Lỗi failed to open device eth3 trong nmap năm 2024

I'm getting errors when running Nmap in Vista with multiple virtual adapters. It worked fine until I installed VMWare and Andlinux. Now, I get this error when attempting a scan:

Starting Nmap 4.60 dnet: Failed to open device eth4 QUITTING!

I then specified my eth0 adapter. nmap -e eth0 x.x.x.x

Starting Nmap 4.60 Time NmapArpCache[] can only take IPv4 addresses. Sorry QUITTING!

I then disabled all my interfaces except the ethernet and ran nmap:

Starting Nmap 4.60 Time dnet: Failed to open device eth3 QUITTING!

Any suggestions? Thanks.


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I'm getting errors when running Nmap in Vista with multiple virtual adapters. It worked fine until I installed VMWare and Andlinux. Now, I get this error Starting Nmap 4.60 dnet: Failed to open device eth4 QUITTING! I then specified my eth0 adapter. nmap -e eth0 x.x.x.x Starting Nmap 4.60 Time NmapArpCache[] can only take IPv4 addresses. Sorry QUITTING! I then disabled all my interfaces except the ethernet Starting Nmap 4.60 Time dnet: Failed to open device eth3 QUITTING! Any suggestions? Thanks.

Hi William. Please send the output of running nmap --iflist WinDump -D You can get the WinDump program from //www.winpcap.org/windump/install/.

Make sure you are running Nmap in an elevated command prompt.

Also please try it with the official WinPcap 4.0.2 installer, available at //www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm. Remove the Nmap winpcap from "Add or Remove Programs" first, then run the installer.

David Fifield

I was sitting at a co-working space and I wanted to get my VM on the local network. However, I wasn’t sure what IPs were available on the network, so I wanted to make sure which ip’s were available, or at least not being used at this present time. I went to use my ol’ trust Nmap program to scan the network and got this error

dnet: Failed to open device eth0

Root Problem

My Npcap was out of date.


If you are using Win 10, make sure to download the latest version of Nmap and Npcap. Should be good after that. I ran mine via Powershell.

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This is a brand new replacement to WinPcap, so it's in heavy development still working out the rough edges.

I got it to work with the latest version, but I had trouble using the version included [0.9982 as in original issue description]

With using a "WireGuard tunnel TAP adapter" it refused to give me anything but Failed to open eth0 even if I restarted net stop npcap and net start npcap, so there seems to be an incompatability between the Wireguard TUN adapter and npcap or general VPN TUN adapters maybe?

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