How do i delete google review

When you’re feeling bored, hungry or inspired, you might browse Google Maps to find the location that best suits your interests. But how do you know which place to pick?

Enter Google reviews, the platform's solution to help users choose a restaurant, select a salon or figure out how reliable a business is. Google reviews allow customers to rate and share their experiences for other users to learn from.

If you've changed your mind and want to make edits or delete one of your Google reviews, we have the perfect guide for your needs.

How to delete a Google review

Google reviews can be deleted on your computer, Android device or iPhone device. Google advises computer users to follow these steps, Android users to follow these steps and iPhone users to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Maps app, or the website at or
  2. On a computer, navigate to the three horizontal lines in the top left, titled “Menu.” This will be at the left of the Google Maps search bar. Mobile users should tap the “Contribute” button on the bottom of their screen, marked by a plus sign.
  3. Computer users should select “Your contributions.” This will be right below “Your places.” Mobile users should select “See your reviews” or “View your profile.”
  4. Computer users should select “Reviews.” This is the second tab, right next to “Contribute.” Mobile users should tap “See all reviews.”
  5. On all devices, scroll down to locate the review you’re looking to delete. Once you find it, click or tap the three dots to the right of your review, titled "More."
  6. Click or tap “Delete review,” the second option. This goes for users on any device.
  7. To confirm your deletion, select “Delete” or “Yes."

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How to edit a Google review

To edit your Google review, follow the previous steps for “How to delete a Google review” up to step 5. Google advises computer users to follow these steps, Android users to follow these steps and iPhone users to follow these steps:

  1. After clicking or tapping the three dots, select “Edit review,” the first option in the list.
  2. Edit your review however you wish. You can change your review text, change how many stars you rated the establishment and add or delete an attached photo.
  3. After you finish editing, click “Post” to repost your newly edited Google review.

Your review will now edited with your confirmed changes. Should you feel the need to delete the review, instead, refer back to “How to delete a Google review.”

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Want to revise something you wrote in a Google Review? You're in luck - Google has made it easy to both edit and delete reviews you've left on Google. We're here to walk you through to process.

How to edit or delete Google Reviews you've written

Our opinions are ever-changing, and a review we write in the heat of the moment may not feel accurate after some reflection. It's easy to get really angry when you feel let down by a business, but it's important to remember that a bad only review can really harm a business' reputation.

In other circumstances, it could be a review you feel is too positive that you wish to edit. For example, perhaps on your first visit to a local shop, you receive excellent service, but return the week later only to find the sales assistants disinterested and unhelpful.

Whatever the case, your review matters. Other customers will look to it to gauge the true performance of a business, so it's essential that its a fair representation.

If you think you might want to edit your review to improve its accuracy, simply follow the steps below.

1. Sign into your Gmail account.

2. Head to //

3. Click on the three dashes to the left of the search bar.

4. Navigate to 'Your contributions'.

5. Click on the 'REVIEWS' tab.

6. Click on the three dots to the right of the review you wish to edit or delete.

7. Click 'Edit review' or 'Delete review' depending on which action you wish to perform. [If editing your review, be sure to click the 'Post' button once completed].

TIP: Your review can never be too detailed! Quality reviews can really help other customers make informed decisions, saving them time, disappointment and money. If you've left a review recently you think you could've made better, now's the time to change it!

Can I delete a Google review I made?

Click on the three dots [...] at the bottom right of the review. Click on “Delete”. You should be able to delete the review from your Google account. It's important to note that once you delete a review, you won't be able to find it again.

Can you turn Google reviews off?

The short answer is no. Google does not allow businesses to turn off reviews for their business profiles; however, there are exceptions. Google might block new reviews temporarily if they detect that a business profile is being spammed with a high number of negative reviews in a short period of time.

Will the business know if I delete my Google review?

If you delete a review that you have previously written on Google Maps, the business owner will not receive a notification that you have deleted the review. However, if the business owner had previously responded to your review, their response will remain visible even after you delete your review.

Can you block someone from leaving a Google review?

It is not possible to block new customers from seeing a bad review on Google My Business [GMB]. However, there are steps you can take to address the review: Flag the Review: If the review violates Google's review policies, you can flag it for removal.

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