How often can you use St. Ives scrub?

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  • How Often Should You Exfoliate Your Face?

First things first, what is exfoliation, anyway?
Exfoliation is the removal of dead and the oldest skin cells from the topmost layer of skin and can be accomplished via face scrubs, facials or peels.

Now, how often should you exfoliate your face?

Skin should be exfoliated up to 3-4 times per week as dead skin can get trapped on the surface and cause clogged pores, rough skin texture, dullness, and breakouts!

Is Exfoliation Good For My Skin?
Yes, it most certainly is. However, there is also such a thing as over exfoliation and too much of a good thing, can be enough.

Skin naturally sheds its top layer, and by exfoliating you are helping your skin along in its natural process. For example, for men, exfoliating helps with facial shaving and can improve uneven skin tone.

However, all of that said, over exfoliation can remove your skin’s natural oils that act as a barrier between icky gunk and the good, good stuff. This results in exactly what you were trying to prevent to begin with.

Some signs of over exfoliation include an extra shiny forehead, facial puffiness, excessive breakouts, skin tightness, peeling or flaking. If you notice any of these, stop immediately and let your skin re-align itself.

A great face scrub can bring out your inner radiance and even your skin tone. Just don’t overdo it.

Plus, the best time to exfoliate your face is at night before bed. This way, you can follow-up with a hydrating night cream and let all that delish moisture soak on in.

If you are new to exfoliation and have sensitive skin, consult your dermatologist.

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How often can you use St. Ives scrub?
How often can you use St. Ives scrub?

Let your face have a little good, clean fun. Our scrubs are made with 100% natural exfoliants and our cleansing sticks are made with 100% natural coconut oil. Leave your skin feeling alive, fresh, and glowing! CHECK IT OUT 


How often can you use St. Ives scrub?
How often can you use St. Ives scrub?

Suds up, recharge, and glow out! Made with 100% natural extracts & exfoliant, St. Ives body washes cleanse skin with a sudsy sumptuous lather.CHECK IT OUT 

Hey! You made it! Welcome to the bottom of the page. Not everyone makes it down here, so we’re guessing you like us. Hooray!

We spend most of our time down here talking about what inspires our skincare. Oh, and how to get glowing skin—specifically, how to make your skin glow. So let’s get started, shall we?

Our products were all made to bring the joy of nature to your skin while making it glow—all without crossing into shiny skin territory (not cute). That’s why our entire lineup features 100% natural moisturizers, exfoliants, and extracts! We also just really, really love apricots.

Think of St. Ives as your go-to for great-smelling cleansers, lotions, masks, and body washes you can use on the daily to get glowing skin that feels super-hydrated and oh-so-silky smooth. Did we mention we’re America’s #1 Scrub brand*?

Thanks for stopping by. Keep on looking around!

How often can you use St. Ives scrub?

Is it okay to use St. Ives scrub everyday?

Is It Good To Use A Face Scrub Daily? Absolutely, just as long as you use a gentle one. If we sound like a broken record, it's because we care about your skin and don't want you to do anything to harm it. Trust us, you and your glowing complexion will thank us.

How many times a week should I use St. Ives?

A two-in-one treat for your skin! Moderate face scrubs can be used two-to-three times per week and are great for those with oily or combination skin as well as those with dry skin. Deep face scrubs can be used for any skin type, if you're looking to get that extra clean.

How many times a week should you use St. Ives apricot scrub?

We recommend using St. Ives apricot face scrub – or any of St. Ives scrubs for that matter – 3 to 4 times a week. If you're prone to breakouts, try our favorite apricot scrub for acne, St.

Can I use St. Ives twice a day?

Do not use it every day- too much exfoliation will irritate your skin, and there's nothing pretty about walking around with a swollen red face! Once, maybe twice, a week is enough. You can use it everyday it you moisturize, but to be honest 2-3 times a week if fine. I probably wouldn't use it more than every other day.