How catch event element scroll top in js năm 2024

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI components. One of the many features that make React stand out is its ability to handle events. In this blog post, we will focus on one specific event, the onScrollCapture event.

The onScrollCapture event is a synthetic event from React that gets triggered when a user scrolls on an element. Synthetic events are wrappers around the browser's native events, providing cross-browser compatibility. The onScrollCapture event is part of React's event system, allowing developers to handle scroll events in a React way.

Understanding the Basics of onScroll Event

The onScroll event is a type of event that gets triggered when a user scrolls a webpage or an element. This event is quite useful in many scenarios, such as lazy loading of images, infinite scrolling, or even triggering animations based on scroll position.

In React, the onScroll event can be handled just like any other event. You can attach an event handler function to the onScroll event of an element, and this function will be called whenever the user scrolls that element.

1import React from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 const handleScroll = (event) => { 5 console.log('User scrolled!'); 6 }; 7 8 return ( 9

10 {/ content /} 11
12 ); 13} 14

In the above example, we have a div element with an onScroll event handler. The handleScroll function will be called whenever the user scrolls this div.

The Role of Event Handlers in React

Event handlers play a crucial role in React. They are functions that get called in response to specific events. For instance, when a user clicks a button, scrolls a page, or presses a key, an event handler function can be called to respond to that action.

In the context of the onScroll event, the event handler function is called whenever the user scrolls the element to which the onScroll event handler is attached. This function receives an event object as its argument, which contains information about the scroll event, such as the scroll position.

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4

In this example, the handleScroll function logs the scroll position of the target element whenever the user scrolls it. The event object's target property refers to the element that triggered the event.

How to Use the onScroll Function in React

Using the onScroll function in React is straightforward. You simply attach it to the element you want to monitor for scroll events. The onScroll function takes an event handler function as its argument, which will be called whenever a scroll event occurs on that element.

Here's an example of how to use the onScroll function in a React component:

1import React from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 const handleScroll = (event) => { 5 console.log('User scrolled:',; 6 }; 7 8 return ( 9

10 {/ long content /} 11
12 ); 13} 14

In this example, the handleScroll function is called whenever the user scrolls the div. The div's style is set to allow vertical scrolling, and its height is limited to 200 pixels. The handleScroll function logs the scroll position of the div whenever it is scrolled.

Adding an Event Listener in React

In React, adding an event listener is a straightforward process. You can add an event listener to any DOM element by using the appropriate event handler prop, such as onClick, onChange, or onScroll. The value of this prop should be a function that will be called whenever the event occurs.

Here's an example of adding a scroll event listener to a div in a React component:

1import React from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 const handleScroll = (event) => { 5 console.log('User scrolled:',; 6 }; 7 8 return ( 9

10 {/ long content /} 11
12 ); 13} 14

In this example, the handleScroll function is an event handler that gets called whenever the user scrolls the div. The function logs the scroll position of the div.

Understanding Event Object and Event Handler Function

In React, every event handler function receives an event object as its argument. This event object is a synthetic event, a cross-browser wrapper around the browser's native event. It has the same interface as the browser's native event, including properties like target, currentTarget, type, and so on.

The event handler function is a function that gets called in response to an event. It receives the event object as its argument, allowing it to access information about the event.

Here's an example of an event handler function that logs the type and target of an event:

1function handleEvent(event) { 2 console.log('Event type:', event.type); 3 console.log('Event target:',; 4} 5

In this example, the handleEvent function logs the type of the event (such as 'click', 'scroll', etc.) and the target of the event, which is the element that triggered the event.

Focusing and Blurring Events in React

In addition to scroll events, React also supports focusing and blurring events. These events get triggered when an element gains or loses focus, respectively. You can handle these events using the onFocus and onBlur event handlers.

