________ describes best the actions of the puritan leaders in massachusetts bay.

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What was Puritan leader and Massachusetts Bay governors Winthrop's attitude toward liberty quizlet?

What was Puritan leader and Massachusetts Bay governor John Winthrop's attitude toward liberty? He saw two kinds of liberty: natural liberty, the ability to do evil, and moral liberty, the ability to do good. The Mayflower Compact established: a civil government for Plymouth Colony.

How did most Puritans view the separation of church and?

The Puritans in Massachusetts Bay believed in a separation of church and state, but not a separation of the state from God. restricting future freemanship and the right to vote only to Congrega- tional Church members in order to guarantee a “godly” government.

Who were the Puritans where did they settle quizlet?

the puritans are a group of people who lived in massachusetts and came originally from england. they wanted to reform the church of england by simplifying ceremonies, changing authorities, and interpreting the bible differently. a covenant is an agreement made with God. The Puritans believed that they had one.

Who was most likely to build the best relationships with the Native Americans quizlet?

Who was most likely to build the best relationships with the Native Americans? Pilgrims. The 104 settlers who remained in Virginia after the ships that brought them from England returned home: were all men, reflecting the Virginia Company's interest in searching for gold as opposed to building a functioning society.