numba là gì - Nghĩa của từ numba

numba có nghĩa là

The word is a easier and quicker way to pronounce the word number beats my why the r is unpronouncable ?? vả

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numba có nghĩa là

1. A person [Baby, Brian, B., Bubble] who "hits the club every night drunk drinking that crissy." One who puts dubs on their cars. One with "diamonds in their fucking teeth." "One who be hitting they daughters and likes to get their dick sucked fast and play with rookies." "They also like to fuck these bitches in the ass while their homie beats up the pussy." And they also buy platinum football fields. 2. Wah wa wah wah

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numba có nghĩa là

1. A person [Baby, Brian, B., Bubble] who "hits the club every night drunk drinking that crissy." One who puts dubs on their cars. One with "diamonds in their fucking teeth." "One who be hitting they daughters and likes to get their dick sucked fast and play with rookies." "They also like to fuck these bitches in the ass while their homie beats up the pussy." And they also buy platinum football fields.

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1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,etc. 1. A person [Baby, Brian, B., Bubble] who "hits the club every night drunk drinking that crissy." One who puts dubs on their cars. One with "diamonds in their fucking teeth." "One who be hitting they daughters and likes to get their dick sucked fast and play with rookies." "They also like to fuck these bitches in the ass while their homie beats up the pussy." And they also buy platinum football fields. 2. Wah wa wah wah Ah shit bitch, it be that Numba One Stunna, he's all platinum and shit and hittin' our bitches.

numba có nghĩa là

A man that takes a woman's breath away, effectively leaving her stunned in his presence. There can only be one in a lifetime [hence, the #1.] Some women may never find thier numba one stunna, but the ones that do find not want to let him go. Adrienne: "Joy, I saw his picture after all these years and I ain't playin...the air got sucked right outta my lungs! I for real think my heart stopped when I saw him."

Joy: "Are you still in love with him after all these years?"

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numba có nghĩa là

1. A person [Baby, Brian, B., Bubble] who "hits the club every night drunk drinking that crissy." One who puts dubs on their cars. One with "diamonds in their fucking teeth." "One who be hitting they daughters and likes to get their dick sucked fast and play with rookies." "They also like to fuck these bitches in the ass while their homie beats up the pussy." And they also buy platinum football fields.

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Arnab stop doing numba 7!!!

numba có nghĩa là

2. Wah wa wah wah

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Ah shit bitch, it be that Numba One Stunna, he's all platinum and shit and hittin' our bitches. A man that takes a woman's breath away, effectively leaving her stunned in his presence. There can only be one in a lifetime [hence, the #1.] Some women may never find thier numba one stunna, but the ones that do find not want to let him go. Adrienne: "Joy, I saw his picture after all these years and I ain't playin...the air got sucked right outta my lungs! I for real think my heart stopped when I saw him."

Joy: "Are you still in love with him after all these years?"

numba có nghĩa là

Adrienne: "Girl please. What do you think? He's my numba one stunna!"

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A grilled chicken breast sandwhich, topped with bacon, munster cheese, lettuce, tomato, and honey mustard.

numba có nghĩa là

The only thing one should order at Clyde's Restaurant in Washington, DC, located in Georgetown.

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One can only order this dish by shouting it at the top of their lungs, so that the kitchen staff in the back can hear you. "I'll have the soup for an appetizer and for the main course I will have the CHICKEN NUMBA WON"!!!!!!!!!!

numba có nghĩa là

Student Arnab Smurfy watches PORN and gets NAKED

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Arnab stop doing numba 7!!!

numba có nghĩa là

used to dismiss unknown chinese people calling you while in china.

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-phone rings-

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