How to turn on laptop without opening lid

How to turn on laptop without opening lid

  • Turn On Laptop Without Opening Lid How To Power On

Turn On Laptop Without Opening Lid How To Power On

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Log in sign up User account menu 17 Any ideas how to power on a laptop with the lid closed.

The problem is that I cant turn on the laptop without opening the lid.

I know that Wake on LAN is an option (although I have to keep the laptop on Standby), but since Im not the only one wholl be using it, Id prefer a way to turn it on the old fashioned way.

Ive tried looking for docks that have a power on button, but to no avail.

Has anybody done something similar or have any idea about this 35 comments share save hide report 92 Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 Comment deleted by user 7 years ago More than 2 children level 2 Original Poster 2 points 7 years ago Cool So I probably need someone with soldering skills, right Continue this thread level 1 3 points 7 years ago Remove the lid level 1 6 points 7 years ago I presume you dont want to lift the lid, touch the power button or the keyboard.

Get an old android phone (probably something for iPhone too) which will essentially become a remote switch.

Install something like WOL Wake On Lan and have a widget on the front screen for the less technically abled members of your family.

I know WOL is an option, I was just hoping that there are other possibilities.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid

If youre relying on wireless networking, this may have an effect on signal strength as antennas for the wireless card usually go through the display chassis.

A USB wifi device may be a decent option if this is a problem.

As long as the power is plugged in, the LAN port chipset should detect the magic packet, even while off level 1 4 points 7 years ago If you mean you want to stop your laptop from shutting down when you close the lid, right click the battery icon in your tray, choose power options.

Continue this thread level 2 -2 points 7 years ago Just follow jonscotchs advice, this is the proper solution.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid

It shows up on my TV and then I can put it to sleep from the start menu.

To wake it I just move the mouse or press the space bar on my keyboard.

Or have you disabled it somehow Continue this thread level 1 2 points 7 years ago Why on earth would you want to turn it off It would be much more convenient for you to sleep it and wake it with the mouse, with everything coming up just how you left it, without waiting through the boot time.

Unless you are unplugging the power adapter every time you turn it off, the energy used for sleeping is not worth even considering.

Even modern cable boxes dont turn off, they just sleep when you hit the power button.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
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How to turn on laptop without opening lid


At home I’m using my laptop in a kind of a stationary setup. It has all the peripheral devices, like a 4K display, a keyboard, a mouse etc., constantly attached to it.

This is pretty neat and looks as follows:

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
My work place.

Such a setup is also convenient since it allows you to grab and carry your laptop after disconnecting a couple of cables.

The power-on problem

And this is all great except for one small, but annoying issue. My Dell XPS 13, like many other laptop models, has its power button hidden beneath the lid.

It’s good because it prevents the device from an accidental powering on, yet on the downside, in order to turn it on, you’ll need to:

  1. Slide the laptop out of the monitor stand;
  2. Open the lid;
  3. Push the power button;
  4. Close the lid;
  5. Slide the laptop back in.

And you have to follow this routine every time you want to turn the computer on.

Possible solutions

I’ve explored the options and searched quite a few forums where people with a similar problem asked for an advice, with no luck.

There is, for instance, the Wake-on-LAN function, but in order to use it you’ll need another device capable of sending a magic packet. Too cumbersome.

The laptop’s BIOS also offers wake-by-USB support, but that would require having the USB ports constantly powered, which would deplete the battery pretty quickly once you disconnect it from the AC. Nah.

The solution

I’ve eventually managed to find an almost perfect, but also a slightly quirky, solution. Which I’m going to share with you.

The laptop’s BIOS has the Wake on AC switch. Once activated, the laptop will power on every time you connect the power adapter to AC or, alternatively, its DC cable to the laptop:

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Dell XPS 13 9343 BIOS settings.

Bingo! But pulling the AC plug from mains or, rather, the DC plug from the laptop isn’t that great an option. It may lead to a loose connection over time.

When at home, my laptop is powered by a back-up power adapter I’ve bought at AliExpress. It’s pretty cheap so I decided to experiment with it.

With the help of a soldering iron and a wire cutter I’ve inserted a flip switch from an old IKEA lamp into the adapter’s DC cable:

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Power swith on the laptop’s DC cord.

That’s about it! Now all you need to turn your laptop on is flip the switch twice. Works as a charm! ■

Page 2

It’s Friday! This ninth edition of Musicellaneous presents romantic djent played by the American band Sea in the Sky.


The first two albums of the band, their self-titled EP (2013) and Serenity (2014), were instrumental, featuring dense guitars and heavy djent riffs.

As for the latter two releases, Visions (2015) and Everything All at Once (2017), I’d say they diverge a bit from the regular repertoire of this series.

They’ve added vocals (like in solo works by Yvette Young) whereas the sound has become somewhat softer and more romantic than in the earlier works of the band: it’s half djent, half prog metal.

Unlike most other dject projects, Sea in the Sky’s vocals are clean, with no growling, and in my humble opinion they nicely complement the music.

Because of the vocals, the music reminds me of Disperse. However, Sea in the Sky’s songs are characterised by more structured rhythmic and melodic lines.


