nova scotia là gì - Nghĩa của từ nova scotia

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Greatest & most beautiful province in Canada. No people, we all had to go to Boston to find work, but the most breath-taking scenery in the world. Too bad we're continually screwed over by a**hole politicians in Ottawa, and powerful interests in western Canada who sh*t on us. Nova Scotia (and NB & PEI) are even more isolated from the rest of Canada by those crying limp-wristed pussy frogs in Queerbec who won't stop whining, so pretty soon we'll have to join the U.S. and become the 7th New England state. They do more for us than the rest of Canada anyway. Hell, we're already part of Red Sox Nation. We'll NEVER be fans of the Blow-Jays or the not so dearly departed Expos. Nova Scotia rocks, the rest of Canada can kiss our asses.


How can you tell the difference between someone from Nova Scotia and someone from Quebec?

The person from NS will wave and say "Hello". The person from Quebec will flip you off and say something rude in french, but then run away in terror like the pussies they are if you confront them.

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Best fucking province in Canada!!


NS is the fucking bomb man ! So much better then any of them other places up there !

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Atlantic Province of Canada. Collection of farmland, beaches, forests and towns around Halifax.


It's about 2-3 hours to Halifax once you get to Nova Scotia.

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Nova Scotia is an Eastern Canadian province. It boasts some the most beautiful scenery in all of Canada. Nova Scotia is the place to go if you want to experience nature, an abundance of wildlife and a place that has not been tainted by the "big city" mentality that so much of our world seems to have these days. Don't listen to these other obviously mean-spirited individuals on this site, Nova Scotian's are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet and they welcome visitors with open arms. Nova Scotia is also known for its fishing communities, quality restaurants, and thriving nightlife. If you do your research and plan your trip well you will have the time of your life in Nova Scotia and I guarantee you, you will not want to leave.
The comment about elderly people visiting Nova Scotia is true but it is not because Nova Scotia is not worth is because they know from experience and wisdom what alot of people do not, Nova Scotia is a true gem...and that is that.


Nova Scotia, Canada Part of the Maritimes and the Atlantic Provinces

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Nova Scotians love children and pets, but have no time for adults, particularly those who "come from away". If you weren't born or raised in the province, there's no place for you. No jobs to speak of, unless you're willing to work for such miserable pay and conditions, not even a Nova Scotian would consider it. Employers rarely return phone calls and people with decent jobs cling to them with a fierce tenacity.
In short, it's a great place to live if you're rich or self-sufficient. Otherwise, look elsewhere.


"Hello, I just moved to Nova Scotia and I'm looking for.... Hello? Hello? Yes, is this Human Resources? Excuse me, but did you say that the person who does the hiring is on paid leave for two years? And the vacancy has been filled by her cousin? Is there someone else who... Hello?"

nova scotia có nghĩa là

canada's vacationland. unfortunately, most people forget about it, except when they want to get away from citylife in toronto or ottawa. beautiful coastline, amazing scenery. province is in bad shape financial though. home of three great things that start with s- seafood, sloan, and sidney crosby.


I add amazing scallops while listening to Sloan and watching Sidney Crosby on TV while in Nova Scotia.

nova scotia có nghĩa là

The place where fun comes to die. There is nothing to do unless you enjoy looking at rocks, deer and the whale. During the winter the fun is not only dead but frozen and buried under five feet of snow. At which time there is even less to do seeing as the rocks are covered by snow the deer are hibernating and the whale is frozen under the ice.


Guy 1: "Man! I thought this place was boring in the summer!"
Guy 2: "Well, welcome to nova scotia, the place where fun comes to die."

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Bridgewater, also known as B-Dubb (which originates from the first letters of the words Bridge and Water, B W, which was eventually shortened to simply B-Dubb) is a town on the South Shore of Nova Scotia with a current population of about 7600. The town's main industry is a Michelin tire plant. If this closes, we're fucked. It also has a huge population of bullies and wiggers, as well as a completely ineffective school system. Basically, it is a shit hole of the first order. However, there is an up and coming music scene in the area, as well as a movie theater, which was built in 2004. Many new and innovative businesses are also moving into the area, some of which survive and others do not.
Bridgewater is routinely made fum of by people living in Halifax, and, in turn, residents of Bridgewater make fun of those living in Liverpool. So it could be said that shit runs down the shore.


Bridgewater, Nova Scotia area resident: Let's bang
Haligonian: Eww, no! You're from Bridgewater!

(This is based on a real conversation which happened over msn)

nova scotia có nghĩa là

When you're fucking someone from behind and they seem to be losing interest, pop your finger in your asshole and fish hook 'em in the mouth with it.


"I was really going to town on Martha's hindquarters and suddenly she struck me as corpse-like, I assumed I'd broken her spine and literally fucked her to death, but I had to give her an old fashioned Nova Scotia just to make sure. The good news is she'd simply fallen asleep, the bad news is she bit my finger off."

nova scotia có nghĩa là

Place were 99 % jealous,insecure people live


Why do you pull a Nova Scotia on me?