Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024

La pasión de Susan Santos por la música la llevó a aprender a tocar la guitarra y a cantar de una manera autodidacta. Con el paso del tiempo, dio un paso más y se atrevió con la composición, con lo que comenzó a gestarse su particular estilo y carácter musical.

Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024
Esta extremeña reivindica la música blues en cuerpo y alma y lo demuestra disco tras disco, actuación tras actuación. Su último disco se vale de los rudimentos más primitivos del género, bellas y apasionadas composiciones esculpidas a golpe de ritmos volcánicos y guitarras bien cargadas de su carácter.

Después de formar parte de varias bandas y haber grabado dos discos con una de ellas, en 2009 se traslata a Madrid a luchar por su sueño y comenzar un nuevo proyecto que llevaría su nombre; “Susan Santos".

Al año siguiente grabó su primer trabajo como formación “Take me home” (Grasa Records, 2010) y en su música podemos encontrar influencias de Blues, Rock y Pop.

Al lanzamiento de este disco le siguió una gira por salas, clubs y festivales de renombre, compartiendo escenario con Joe Bonamassa, Jimmie Vaughan, The Fabolous, Thunderbirds, Joe, Buddy Whittington y Louis Walker entre otros.

En ese mismo año, un viaje a Chicago le lleva a tocar en clubs como Rosa’s Lounge, Kingston Mines, Buddy Guy Legends, B.L.U.E.S. En este viaje toca con Sugar Blue (armonicista de The Rolling Stones) y Bluesman de gran renombre en Estados Unidos.

Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024

En abril de 2011 comenzó su gira por Europa y, entre otros, abrieron el festival Bluesroute de Masstricht (Holanda), Festival BluesCazorla (2010) y el Rock Blues Gellen (Suiza).

Ese mismo año vería la luz su segundo trabajo, “Shuffle Woman” (Peer Music). A partir de aquí se dedica a actuar y a grabar en el estudio. Realiza colaboraciones como guitarrista y corista para diferentes artistas, tanto en directo como en estudio.

Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024
Interviene en varios programas de televisión como “Mucho que ganar” de la Sexta y “La mañana de la 1” de Televisión Española durante 2 años. Y actualmente participa como guitarrista en el espectáculo teatral “The Hole 2” en el Teatro La Latina de Madrid.

En este año, 2014 lanza su nuevo disco “Electric Love” (Paella Records). Un disco de Blues eléctrico muy fiel a sus principios musicales. Once canciones que cantan al pasado y al futuro con mucha emoción. Una voz a veces dulce que se torna otras en rasgada, se hace escuchar sobre una base de guitarras, que te trasladan por un elegante Rock-Blues a tiempos añorados o soñados. Con “Electric Love”, Susan continúa haciéndose un hueco dentro de la escena del Blues-Rock contemporáneo europeo.

Debutó en 2010 con un primer disco llamado Take me home (Grasa Records). En 2012 volvió a la carga con Shuffle woman (Peer Music). 2014 parece ser el año de Susan Santos gracias a la publicación de Electric love (Paella Records), un álbum lleno de electricidad y de blues-rock-pop.

Electric Love da título al álbum y que ha dirigido David Souza. Muestra en sus once canciones viajes al pasado y futuro. Un trabajo hilvanado con emociones. Os presentamos su primer single, tema que da título al álbum.

Su nuevo disco ya está disponible también en las plataformas Spotify, ,iTunes y Amazon. La presentación oficial será en la sala “El Sol” de Madrid, el 17 de Marzo a las 22:00 Horas.

No dejes pasar la oportunidad de verla en el escenario, donde se funden su voz, su elegante estilo tocando la guitarra y su agresiva puesta en escena.

Para más información:

Web: www.susansantos.info Twitter: @susansantos_ Facebook: www.facebook.com/susansantosband Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/susansantosmusic Instagram: instagram.com/susan_santos

I want to bring my 1001bits Pro from Sketchup v8 free over to my Sketchup2014 Pro installation. I get a crash every time. I think I'm just doing something wrong. I uninstalled from v8 and copied the plugin files along with my Prokey file I downloaded to my 2014 plugins directory in windows XP. I cannot get it to work. I get a "syntax error" and within the message is "Invalid Break". Is there anything I should be aware of concerning 1001 and SU2014? I tried looking for it through the plugin store but do not see the pro version. Any help is appreciated.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. I went to the official site and downloaded from the link to the rbz file. It came in as a regular zip file so I just renamed the extension to rbz and was able to install and put my key in. It works now.

I left the original post in case anyone else ran into this issue.

  • I tried to use the latest update. But the plugin (1001bit_freeware_v1.0.3_v1.0.5) did not work. I had to go back the the previous version (1.0.2), which of course works fine. I get the following error on clicking on the 'Wall' on the Ruby console: Plugins/1001bit_freeware/wall1.rb looking for E:/Common Plugins/1001bit_freeware/wall1.rbs loading E:/Common Plugins/1001bit_freeware/wall1.rbs Error: # (eval):256:in `gh_mnu_wall1' (eval):798:in `load' (eval):798:in `call' In the zip (rbz) file I could see two copies of 1001bit_freeware.rb. One needs to reside in the main plugin folder and one more in the <1001bit_freeware> folder inside the plugin folder. The error on the console remains the same irrespective of whether the 'extra' copy is kept in the <1001bit_freeware> folder or not. What am I doing wrong... PS: I use Sketchup version 7 and 8 (both free). Thanks..
  • Has anyone been having problems with 1001 on SU2013? Plugin loads fine when SU is started but when you click on any of the icons or try to start a command from the drop down menu, nothing happens. However, everything works fine on SU2014. Any ideas?
  • Just use 2014, there are less bugs inside!
    Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024
  • @unknownuser said:
    Just use 2014, there are less bugs inside!
    Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024

    If I was in charge of our IT dept I would

    Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024
    However, most of the office is still on 2013 with no word on when everyone will switch to 2014. So that's why i'd like to figure out the problem that 1001bit is having with SU2013.

