' while shopping at Limited 2. Idolize Hillary Duff and Hannah Montana. Demand respect and attention at all times. Most have not started puberty yet, but walk around in tight jeans and mini skirts with no hips or tits and crappy, trendy haircuts.


"what a pre teen. She wants expensive 'big girl' stuff like high heeled shoes, make up and clothes, but still secretly watches Nickelodeon. Grow up"

pre teen có nghĩa là

A person between the ages of 11-13. The girls are stereotyped to be slutty, wannabe, asshole's who smear glitter on their face and wear aeropostale in order to be "cool." They also are said to faint at the mention of anything Disney related and masterbate to pictures of Justin Bieber. Yes I am a 12 year old girl. I take no shame to my age, but I am offended when I hear things like this.
I hate glitter, I think it's tacky. I also hate aeropostale, I don't like it because, well it's just not my style. I think Disney Channel is dumb, and I don't find Justin Bieber attractive and I don't like his music. Yes I have friends that act like this, but that doesn't mean all of us do.


Ignorant judgemental person- "Ewwwww she's a Pre-teen she must be stupid and masturbate to photo's of Justin Bieber!Hahahahahaha." Person with sense- "Maybe she's not like that, get to know someone before you judge. She could be a perfectly normal human being." Ignorant person- "Yea right."

pre teen có nghĩa là

A person that is misunderstood for a preppy little cheerleader who secretly loves disney channel. I'm a pre- teen, totally mellow and love Green Day, Nirvana, and skateboarding. So?! I wear lip gloss, my younger friend wears eye liner. By the way, we could spend over 2 hours trashing Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, etc... I am not a abercombie and fitch shopper, I am not what you think I am! I'm told by many people I have the independence, look of a teen. Someone who I walked pass was like: "She looks likes she's actually 17 except height and puberty stuff." [Not exact words, that's be weird].


Teenager: Look at that little pre teen listening to her Selena Gomez on her fancy little iPod her parents had to buy. *12 year old listening to Come as You Are, worrying about all the money she wasted buying her iPod that took 3 years to pay for, walks down the street* 16 year old: Look wearing lip gloss, but probably worships Miley Cyrus *12 year old goes on her phone to her blog trashing disney channel celebs* Normal Person: Look at that awesome maturity, and teenager personality she has.
Normal Person's Friend: I know right?!

pre teen có nghĩa là

Loud and whiney, usually found roaming around the mall trying to be 'grown up' while shopping at Limited 2. Idolize Hillary Fluff and Hannah Montana. Demand respect and attention at all times. Most have not started puberty yet, but walk around in tight jeans and mini skirts with no hips or tits and crappy, trendy haircuts.


"what a pre teen. She wants expensive 'big girl' stuff like high heeled shoes, make up and clothes, but still secretly watches Nickelodeon. what a tool"

pre teen có nghĩa là

A young girl under the age of 13 [that does not include 13 yr olds your a teenager if your 13]
some may be mature while others are still acting like they're a child. Some are very mature.
They start wearing makeup, carrying purses with lip gloss, acting older,being more polite, and kinda cooler around these ages.
they sometimes get electronics.
If you are confused of the exact ages of titles like preteen and teen and child and baby and infant and toddler. {LIST!!!}
Infant=under 1
Young adult=18-19


Im the 5th one on there^
Yay but i am a girl'
I havr to write the word pre teen so there i did it

pre teen có nghĩa là

A young white male, usually around middle school, Who exhibits traits usually known only to the common street negro such as a limp penguin walk and a lack of desire to work.. They can be identified by their abnormally huge clothes and baseball hats. while to the common eye this can be observed as "gay" this is actually forward thinking on their parents part who buy them clothes that they will eventually grow into and wear for years. If you feel like telling a PTG off just wait a few years as they will bag your groceries in the near future.


Guy 1: Yo, I saw some pre-teen gangsters at the mall today.
Guy 2: Ha!
Guy 1: That's what I said. It made them cry.

pre teen có nghĩa là

One in the age of range of 10-12 between Childhood and Teenage years, they have for the most part shed their childness but have not fully converted into teens, many teens generally dislike pre-teens because they say they are B-tech teenage wannabes but that is wrong tbh, if these individuals wanna listen to "teenage" music or wear "teenage" clothes then they can do that, however the opposite is also bad, being to childish ,youngens will probably like their pre-teen child playmate but other pre-teens sure a HELLL won't think the same,the 'child' will not fit and face some teasing, so being pre-teen is kinda hard, you either gotta act like a teen and be disliked by the actual teens or a child and be disliked by your own age, you can't act the best of both cos with age it dont work like that.


Teenage gieser: "Those Pre-teen plebs, teenage wannabes!!"
Other teenager gieser: "Boy!!! They aint wannabes, they just share common interests!!!"

pre teen có nghĩa là

Kids who very commonly think they’re #cOoLtEeNz! I personally am not like this, but the majority are. I guess I’m “not like other girls“. I’m gonna go be redditor bait now.


“Look at those pre-teens! Just idiots who think they’re too old to trick-or-treat!“

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