Aesthetic speech topics

Interesting speech topics are of great significance when delivering a good quality speech. Unlike reading books, the lifespan of a speech depends on many factors, including good oratory prowess, the creative scripting of the speech, the ability to express issues accurately, and finally, the ability to title your speech persuasively. These qualities have been demonstrated in history by many influential people like Martin Luther King, Barack Obama, Julius Malema, Nelson Mandela, Professor PLO, and others.

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Get a wide array of topics to choose from for your speech. Photo: DigitalVision
Source: Getty Images

More often than not, when writing a speech, you find yourself asking what the best speech topics are? A good argument has to be persuasive. It has to put across an issue clearly and logically. The strength of a subject is in its ability to spark an interest from the audience. Therefore, each topic should be out of the box. Let's look at 150+ speech topics that you can use in a speech.

Topics for speech in school

An interesting topic for a speech in school varies depending on the occasion. They might also be for verbal writing tasks. However, every topic has to be catchy to capture the attention of the audience. In addition, the topic has to summarise the plot of your speech.

  1. Private schools are not any better than public schools.
  2. Failing is part of the plan, but do not plan to fail.
  3. A standardized test is not an accurate measure of what a student can accomplish.
  4. No pain, no gain is still a worthy motto for success in school.
  5. Embracing racial diversity in school is essential for students.
  6. Celebrating each student's ability is to raise a conscious crop of students.
  7. Education is still the key to success.
  8. Being a follower is important only if you are aware.
  9. It is not a crime to come out of high school without a clear career path.
  10. Children should be protected from excessive internet consumption.
  11. Physical exercise is not good for children. It is great!
  12. Children should not trust their neighbours if they do not know them.
  13. Students should not be taught to compete but to complement.
  14. Parental pressure is good until it is bad.
  15. Comparison based on performance is terrible if it does not recognize personal strengths.

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Interesting speech topics for college students

College students have many issues going on on their campuses. To add to this, they are mentally mature to notice societal problems and create issue-based topics on them.

  1. Why schools should enhance the quality of students.
  2. Why you should travel more while you are still in college.
  3. Are students' future assured in the current economic times?
  4. Is change an excuse for lack of ethics in the professional space?
  5. Students have a brain. So, why limit them from using it?
  6. Is he a bad person or a bad student? Either way, he is a student.
  7. Students should enjoy their time on campus.
  8. Studying while working is an added advantage to a student.
  9. Having a mentor should be made mandatory for all students.
  10. The study environment affects the overall quality of a student.
  11. Do not be in a hurry to arrive in your future.
  12. Influence of social media on students.
  13. Believing that people will mature in college is a misconception.
  14. Cars are of no importance on campus.
  15. The library is the most incredible place on campus.

Persuasive speech topics for college

  1. Adopting pets or buying from breeders? Which is best?
  2. Do people not understand the dangers of texting while driving?
  3. Is ignorance a lack of education?
  4. Is climate change a fact?
  5. Money is the root of all evil only if it lands on an evil hand.
  6. Which came first, the egg or the hen?
  7. I did fit an elephant in a fridge.
  8. Do introverts make good leaders?
  9. Religion is not a bad thing; lack of faith is!
  10. Money can buy happiness; it all depends on where you go shopping.
  11. Plastic is the new grass.
  12. Why is education so expensive, and yet it is the key to success.
  13. Natural resource managers should earn more than hedge fund managers.
  14. Cleanliness is a good thing.
  15. Should female students get more attention than male students?
In order to deliver a moving speech, you need interesting research topics. Photo: Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy
Source: Getty Images

Persuasive speech topics 2022

  1. Religion fundamentalism is slowly replacing love.
  2. Being right or wrong is not as important as being humane.
  3. Letting perfect be the enemy of good is bad.
  4. Who was the best South African president?
  5. Is any race superior over the other?
  6. How political and historical injustices can be forgotten.
  7. Does the legalization of cannabis make it less harmful?
  8. Is science more superior to religion?
  9. What is the point of manufacturing nuclear weapons if they will destroy the world?
  10. Feminism is not the opposite of masculine but a complementary aspect of it
  11. Being a stay-at-home mom is a career.
  12. Breastfeeding in public is not wrong. Is it?
  13. The media is to be blamed for half of the world's problems.
  14. Is diversity a good thing?
  15. Is profit superior over good environmental conditions?

Unique speech topics

Unique speech topics are primarily about those issues that are not spoken about regularly. These topics address problems of critical importance without sparking an adverse reaction from the audience.

  1. The internet is a double-edged sword.
  2. Do closed borders guarantee a country's success?
  3. Modern art is a result of ambition.
  4. Good morale has been replaced with a hunger for money.
  5. Racism shares a lifeline with politics.
  6. There is life after death.
  7. Trying to tame a wild animal is to shorten your life expectancy.
  8. Life is unfair.
  9. There needs to be a one-car-per-family rule.
  10. Farmers should only farm organic foods.
  11. Depression is a severe disease.
  12. Love is not chemistry.
  13. Nobody speaks English correctly.
  14. Coffee is healthy food.
  15. Miracles happen on earth.
It is key to obtain a subject matter that is rarely spoken about to peak interest. Photo: DigitalVision
Source: Getty Images

Easy speech topics

Easy speech topics are mainly about everyday life. These topics are simple to create, but they also meet the required standard of a good speech topic.

