Kotlin check list for duplicates

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Idiom #119 Deduplicate list

Remove duplicates from the list x.
Explain if the original order is preserved.

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x = x.distinct[]
  • Demo
  • Doc
  • Kotlin
x = x.toSet[].toList[]
  • Demo
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[distinct x]
  • Doc
#include #include
std::sort[x.begin[], x.end[]]; auto last = std::unique[x.begin[], x.end[]]; x.erase[last, x.end[]];
  • Demo
  • Doc
#include #include #include
std::vector x = {"one", "two", "two", "one", "three"}; std::unordered_set t; for [auto e : x] t.insert[e];
  • Demo
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;
var uniques = x.Distinct[].ToList[];
import std.container; import std.array;
x = redBlackTree[x][].array;
  • Doc
import std.algorithm; import std.array;
x = x.sort.uniq.array;
  • Doc
x = x.toSet[].toList[];
  • Demo
  • Origin
  • Doc
  • Origin
S = lists:usort[X]
  • Doc
y := make[map[T]struct{}, len[x]] for _, v := range x { y[v] = struct{}{} } x2 := make[[]T, 0, len[y]] for _, v := range x { if _, ok := y[v]; ok { x2 = append[x2, v] delete[y, v] } } x = x2
  • Demo
seen := make[map[T]bool] j := 0 for _, v := range x { if !seen[v] { x[j] = v j++ seen[v] = true } } for i := j; i < len[x]; i++ { x[i] = nil } x = x[:j]
  • Demo
seen := make[map[T]bool] j := 0 for _, v := range x { if !seen[v] { x[j] = v j++ seen[v] = true } } x = x[:j]
  • Demo
  • Demo
  • Doc
import Data.List [sort]
nub $ sort x
x = Array.from[new Set[x]];
  • Demo
  • Doc
  • Origin
const seen = new Set[]; x = x.filter[ v => { if[seen.has[v]] return false; seen.add[v]; return true; }];
  • Demo
  • Doc
  • Origin
x = [...new Set[x]];
  • Demo
  • Doc
  • Origin
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.ArrayList;
x = new ArrayList[new HashSet[x]];
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set;
Set uniques = new HashSet[x]; x.clear[]; x.addAll[uniques];
import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator;
final HashSet seen = new HashSet[]; final Iterator listIt = x.iterator[]; while [listIt.hasNext[]] { final T curr = listIt.next[]; if [seen.contains[curr]] { listIt.remove[]; } else { seen.add[curr]; } }
  • Doc
[remove-duplicates x]
local seen = {} for index,item in ipairs[x] do if seen[item] then table.remove[x, index] else seen[item] = true end end
@import Foundation;
[NSSet setWithArray:x].allObjects
$x = array_unique[$x];
  • Doc
uses classes;
var x: TList; begin for i:= x.count-1 downto 0 do if x.indexOf[x.items[i]] -1 then x.delete[i]; end;
use List::MoreUtils 'uniq';
@x = uniq[@x];
  • Doc
from collections import OrderedDict
x = list[OrderedDict[zip[x, x]]]
  • Doc
x = list[set[x]]
  • Doc
x.sort[]; x.dedup[];
  • Demo
  • Doc
use itertools::Itertools;
let dedup: Vec = x.iter[].unique[].collect[];
  • Demo
  • Doc
x = x.distinct
[define [remove-duplicates l] [cond [[null? l] '[]] [[member [car l] [cdr l]] [remove-duplicates [cdr l]]] [else [cons [car l] [remove-duplicates [cdr l]]]]]] [remove-duplicates x]
  • Origin
x asSet.
x intersection: x asSet.
x = x.Distinct.ToList
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Idiom created by programming-idioms.org
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  • List to set
  • List intersection
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