Play your cards close to your chest là gì năm 2024

We're all curious about what the boss has been discussing in those meetings with the lawyers, but she's playing her cards close to her chest. Sorry for not being more straightforward about my plans, but I'm playing my cards close to my chest for the time being.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

play one's cards close to one's chest

and play one's cards close to one's vest; keep one's cards close to one's chest; keep one's cards close to one's vest

Fig. to keep to oneself or be very cautious in one's dealing with people. (As if one were playing cards and not permitting anyone to see any of the cards.) He is very cautious. He plays his cards close to his chest. You seem to be playing your cards close to your vest.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

play one's cards close to one's chest, to

To be secretive. The analogy to holding one’s hand so that no one can see what cards are in it has been used since the mid-twentieth century. Agatha Christie had it in The Pale Horse (1961): “I couldn’t afford to give hints. You have to play these things close to your chest.”

Chia động từ và tra cứu với chuyên mục của Chuyên mục này bao gồm cả các cách chia động từ bất qui tắc. Chia động từ

Cụm từ & Mẫu câu Chuyên mục Cụm từ & Mẫu câu Những câu nói thông dụng trong tiếng Việt dịch sang 28 ngôn ngữ khác. Cụm từ & Mẫu câu

Treo Cổ Treo Cổ Bạn muốn nghỉ giải lao bằng một trò chơi? Hay bạn muốn học thêm từ mới? Sao không gộp chung cả hai nhỉ! Chơi

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We're all curious about what the boss has been discussing in those meetings with the lawyers, but she's playing her cards close to her chest. Sorry for not being more straightforward about my plans, but I'm playing my cards close to my chest for the time being.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

play your cards close to your chest

mainly BRITISH or

play your cards close to the vest


If you play your cards close to your chest, you do not tell anyone about your plans or thoughts. Williams is playing his cards close to his chest, especially in terms of his driver line-up for next season. He plays his cards very close to the vest, leaving some attorneys with whom he's worked to describe him as secretive and manipulative. Note: You can also say that someone keeps their cards close to their chest or keeps their cards close to the vest. The Prime Minister was said yesterday to be keeping his cards close to his chest after an informal discussion at cabinet on Thursday. Note: Other nouns are sometimes used instead of cards. Taylor kept his thoughts close to his chest, saying only: `I'm not prepared to comment.' I have no inside information — Dave's playing this one close to his chest. The military's playing this whole operation pretty close to the vest — they generally don't like to talk about future operations.

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishplay your cards close to your chestplay your cards close to your chestto keep secret what you are doing in a situation → playExamples from the Corpusplay your cards close to your chest• Roslin, known for playing his cards close to his vest, declined to comment.