Làm todo list bang google sheet

I love using Google Sheets for my to-do list. It is simple and easy to use. While there are many to-do list apps, none of them are as intuitive and simple as Google Sheets. Bonus point: It is easy to sync your Google Sheets with your other G-suite apps. 

In this article, I will show you how you can build a proper Google Sheets to-do list with the least amount of effort. 

How to Create To-Do List Using Google Sheets?

1. Using the Google Sheets To-Do List Template

Google Sheets has a series of templates where all the formatting is already done. So, if you want to create a to-do list quickly, select their To-Do list template. 

  • Open your Google Drive
  • Click on the + NEW 

Create New Spreadsheet
  • Scroll down to Google Sheets
  • Click on the side arrow
  • Select From Template to use a ready-made template

Google Sheets Template
  • Scroll down to select the To-Do list template under Personal category

Google Sheets Template Library

Google Sheets has templates for all kinds of needs - invoicing, project management, to-do list, wedding planning, work, annual budget, analytics, and more. You can start with the Google Sheets Task List template. This is how the to-do list template looks like-

To-do List Template

The template is ready-to-use with all checkboxes, rows and columns. All you need to do is add your tasks and dates on it to start using it.

Google Sheets has several templates that you can customize and use. However, you can also build a to-do list on a blank sheet using all the basic features and conditional formatting.

Additional Resource: A Complete Guide to Using Google Sheets Add-ons 

2.Creating To-Do List on Google Sheets From Scratch

This is a template that you can replicate to build your to-do list. It is ideal for anyone working in a content marketing team. Make changes to this demo Google Sheets To-do List Template as per your work role and requirements as well.

Sample Template

If you look closely at the Template, there are four main columns - date, work details, work status, and additional notes. This is an ideal set up to start with. You can add additional columns like tags, time required, and team members you need to collaborate with to get that particular task done.

We recommend creating a daily task list and creating a sheet for each month separately. Also, mark weekends and holidays separately using a different color for better clarity. You can also break up your to-do list weekly or bi-weekly if that helps you. 

Best Tips to Format Your To-Do List on Google Sheets

The best part of using Google Sheets as your to-do list is the formatting options. You can format texts to indicate high priority tasks, like bold those tasks or simply write HIGH PRIORITY beside it. Format your to-do list as you wish. Below are a few ways of formatting your to-do list.

1. Freeze A Particular Row[s] or Column[s]

You can freeze a particular [or more] row[s] or column[s] so that whenever you scroll, that row or column never goes out of view. For instance, we recommend freezing the top row so that when you scroll down to see your tasks, you will know which column is for what. 

  • Select the row[s] or column[s] you want to freeze.
  • Go to View.
  • Select Freeze > 1 row or 1 column to freeze any one particular row or column. 

Google Sheets - Freeze option

To select two rows or columns, select 2 rows or 2 columns. Similarly, you can freeze two columns.

Freezing two rows/columns

To freeze more than two rows or columns, click on the cell on the row or column until which you want to freeze. Now, go to View > Freeze > Upto Current Row [x]or Upto Current Column [x]. Here we have used x. You will see the row number or column number in which you have selected the cell. Below, we will freeze until row 10.

Freezing more than two rows/columns

2. Hide One or More Row[s] or Column[s]

You can hide one or more rows or columns easily to view only what you want to. For instance, in your to-do list, if you want to permanently hide a particular task that is no longer relevant, you can do it by a simple right-click on your mouse.

  • Select the row[s] or column[s] you want to hide
  • Right-click on your mouse
  • Select the Hide option

Hide Row[s] or Column[s]

Note: This is different from Deleting a set of rows or columns. When you hide a row, it gets hidden from view but is still present in your Spreadsheet. If you are hiding row 3, you will see the row chronology as 1,2,4. But if you delete row 3, the chronology remains 1,2,3 indicating that the data in row 3 is permanently removed and the following data from row 4 until end has moved up.

3. Sharing and Collaborating On Your Google Sheets To-do List

You can share your to-do list with your team instantly by clicking on the Share option.

Share option on Google Sheets

You can choose to give access to everyone within your organization. This can be done easily if you are using your official email's drive to create your Google Sheet. For instance, we always get an option to share with everyone within Automate.io whenever any one creates a Google Sheet or drive file using their automate.io email ID.

Share within organization

You can add specific people and also specify whether that person will be:

  • Editor: One who can edit your to-do list
  • Commenter: One who can only add comments
  • Viewer: One who can just view your to-do list

When you share with a specific person or more team members, you can select the Notify people option to send an email notification telling them that you have shared your to-do list.

Share with specific people

You can also make your To-do list accessible to anyone with the link which means that anyone on the web can access your to-do list if they have the link. Ideally, we recommend to give only View access to maintain privacy.

Share with anyone on web

Once you share your to-do list, your team members or collaborators can add comments. Infact, you can also add extra notes against each task using the comment feature. To add a comment, select the cell in which you want to add a comment.

Click on the Comment icon on the top. You will see a small dialog box opening against that cell where you can now type in your comment.

Add comments in Google Sheets

Once a comment is added, a small triangle-shaped tag is visible at the top corner of that cell, indicating that a comment is added. When you hover your mouse above the cell, you will automatically see the comment.

Comments icon in cell

Once you or anyone posts a comment, you can add a reply to that comment as well. Simply click on the comment and the reply box will open below it.

To resolve a comment, click on the green tick beside a comment.

Reply and Resolve option

To ensure that your collaborators read your comment, you can also tag them in the comment by using the old-fashioned @name feature. However, to assign a comment to anyone, you need to first share the spreadsheet with that person. Ideally, when you enable sharing options for everyone within your organization, this tagging feature comes handy in mentioning your team members quickly.

Tagging in comments

Wrapping Up

That is all for now. Start using Google Sheets as your to-do list and collaborate with your teams easily to organize and manage your tasks. Google Spreadsheets is an easy to use option for your to-do list. It is clutter-free and easy to share. It may look old-school but when it serves your purpose, why not leverage it as well.

Pritha Bose

Pritha is a content marketing person working with global brands to drive organic growth and brand visibility. She writes on business & sales automation, consumer marketing, advertisement, social media marketing, et al, and has successfully contributed to G2Crowd, Martech Advisor, JeffBullas, Smart Insights, and more. Currently, Pritha is the Senior Content Marketer at Automate.io.

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