Here's an example of handling focus and blur events in a React component:

1import React from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 const handleFocus = (event) => { 5 console.log('Element gained focus:',; 6 }; 7 8 const handleBlur = (event) => { 9 console.log('Element lost focus:',; 10 }; 11 12 return ( 13 14 ); 15} 16

In this example, the handleFocus function gets called when the input element gains focus, and the handleBlur function gets called when the input element loses focus. Both functions log the target of the event, which is the input element in this case.

Understanding the Underlying Browser Event

React's synthetic events are wrappers around the browser's native events. They provide a consistent interface across different browsers, as they smooth out any differences in the browser's native event systems.

However, sometimes you might need to access the underlying browser event. You can do this using the nativeEvent property of the synthetic event. This property holds a reference to the browser's native event.

Here's an example of accessing the underlying browser event in a React event handler function:

1function handleEvent(event) { 2 console.log('React event:', event); 3 console.log('Browser event:', event.nativeEvent); 4} 5

In this example, the handleEvent function logs both the React synthetic event and the underlying browser event. Note that the properties of the browser event might vary between different browsers.

The Importance of Event Propagation in React

Event propagation is a mechanism that defines how events propagate or travel through the DOM tree. It consists of three phases: capturing, target, and bubbling. During the capturing phase, the event travels down the DOM tree to the target element. The target phase is where the event actually happens. Finally, during the bubbling phase, the event travels up the DOM tree.

React's event system does not use the capturing phase for its events. Instead, it uses the bubbling phase. However, React does provide a way to handle events during the capturing phase. Event handlers for the capturing phase are named with the Capture suffix, such as onClickCapture, onChangeCapture, and onScrollCapture.

Here's an example of handling a scroll event during the capturing phase in React:

1import React from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 const handleScrollCapture = (event) => { 5 console.log('Scroll event during capturing phase:',; 6 }; 7 8 return ( 9

10 {/ long content /} 11
12 ); 13} 14

In this example, the handleScrollCapture function gets called during the capturing phase of the scroll event. It logs the scroll position of the target element.

Understanding the onScroll Event in Depth

The onScroll event in React is a synthetic event that gets triggered when a user scrolls an element. It is part of React's event system and can be handled just like any other event in React.

The onScroll event handler function receives an event object as its argument. This event object is a synthetic event that provides a cross-browser wrapper around the browser's native event. It has the same interface as the browser's native event, including properties like target, currentTarget, type, and so on.

Here's an example of handling the onScroll event in a React component:

1import React from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 const handleScroll = (event) => { 5 console.log('User scrolled:',; 6 }; 7 8 return ( 9

10 {/ long content /} 11
12 ); 13} 14

In this example, the handleScroll function gets called whenever the user scrolls the div. The function logs the scroll position of the div.

How to Detect if a Page is Scrolled in React

Detecting if a page is scrolled in React can be done by attaching an onScroll event handler to the window object. The event handler function can then check the scroll position of the window to determine if the page has been scrolled.

Here's an example of how to detect if a page is scrolled in a React component:

1import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; 2 3export default function App() { 4 useEffect(() => { 5 const handleScroll = (event) => { 6 console.log('Page scrolled:', window.pageYOffset); 7 }; 8 9 window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); 10 11 return () => { 12 window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); 13 }; 14 }, []); 15 16 return ( 17

18 {/ long content /} 19
20 ); 21} 22

In this example, the handleScroll function gets called whenever the user scrolls the page. The function logs the vertical scroll position of the page. The useEffect hook is used to add the scroll event listener when the component mounts and remove it when the component unmounts.

Using Observer in React

Although React has a built-in observer, you can use the browser's Intersection Observer API. The Intersection Observer API allows you to asynchronously watch changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with the viewport of a top-level document.

Here is an example of how to use the Intersection Observer API in a React component:

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4


In this example, an Intersection Observer is created in the useEffect hook. The observer watches the div element referenced by ref. When the visibility of the div changes, the observer's callback function logs whether the div is visible.

Creating an Event in React

In React, events are created by the browser when a user interacts with the application, such as when the user clicks a button, presses a key, or scrolls a page. You can handle these events by attaching event handlers to the elements that should respond to the events.

