chuting là gì - Nghĩa của từ chuting

chuting có nghĩa là

A homemade device for smoking pot [AKA marijuana] that consists of a plastic bottle with the wide end cut off and a plastic bag attached in its place. Smoke is drawn in through the top using a bowl or foil paper while the user pulls the bag down allowing the device to fill with smoke. The user then removes the bowl from the top and proceeds to inhale the smoke contained.

Generally, this type of smoking apparatus is used by smokers who, for one reason or another [generally, youth or noobishness] does not posess skills in rolling joints or another smoking method [ie: pipe, bong]

This is also known as a lung

Ví dụ

14 year old: "Hey, you guys ever smoke POT?"
Other 14 year olds: "No..."
14 Year old: "Ok, let's smoke some out of my chute, watch out for the tin foil, it hurts your lungs after a while"
Other 14 year olds: "Oh boy!"

chuting có nghĩa là

Chute in Hindi means "Vagina"

Ví dụ

14 year old: "Hey, you guys ever smoke POT?"

chuting có nghĩa là

Other 14 year olds: "No..."

Ví dụ

14 year old: "Hey, you guys ever smoke POT?"

chuting có nghĩa là

Other 14 year olds: "No..."

Ví dụ

14 year old: "Hey, you guys ever smoke POT?"

chuting có nghĩa là

Other 14 year olds: "No..."
14 Year old: "Ok, let's smoke some out of my chute, watch out for the tin foil, it hurts your lungs after a while"
Other 14 year olds: "Oh boy!"

Ví dụ

Chute in Hindi means "Vagina" Vagina is called "chute" in Hindi When an individual lays on their stomach and pretends that they are parachuting. I was chuting last night just for Daily Grace.

chuting có nghĩa là

The act of connecting a hollow cylinder between two individuals' anuses, whereupon one of the two parties defecates. The resultant excrement is then slid variously between and into the anuses of both parties through alterations in the elevation of the tube.

Ví dụ

"Bob and I went out chuting last weekend--never have I felt so alive!" Động từ. Created by dailygrace

chuting có nghĩa là

The better version of planking. Instead of being straight when doing said action you act as if you are parachuting.

Ví dụ

1: Hey wanna go to target?!

chuting có nghĩa là

2: only if we 'Chute while we are there!

Ví dụ

1: Duh!

chuting có nghĩa là

A pipe, slide or chamber used for transporting goods or garbage from one side of a building to another. này! let's take a ride in the laundry chute!

hey check the garbage chute. i think it's clogged Abbreviation of prostitute. Prosti-chute

Ví dụ

Going Dam, gonna get a couple of chutes. A womans fanny [vagina] On the water chute my Chute got full of water.

chuting có nghĩa là

Take that up the chute! Unattractive, lame, perverse.

Ví dụ

Carries a negative connotation from the classic game Chutes & Ladders. The opposite of Ladders

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