In the moment nghĩa là gì

“Live In The Moment Là Gì ? Moments Nghĩa Là Gì Trong Tiếng Anh

Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ

Đang xem: In the moment là gì

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If you want a private conversation with her you”ll have to choose your moment (= find a suitable time).

Xem thêm: Chương Trình Esl Là Gì – Giải Đáp Chứng Chỉ Esl Là Gì

If you do something for the moment, you are doing it now, but might do something different in the future:
The text”s moments of incoherence and disruption produce an architecture of massive and stable blocks.
He does not, however, enjoy such power during the moments when he meets personification figures face-to-face for the first time.
Joint attention refers to those moments in which infant and caregiver are focused on the same objects or events.
During moments of acute royal weakness they tried to re-establish their influence, but as a political force they were clearly in decline.
Over and over again, in the vital moments of the play, it is stated explicitly that language has failed.
What matters in architects” writings – as in their design work – are those moments when we sense that we are overhearing a conversation.
The parameters d and n denote two moments of time relative to the time of the initial paddle movement.
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