Here's an example of creating a click event in a React component:

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4


The handleClick function in this example is an event handler that is called when the button is clicked. The function records the event's target, which is the button element.

Understanding the Event Listener and Event Target in React

In React, an event listener is a function that gets called in response to an event. The event listener is attached to a DOM element using an event handler prop, such as onClick, onChange, or onScroll.

The event target is the DOM element that triggered the event. It can be accessed through the target property of the event object.

Here's an example of an event listener and event target in a React component:

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4


The handleClick function in this example is an event listener that is called when the button is clicked. The event listener logs the button element as the event target.

The Role of CSS Animation and DOM Element in React

CSS animations can be used in React to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. You can use CSS transitions or keyframes to animate the properties of a DOM element.

A DOM element in React is a representation of a real DOM element in the browser. You can interact with DOM elements in React using refs and event handlers.

Here's an example of a CSS animation and a DOM element in a React component:

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4


In this example, clicking the div element applies a CSS animation to it. The animation is defined in the 'App.css' file. The div element is a DOM element that is referenced by ref.

Understanding the UseEffect Hook and Re-rendering in React

The useEffect hook is a built-in hook in React that allows you to perform side effects in function components. Side effects could be anything that interacts with the outside of your component, such as data fetching, subscriptions, timers, logging, and manually changing the DOM.

Re-rendering in React is the process of rendering a component again to reflect new changes in its state or props. React is smart enough to only update the parts of the DOM that need to change.

Here's an example of using the useEffect hook to add a scroll event listener to the window object:

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4


In this example, the useEffect hook is used to add a scroll event listener to the window object when the component mounts. The event listener is removed when the component unmounts. The handleScroll function logs the vertical scroll position of the window whenever it is scrolled.

The Role of Event Bubbles and Capture Phase in React

Event bubbling and the capture phase are two phases of event propagation in the DOM. Event bubbling is the process where an event starts from the target element and bubbles up to the root of the DOM tree. The capture phase is the opposite, where an event starts from the root of the DOM tree and goes down to the target element.

In React, you can handle events during the capture phase by using event handlers with the Capture suffix, such as onClickCapture, onChangeCapture, and onScrollCapture.

Here's an example of handling a click event during the capture phase in React:

1function handleScroll(event) { 2 console.log('Scroll position:',; 3} 4


In this example, the handleClickCapture function gets called during the capture phase of the click event. It logs the target of the event.

Conclusion: Mastering React onScrollCapture for Better User Experience

Mastering the onScrollCapture event in React can help you create a better user experience in your web applications. By understanding how to handle scroll events, you can create dynamic and interactive interfaces that respond to user interactions.

Remember that the onScrollCapture event is just one of many events that you can handle in React. The principles you've learned in this blog post can be applied to other events as well.

With the power of React's synthetic event system, you can handle events in a consistent and predictable way, regardless of the underlying browser. This makes your job as a developer easier and helps you deliver a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

How to check if element is scrolled to top in JavaScript?

You can use the offset() method to obtain where an element is relative to the document, and you can use the scrollTop() method to figure out where the top of the document is. If the element offset is at 1000 and scrollTop is more than 1000, you know that you've scrolled the element above off the screen.

How to get scroll top in JavaScript?

Syntax: $(window). scrollTop(position); Example: In this example, e have used scrollTop() method.

How do I get scroll position from scroll event?

The Window interface represents a window containing a DOM document and we can get the scrollbar position by adding an event listener on it. This function will automatically be triggered whenever the scroll event triggers. The scrollX and scrollY return the floating values.

How to scroll element to top of page in JavaScript?

Solution 1: Using the scrollTo() Method This method allows you to scroll to a specific coordinate on the page. To scroll to the top, we need to set the x and y coordinates to 0. method to scroll to the top of the page. By setting the x and y coordinates to 0, we ensure that the page scrolls to the top-left corner.