    Do you get any messages in the Ruby console when click on a tool?

    Whatever are security settings for the Plugins folder?

    @dave r said: Do you get any messages in the Ruby console when click on a tool?
Whatever are security settings for the Plugins folder? This is the text I'm getting in SU2013. @unknownuser said: looking for F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/staircase2.rb looking for F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/staircase2.rbs loading F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/staircase2.rbs Error: # (eval):285:in gh_mnu_staircase2' (eval):960:in `load'

This is the text I'm getting in SU2014. @unknownuser said: looking for F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/wframe.rb looking for F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/wframe.rbs loading F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/wframe.rbs inside read no language file. F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/language/wframe.txt default size Security permissions are given to all users as the plugins are on a network drive.

  • The v2014 error says, " ...no language file. F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/language/wframe.txt..."

    This suggests that a file or subfolder/file is missing ? The v2013 error suggests that Constant is not being set up. If you copy/paste+ these [in turn] into the Ruby Console what do you get ?

    GCH_1001bit_loader GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free::GCH_1001bit_tools:: GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free::GCH_1001bit_tools::GCH_1001bit_staircase2` @tig said: The v2014 error says, " ...no language file. F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/language/wframe.txt..." This suggests that a file or subfolder/file is missing ?

The v2013 error suggests that Constant is not being set up. If you copy/paste+ these [in turn] into the Ruby Console what do you get ?

GCH_1001bit_loader GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free::GCH_1001bit_tools:: GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free::GCH_1001bit_tools::GCH_1001bit_staircase2

For 2014, I did a bit more digging around and found that there is no "language" folder. I've downloaded the plugin from both the 1001bit site and the extension warehouse. Both .rbz files have the same contents except for one thing. The .rbz from the warehouse has this "extension_info.txt" file which has this inside: ID=e5b1211a-8d1a-4813-bdc3-b321e5477d7b VERSION_ID=fbd307e2-d0f0-4880-9568-80d2032f0ffe For 2013, I did what you asked and got this: @unknownuser said: GCH_1001bit_loader GCH_1001bit_loader GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free::GCH_1001bit_tools:: Error: # (eval):285 GCH_1001bit_loader::GCH_1001bit_load::GCH_1001bit_free::GCH_1001bit_tools::GCH_1001bit_staircase2 Error: # (eval):285

Try making a folder with an empty file - F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/language/wframe.txt

Does that still give the error messages...

Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024
None comes with the RBZ, so presumably the scripts make it ? Have you tried removing the whole toolset, including its subfolders, then reinstalling from the RBZ... perhaps you have a rogue extra file, or missing file ??

@tig said: Try making a folder with an empty file - F:/03-Tools/Software/SketchUp/PLUGIN LIBRARY/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/language/wframe.txt

Does that still give the error messages...

Lỗi 1001bit set up error cannot find loader năm 2024
None comes with the RBZ, so presumably the scripts make it ?

Have you tried removing the whole toolset, including its subfolders, then reinstalling from the RBZ... perhaps you have a rogue extra file, or missing file ?? Made a blank wfram.txt file. Just says that it's "finished reading language file". But then again, I never had a problem in loading the piugin in 2014. So i'm not too worried about this. In 2013, I've deleted and installed the .RBZ twice. One from the 1001bit site and once from the SU warehouse. Didn't work on both occasions. But reading the comments it seems there a lot of people having the same problem as I am.

Any solution yet for smuncky issue? I am in the same boat where toolbar is loaded but no functionality.

Any help would be welcomed!


I've been using this plugin for a while and encountered a bug where it says somewhat like this " Group located too deep,... use align tool" window, and when I've try closing the window, it pop back up again... repeatedly. I have to force close the sketchup window, and reopen it. Anyone encountered a similar error?

I haven't used all the tools in 2015 but it's working... I think his is autokey by email isn't it? You might email him from here. It's Goh isn't it? Anyone know the status of 1001bit Tools support? I need to reload in v. 2015 and can't find my Pro key. I am getting no response from the website. Does the plugin even work in v. 2015? Having same issues on the 1001 bit freeware.

Nothing seems to happen here is wat the Ruby console has to say "looking for C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/managetoolbar.rb looking for C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/managetoolbar.rbs loading C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/managetoolbar.rbs Error: # (eval):140:in `gh_mnu_managetoolbar' (eval):407:in `load' (eval):280:in `call' (eval):280 looking for C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/staircase4.rb looking for C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/staircase4.rbs loading C:/Program Files (x86)/SketchUp/SketchUp 2013/Plugins/1001bit_freeware/staircase4.rbs Error: # (eval):295:in `gh_mnu_staircase4' (eval):1008:in `gh_mnu_staircase2' (eval):960:in `0call' (eval):140" alltough I installed it trough the correct way. never had troubles before with plugins... no idea what's happening. help is appreciated thx cboy

would it be possible to have the rectangular grille tool generate the geometry inside the group that's being edited?

it always jumps to outside of the group and having me to cut and paste back in.

I'm trying to download 2.2 from official download page and I keep getting a page full of strange characters. Any ideas?

Nevermind. I used Chrome browser and it worked. Firefox have a problem with this.

  • hi, this is a great plugin! sometimes some tools dont work in the way I want to, but I can handle it mostly. But i got major problem with tool convert selected edges to profiles. it simply doesnt work. when i click icon, nothing happens. no window, no error. and its the same on two computers Im using (win7 pro 64x). any ideas?