  1. Marriage is still a good thing.
  2. Do not borrow money from friends.
  3. A family that prays together stays together.
  4. I believe in God.
  5. Living in truth and spirit is better than living in pride.
  6. Spare the rod spoil the child.
  7. Parenting style should be standardized.
  8. Judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree is bad.
  9. Cosmetic surgery is immoral.
  10. Democracy is not the best form of governance.
  11. Ignorance is the worst form of living.
  12. Diet pills will not make you slim.
  13. College is for stupid people.
  14. Logic is not a replacement for instincts.
  15. Facebook is not a place to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Interesting persuasive speech topics

When writing persuasive speech topics, you have to do due diligence and familiarize yourself with your target audience. You also have to ensure that you find an issue that you are interested in so that you become as natural as possible while delivering your speech.

  1. Does getting cheaper foreign employees, harm the economy?
  2. Should a housewife's role be valued in monetary terms?
  3. Should online teaching receive much attention like the conventional form of teaching?
  4. Does legalizing prostitution make it morally correct?
  5. Is the death sentence not murder?
  6. Should voting be made mandatory?
  7. Should the legal smoking age be increased to 100 years?
  8. Are paper books better than e-books?
  9. Is the rule of law the only solution to a dispute?
  10. Is the freedom of media more important than quality information?

Motivational speech topics for business

The Brightline Initiative's logo displays itself during intermission in the David Rockwell designed TED Theater at TED2019 - Bigger Than Us in Vancouver, Canada. Photo: Lawrence Sumulong
Source: Getty Images

Several businesses need ideas on how to upscale and make their businesses more successful. Whether it is a speech for motivating employees or how to do business better, we have you covered.

  1. How to deal with difficult business people.
  2. How some of the biggest failures resulted in fantastic success.
  3. Interesting tips from successful people.
  4. What is strategic planning, and how can you implement it?
  5. Dealing with rejection in business.
  6. How to build strong company values that will make your business more successful.
  7. How does building a solid company image make your business more successful?
  8. How to effectively communicate diagonally in a company to improve performance.
  9. Why your business should support local businesses and talents.
  10. How to assign tasks based on your employees' personalities.
  11. How to implement call-to-action strategies in your company or industry.
  12. How to build storytelling skills through emotional awareness.
  13. Why company leaders need to take responsibility for their choices and actions
  14. Unquestionable habits of wildly successful people
  15. Strategies for focusing at work.
  16. Best way to find a work-life balance.
  17. Time management plays a great role in self-growth.

Funny but motivational speech topics

Sometimes the orator might want a lighthearted speech that will have the listeners giggling and laughing their problems away. So, if you have a funny bone, here are some hilarious speech topics that you could cover.

  1. Do boys gossip more than girls do?
  2. Why we should have break-up insurance policies.
  3. Why men should not wear skinny jeans.
  4. To become old and wise, you must first be a young and stupid person.
  5. Petition to have 6-month vacations twice a year!
  6. Chasing idle dreams is a good habit.
  7. Ten fun things to occupy yourself with during a test.
  8. My most profitable mistake.
  9. Things my dog would tell me if they could talk.
  10. Where did swear words come from?
  11. The advantages of being a man/woman.
  12. How to lose your job in 24 hours or less.
  13. Do men cry more than women?
  14. Top 5 dumbest questions and answers.
  15. What to write in a message in a bottle if you're trapped on an island.

Controversial speech topics that spark up debates

A TED talk commences inside the David Rockwell designed theatre at TED2018 on April 12, 2018, in Vancouver, Canada. Photo: Lawrence Sumulong
Source: Getty Images

When looking for an audience to be interactive, you can select some of these topics and be confident that people will be divided about the answers.

  1. Should the government ensure the protection of privacy?
  2. Should prostitution be made legal?
  3. Should abortion be banned? [i.e. are you pro-life or pro-choice?]
  4. Should military service be compulsory for the youth?
  5. Does religion do more harm to society than good?
  6. At what age should teens start dating, if at all?
  7. Should mobile phones be banned in schools?
  8. Is an all-meat diet healthy?
  9. Is mental illness equivalent to physical illness?
  10. Are vaccines safe?

Attention-grabbing speech topics

These are speech topics that will have your audience listening keenly and thinking deeply.

  1. The only answer to cruelty is being kind.
  2. Flexible working hours reduce traffic jams.
  3. It is not cowardly to refuse to fight in a war.
  4. Without television, you are sure to have a happier life.
  5. Make the entrance to museums free.
  6. Cultural treasures should be returned to the country of origin.
  7. A free-market policy is disastrous for Africa.
  8. Growing up is harder for girls than it is for boys.
  9. Voting should be compulsory.
  10. Time is not money.
  11. Zero tolerance is a useful instrument to prevent violence.

The topics above can provide creative solutions when seeking answers for the best speech topics and what I should write my speech about. These ideas will ensure you write issue-based subjects that will not only catch your listener's attention but also ensure that you write an informative and valuable speech.

READ ALSO: Top 6 motivational speakers in South Africa 2021 has published an article on the Top 6 motivational speakers in South Africa 2021. This list can assist any budding motivational speakers or orators in getting some inspiration. Read on!

Source: Briefly News

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