liquidate là gì - Nghĩa của từ liquidate

liquidate có nghĩa là

1] money in the form of bills or coins; tiền tệ; tiền mặt

2] of or obtained by means of bills or coins, or cash

Note that plasticity is to the credit card as liquidity is to cash.

Ví dụ

"I'm outta liquid, but I still gots the plastic to cover our meal."

"The electric bill's due, but all I've got is liquid!"

liquidate có nghĩa là

LSD in its purist and in liquid form

Ví dụ

liquidate có nghĩa là

"I'm outta liquid, but I still gots the plastic to cover our meal."

Ví dụ

"I'm outta liquid, but I still gots the plastic to cover our meal."

liquidate có nghĩa là

Something freaking cool, awesome, mind blown, amazing

Ví dụ

"I'm outta liquid, but I still gots the plastic to cover our meal."

"The electric bill's due, but all I've got is liquid!"

liquidate có nghĩa là

LSD in its purist and in liquid form Verb [American slang]: to kill another human being. After the protection money was not delivered, Capone ordered Frank Nitti to liquidate the malefactor. Something freaking cool, awesome, mind blown, amazing "hey man, this party is so liquid!!"
"check this LP, it is so liquid!"
"hey man, your girlfriend is so liquid."

Ví dụ

In the dating world to liquidate is the act of "dumping" without notice or to actively seek to not hangout with opposite members of your sex in which you previously showed or faked an interest in to start anew or "fresh"

The act of Liquidation is commonly linked to players and general whores/sluts.

The commonly Liquidated consists of but is not limited to normal run of the mill plain Jane's or Joe Shmoe's.

liquidate có nghĩa là

1.]to release assets

Ví dụ

To preform you must have a date interest that you have been seeing for about a week or two then without warning or notice when they think everything is going alright you sever all contact for your various reasons. ex: His/Her laugh is annoying, i don't like that he/she smokes, He/She talks about themselves and their issues constantly, he's/she's pretty hot and we have allot in common and he/she really seems to be interested in me but i would rather be single for no apparent reason.

liquidate có nghĩa là

"Hey man you know those 2 girls I've been seeing...Liquidated, I'm done with em!"

Ví dụ

"Yeah dude she was really cool and i can tell she is into me big time...Liquidated!"

liquidate có nghĩa là

"Yeah the first date went great, we talked and shared allot about each other i felt a connection its just to bad I'm never going to call"

Ví dụ

1.]to release assets He needed to liquidate his assets to help save the company.

liquidate có nghĩa là

The property of being wet or slippery beyond the description of common words.

Ví dụ

When I pulled my hand out of the bucket of KY it was very liquideous.

liquidate có nghĩa là

To purify ass salts into a brown murky liquid known as brine.

Ví dụ

That oil spill on the floor is too liquideous for me.

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