Input list Python

append user input to list python code example

Example 1: get list as input

#to get integer list integer_list = list[map[int, input[].split[]]] #to get char or str list, just replace int with str str_list = list[map[str, input[].split[]]] #syntax of map[]: map[dataType, iterable [, iterable2, iterable3,...iterableN]]

Example 2: how to get user input of list in python

# number of elements n = int[input["Enter number of elements : "]] # Below line read inputs from user using map[] function a = list[map[int,input["\nEnter the numbers : "].strip[].split[]]][:n] print["\nList is - ", a]

Example 3: how to get user input of list of lists in python

lst = [ ] n = int[input["Enter number of elements : "]] for i in range[0, n]: ele = [input[], int[input[]]] lst.append[ele] print[lst]

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