child molester là gì - Nghĩa của từ child molester

child molester có nghĩa là

The second sickest fucker on any planet in any universe. Second only to a sicko who kills his victim.
A future death wish recipient (at least should be).
A psychopath that has no right existing


Max: "Isn't that new neighbour of yours that guy that was in the news who just got out after serving 2 months for diddling 20 kids; you know, that child molester!"
Scott: - loading a gun - "Yea, he got that nice vacation thanks to the child molester judge!" - shoots neighbours balls and cock off.
Max: "What the fuck...what are you doing guy!"
Scott: "Enforcing justice....guy!"

child molester có nghĩa là

One who enjoys supple young boys. Usually found at playgrounds or the ballpit at your local chuckie cheese's Basically someone who fucks children in the bum bum


Look! Sally its Peter the ass fucking child molester!

child molester có nghĩa là

someone that has sex with little kids


kyle depenning likes to have sex with little kids every nite
he is a child molester

child molester có nghĩa là

Child molestation is a crime involving a range of indecent or sexual activities between an adult and a child, usually under the age of 14. For example, not all incidents of child molestation are perpetrated by pedophiles; sometimes the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children. Thus, not all child molestation is perpetrated by pedophiles, and not all pedophiles actually commit child molestation. There is no single profile that accurately describes or accounts for all child molesters. There are many variables among individuals in terms of their personal characteristics, life experiences, criminal histories, and reasons for committing such offenses. One common misconception is that molested children grow up to become child molesters themselves. But, in fact, most childhood sexual abuse victims do not go on to become perpetrators.


An adult who touches a child inappropriately for sexual gratification is an example of child molestation.

child molester có nghĩa là

A wishy-washy, namby-pamby white liberal euphemism for a person who rapes or has sexual intercourse with a child. Using the less offensive liberal expression removes much of the horror of the act, and lets liberals plead for mercy and gentle treatment of the malefactor.


A child molester should be called a child raper. A mosquito molests people. A child molester rapes and sodomizes little kids. These foul scums should be hanged, not coddled.

child molester có nghĩa là

A sadist or severe pedophile who acts on his/her urges and sexually abuses someone under the age of consent. Though abuse against young boys is often cited the typical case of child molestation occurs between a young girl and a male member of her family.

Still the molester can be familar or a stranger, male or female and the victim can be of either sex as well.

Lately "child molester" and "pedophile" have become the cheap insult dujour for flamers and other internet pests.


A lot of sexual practices are weird and gross, but child molesters are the only ones that are unforgivable.

child molester có nghĩa là

The act of sexually molesting and abusing a child.


Child molestation is a disgusting and morally reprehensible behavior that can destroy a child's mental and physical health as well as his or her feelings of self-respect and dignity. It is illegal and immoral and should be punished by the lengthiest jail term possible by law.

child molester có nghĩa là

A person whether attracted or not to children that go rape and molest children. This term, is not to be confused by Pedophile. Yes there are podophiles who molest, but in majority, a molester is not a pedophile. It has been shown that about 80 to 90% of child molestation has been done my people which hasnt have any attraction to children in the first place.

Many specialists in human sexuality have stated quite clearly that there is a clear distinction between the two. Furthermore, they have shown that much of the child molestation that takes place is at the hands of people who are not pedophiles at all.

As you can see, much child sexual abuse takes place at the hands of non-pedophiles. So who are these child molesters? The psychiatric community defines a ‘situational offender’ as a person who is normally attracted to adults but for one reason or another has turned to a child for sexual satisfaction. He may have poor social skills that make it difficult for him to find a partner within his primary attraction group. He may be in a sexless relationship. He may be alone after the dissolution of a relationship. Whatever the case may be, he is often also in a situation where children are available. Perhaps these are children living in his own home or children in his neighborhood with whom he is acquainted. Perhaps he attends a church or is involved in a social group where children are present. Then a situation arises (or is created by the situational offender) that gives him the opportunity to be alone with one of these children. Maybe stress, alcohol or drugs have lowered his inhibitions and he takes advantage of the situation alone with the child to find sexual satisfaction.


John raped this 9yo girl and killed her because he hated her. He is a child molester and not a pedophile, and should be shot.

child molester có nghĩa là

2. (n.) a plain white, pocketless t-shirt, sometimes clean but most of the time stained by mustard, katsup or other condiments, worn by child molesters around the world. possibly realted to the wife beater, the child molester is also worn by all races and sizes of men.


"Thier whole crew was sportin child molesters...must be a gang thing."

child molester có nghĩa là

Literally me


I am a child molester