Jquery autocomplete show suggestions at top of the element năm 2024

Autocomplete text fields have been a mainstay of desktop applications for a long time now. They are commonly found in programs such as Microsoft Outlook, development IDEs, and any other app where the user might benefit from having the program suggest possible values for an input field.

Jquery autocomplete show suggestions at top of the element năm 2024

It wasn’t long before autocomplete widgets for the Web began to make their way onto pages and apps all over, for instance, in Facebook’s messaging system. So much so, that choosing one to use in your own apps can be a tall order. There are dozens of jQuery-based autocomplete widgets alone. Speaking for myself, my go-to is jQuery’s own implementation: the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget. Available since jQuery UI 1.8, it’s easy to set up and provides a highly versatile set of functionality, including support for remote data sources, caching, scrollable results, categories, and more. In today’s tutorial, we’ll employ the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget to choose from a list of restaurants, fetched from the server at runtime.

The Setup

Any field that can receive input and have the contenteditable attribute can be converted into an Autocomplete, but and