How to deal with fake reviews

Online reviews can make or break your business. If you've got poor negative reviews, you can almost certainly say goodbye to welcoming new customers. However, if you're receiving fake online reviews, there's something you can do about it.

Related: 5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Site's Online Reviews

For starters, it's important to be able to differentiate between a fake and real review. Typically, fake reviews will have a vicious or even aggressive tone, and they'll also have general criticisms rather than specific ones. Authentic reviews usually provide specific reasons why they are writing reviews in the first place. If you click into a reviewer's profile and see other reviews they have posted including overly positive reviews for a competitor, this is a sure sign they are a phony.

The next best step to take is to report the reviewer to the website they posted on. This is one of the most critical steps to take in order to get that negative review fully removed. While you wait for the review to be removed, take action and respond to them. Respond professionally to the review, and offer a solution so other customers can see how serious you take the situation. Lastly, continue to monitor all of your reviews and respond accordingly. If you let a fake negative review slip through the cracks, it can cause major damage to your business.

Negative or fake reviews can damage your online reputation and credibility, especially if you rely on social proof and testimonials to attract and retain customers. However, you can also use them as opportunities to showcase your professionalism, empathy, and value proposition. In this article, you will learn how to respond to negative or fake reviews online and turn them into opportunities for business networking and growth.

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Acknowledge and apologize

The first step to responding to negative or fake reviews is to acknowledge and apologize for the customer's dissatisfaction or frustration. Even if you disagree with the review or suspect that it is fake, you should avoid being defensive or dismissive. Instead, show that you care about the customer's experience and that you are willing to listen and resolve the issue. This can help you diffuse the situation and prevent it from escalating.

Offer a solution or a refund

The next step is to offer a solution or a refund to the customer, depending on the nature and severity of the problem. For example, you can offer to replace a defective product, provide a free service, or give a discount on a future purchase. Alternatively, you can offer a full or partial refund if the customer is not satisfied with your solution. The goal is to demonstrate that you value the customer's feedback and that you are committed to delivering quality and satisfaction.

Invite the customer to contact you privately

The third step is to invite the customer to contact you privately to discuss the issue further and finalize the solution or refund. You can provide your email address, phone number, or social media handle, and ask the customer to reach out to you at their convenience. This can help you move the conversation away from the public platform and avoid airing your dirty laundry. It can also give you a chance to build rapport and trust with the customer and potentially turn them into a loyal fan or advocate.

Report or flag the fake review

The fourth step is to report or flag the fake review if you have evidence or reason to believe that it is not from a genuine customer. For example, you can check the reviewer's profile, history, and activity, and look for signs of spam, bots, or competitors. You can also compare the review with your records, invoices, or receipts, and see if it matches any of your transactions. If you find any discrepancies or inconsistencies, you can report or flag the review to the platform and request its removal or investigation.

Encourage positive reviews from happy customers

The fifth step is to encourage positive reviews from happy customers to balance out the negative or fake ones. You can ask your customers to leave a review after they purchase your product or service, and provide them with a link or a QR code to make it easy for them. You can also incentivize them with rewards, discounts, or freebies for leaving a review. The more positive reviews you have, the more social proof and testimonials you can leverage to showcase your value and credibility.

Learn from the feedback and improve your business

The sixth and final step is to learn from the feedback and improve your business. Whether the review is negative or fake, you can use it as an opportunity to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and see how you can enhance your product, service, or customer experience. You can also use it as a motivation to keep up with your competitors, market trends, and customer expectations. By learning from the feedback and improving your business, you can increase your customer satisfaction, retention, and referrals.

Here’s what else to consider

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How do you respond to fake reviews?

Some steps to respond appropriately include:.

Thank them for taking the time to review..

Apologize that their experience didn't meet their expectations and let them know that you hear what they are saying..

Offer any explanation or context [without sounding defensive or minimizing their feelings].

How do you overcome fake reviews?

Allowing customers to flag fake reviews is an effective way to stop fake reviews. It allows the company to monitor their customer reviews and take action when necessary. This helps reduce the presence of fake reviews and build trust with customers.

How do you fight fake reviews?

Fake Online Reviews – How To Deal With Fake Customers Reviews In 4 Simple Steps.

Pause and Process. First things first: Don't act right away. ... .

Try Getting the Review Removed. Getting the review removed before anyone can see it is obviously the ideal scenario. ... .

Consider Responding Publicly. ... .

Attract More Positive Reviews..

Can you get in trouble for fake reviews?

Negative fake reviews are illegal as they are deceptive. However, it is unlikely to incur legal issues. It is more convenient for a business owner to deal with it through the platform. Nonetheless, there are instances of people getting to court for writing fake negative reviews.

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