Lỗi If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures
The model folder is read-only
To open this model
Change the properties of the model folder
Check that you have permission to write and the model folder is not read-only
Model folder is read only
read only
permission to write
model opening
Recent tab
Not environment-specific


What may be the reason if we get the below message when we are trying to open the model from the "Recent" tab?


The model folder is read-only. To open this model,
Change the properties of the model folder.
Check that you have permission to write
and the model folder is not read-only


There a two possible reasons:

a] Someone might havemoved the selected model from previous location to new location
b] Someone might havedeleted the selected model

You can check the date the model was created & modified on the File menu >Recent.If the model was moved or deleted the date will be shown as01-01-0001.

In TS 2018 & 2018i, you can right click on a Recent list item and select either Remove from list or Clear All.

From TS 2019 onwards, you can simply right click on a Recent list item and select either Clear invalid entriesor Clear All.

With older versions, you can clean the recently opened models list of unavailable files by following these steps:

1. Close Tekla Structures
2. Go to %localappdata%\Trimble\TeklaStructures\\UI . Replace with the TS version you are using.
3. Delete the file Recent.xml
4. Start Tekla Structures and the Recent modelslist on the File menu should now be empty.

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