The band was formed in 2012 in Redwood City, San Francisco, California.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Photo by Sea in the Sky.
  • Johan Guerra — bass
  • Rodney Dudum — guitar
  • Cameron Stucky — guitar
  • Daniel Larsen — drums
  • Sam Kohl — vocals


Page 3

One of the tricky things in Dutch is the mapping of a noun to one of the two grammatical genders:

  • Common, which is masculine and feminine combined. Such nouns are called de-woorden because they are prepended by the de definite article.
  • Neuter, nouns of which are het-woorden as you put the het article before them.

For an English speaker this doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why are het document (document) and het paard (horse) neuter whereas de wolk (cloud) and de zon (sun) common?

There’s a number of general rules that facilitate this task, but they only apply in some specific cases. For example, all nouns wearing the diminutive -tje suffix are neuter. For the rest you’ll have to memorise that for each word.

The het-noun cheat sheet

To simplify the learning a little, I’ve made a list of most common het-nouns. You can print it out on an A3 sheet and hang it, say, in the WC.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Dutch het-noun cheat sheet.

You can download the document in PDF using the button below.

Download het-noun cheat sheet (PDF)

Page 4

It’s Friday again! This tenth edition of Musicellaneous features another unique project by a talented individual. I’m talking about the instrumental progressive metal band Andromida, which is in fact just one person: the American Ramon Gutierrez.

The band is unique because Ramon is “legally blind”, which was discovered when he was as little as three years old.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Ramon Gutierrez.

According to the band’s official page, the musician started learning violin at the age of three and guitar when he was eleven. He was supervised by a teacher when learning violin, but guitar he has completely learned himself—and, naturally, by ear.

Which is hard to believe if you watch his videos:


Nearly all tracks by Andromida are instrumental save for a couple of songs featuring guest vocalists (Crawling, Take What You Want).

The tracks’ names are all related to space, which, along with the music itself, closely reminds me of Sithu Aye and Widek. The sound is dense and heavy, featuring typical djent rhythms. It’s a remarkably quality work, so my kudos to Ramon, both as a musician and as a producer.


Andromida is also strikingly prolific. It has released as many as five albums and a dozen singles in the last three years.

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This day marks the end of the 47-year-long history of the Great Britain as a part of the European Union.

Even though it doesn’t directly affect me, I find it a bit sad. I second Boris Akunin’s opinion it’s a regress and a victory of retrogressive thinking.

Anyway, that’s now a reality, and I’m planning to drink some great European wine to it—my favourite Rioja.

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Rioja Reserva 2015 / Federico Paternina.Farewell, Great Britain!

Page 6

A new version of Sound Switcher Indicator — 2.3.0 — has just been released.

This version finally adds a frequently-requested feature: the ability of mapping global keyboard shortcuts to input and output ports.

Preferences dialog

The Preferences dialog has got a new button under Port settings, which can be used to assign or reassign a key combination for this port.

When you click it, a key selection dialog will be presented, which you can also close with Backspace to remove a shortcut or with Escape to cancel.

Here’s what it looks like:

How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Global keyboard shortcut selection in the Preference dialog of Sound Switcher Indicator.

In the case the chosen key combo is already mapped to another port, it will be cleared there and remapped to the current one.

Ubuntu support

My PPA provides packages for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic, 19.04 Disco, and 19.10 Eoan. Bug reports are welcome at the usual address.


To install or update the application, please follow the steps described in the Installation section. ■

Page 7

It’s Friday again, which means—another gulp of exotic music in the eleventh edition of Musicellaneous!

This time I’m going to sidestep the tradition of reviewing instrumental djent stuff. Our guests today are the cinematic progressive metal band (in their own words) Ostura from Lebanon.

Ostura is Arabic for legend. The band has been formed back in 2009 and, as far as I reckon, had quite a bumpy ride, changing the line-up several times.


Ostura has released two full-length albums to date.

Ashes of the Reborn

If you ask me, their debut Ashes of the Reborn (2012) wasn’t something extraordinary. I’d describe it as good old progressive power metal. What’s important though, is that it’s demonstrated the creative potential of the musicians…

The Room

… which was put to best use in their most recent release, the monumental (alright, cinematic) progressive saga The Room (2018).

I must admit the vicissitudes the band has gone through seem to have fully paid off. It’s an amazingly quality performance which I can hardly find another example of.

A few big names took part in this recording, like the drummer Thomas Lang (Peter Gabriel, Robbie Williams, Sugababes), singer Michael Mills (Ayreon), guitarists Marco Sfogli (James LaBrie, Jordan Rudess) and Ozgur Abbak, and even our Dutch prog legend Arjen Lucassen. Plus, to make this glorious picture complete, the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra!

The result proved to be mind-blowing. Every instrument, the vocals, the orchestra are placed exactly where they ought to be. You get immediately carried away by the sound and the arrangement, all the way to the end of the album.

That was my own first impression of “The Room”, and feel free to experience that yourself:

I do hope Ostura has settled now in terms of the line-up and look forward to any upcoming releases.


How to turn on laptop without opening lid
Photo by Ostura.
  • Elia Monsef — vocals
  • Danny Bou-Maroun — keyboards, orchestration
  • Youmna Jreissati — vocals
  • Alain Ibrahim — guitar
  • Alex Abi Chaker — drums
