2021 topics to talk about

When it comes to conversation starters and topics, it can be a challenge coming up with questions to ask and things to talk about with your crush. Good conversation is the basis for the best relationships and its a skill that will help you in your personal and professional life. Whether youre going on a first date and want funny things to say or have been dating and prefer to discuss deep personal questions, there are many cool conversation topics to consider!

Some girls may want to ask deep questions that will help them understand someones maturity level and emotional intelligence, while some guys like to have interesting and funny conversations so their crush will think they are fun. What you talk about with your crush also depends on whether youre meeting each other for the first time, if youre communicating via text or FaceTime, your comfort level, and how interested you are in starting a relationship.

With so many great things to talk about, starting a conversation over text or on the phone and keeping it interesting shouldnt be too hard. To inspire you with ideas, weve compiled a list of things to talk about with your crush. From deep topics to funny stuff, explore these questions to ask your crush to find ways to keep the conversation going and get to know them.


  • 1 Questions To Ask Your Crush
    • 1.1 Whats Your Favorite Thing About Yourself?
    • 1.2 Who Knows You The Best?
    • 1.3 What Is Your Most Bizarre Pet Peeve?
    • 1.4 Do You Like Cooking?
    • 1.5 Whats Your Biggest Turn-Off?
    • 1.6 What Do You Like Doing on A Friday Night?
    • 1.7 What Did You Think of Me The First Time We Met?
    • 1.8 Do You Have Any Cool Hobbies?
    • 1.9 What Are Your Favorite Animals?
    • 1.10 If You Could Go Anywhere in The World, Where Would You Go?
    • 1.11 What Is Your Hometown Like?
    • 1.12 Whats Your Favorite Sport?
  • 2 Good Things To Talk About With Your Crush
    • 2.1 Tell Me About Your Family
    • 2.2 What Do You Usually Do When You Hang Out With Your Friends?
    • 2.3 Do You Ever Have Nightmares?
    • 2.4 What Would Be Your Dream First Date?
    • 2.5 What Kind of Shows Do You Like?
    • 2.6 What Kind of Music Do You Like To Dance To?
    • 2.7 What Was Your Favorite Cartoon Growing Up?
    • 2.8 Whats Your Favorite Season?
    • 2.9 Whats Your Favorite Food/Restaurant?
    • 2.10 Are There Any Books You Would Recommend?
    • 2.11 Where Do You Wish You Could Go?
    • 2.12 What Is Something You Really Want To Accomplish?
  • 3 Fun Things To Talk About With Your Crush
    • 3.1 Whats Something You Couldnt Live Without?
    • 3.2 Whats On Your Bucket List?
    • 3.3 Whats Your Favorite Childhood Memory?
    • 3.4 What Is Your Favorite Dessert?
    • 3.5 Whats The Most Beautiful Thing Youve Ever Seen?
    • 3.6 What Kind of Music Do You Like?
    • 3.7 Would You Rather Swim with Dolphins or Whale Watch?
    • 3.8 What Would You Do If You Had A Million Dollars?
    • 3.9 What Type of Movies Do You Like?
    • 3.10 What Does Your Family Do For The Holidays?
    • 3.11 What Is the Funniest Joke You Know By Heart?
    • 3.12 Whats Your Favorite Pizza Topping?
  • 4 Interesting Things To Talk About With Your Crush
    • 4.1 If You Could Pretend To Be Someone For A Day, Who Would You Be?
    • 4.2 What Superpower Would You Have For A Day?
    • 4.3 What Would Your Parents Be Surprised To Learn About You?
    • 4.4 What Was Your Favorite TV Show As A Kid?
    • 4.5 What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?
    • 4.6 Are You A Dog or Cat Person?
    • 4.7 Whats Your Favorite Drink?
    • 4.8 If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone in History, Who Would It Be?
    • 4.9 Do You Prefer the Beach, Mountains, or Countryside?
    • 4.10 Whats Your Favorite Board Game?
  • 5 Deep Conversation Topics To Talk About With Your Crush
    • 5.1 Describe The Perfect Family
    • 5.2 Whats The Best Feeling Youve Ever Had?
    • 5.3 Do You Believe in Soulmates?
    • 5.4 What Is A Challenge or Obstacle Youve Overcome?
    • 5.5 Whats Your Dream Job?
  • 6 Random Questions To Ask Your Crush
    • 6.1 What Would You Say Is the Theme Music To Your Life?
    • 6.2 Whats Something You Like To Splurge On?
    • 6.3 Do You Like Dressing Up?
    • 6.4 What Shows Do You Watch?
    • 6.5 How Often Are You on Social Media?
    • 6.6 Whats The Best Gift Youve Ever Given?
    • 6.7 What Would Be The Absolute Worst Name You Could Give Your Child?
    • 6.8 Do You Prefer Tea or Coffee?
    • 6.9 What Do You Wish People Would Stop Asking You?
    • 6.10 Do You Like Going To Plays, Musicals, or the Theatre?
    • 6.11 Tell Me An Amazing Fact That I May Not Know
    • 6.12 How Would You Describe Your Fashion Style?
  • 7 Funny Questions To Ask Your Crush
    • 7.1 Whats The Funniest Thing Thats Ever Happened To You?
    • 7.2 Who Is Your Favorite Comedian?
    • 7.3 Whats The First Thing Youd Do If You Were The Opposite Sex For A Day?
    • 7.4 What Is Something That Everyone Looks Stupid Doing?
    • 7.5 Who Is The Worst Guest Youve Ever Had Come Over To Your House?
    • 7.6 Whats The Most Ridiculous Fact You Know?
  • 8 Deep Personal Questions To Ask Your Crush
    • 8.1 Tell Me About Your Proudest Accomplishment?
    • 8.2 Have You Ever Been In Love?
    • 8.3 Have You Ever Cheated on Your Significant Other?
    • 8.4 Which Would You Choose: To Be Smart or Happy?
    • 8.5 What Would You Do To Improve Yourself?
    • 8.6 Whats The Sweetest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For You?
    • 8.7 Whats The Most Ridiculous Thing Anyone Knows About You?
    • 8.8 What Are You Most Attracted To In A Person?
    • 8.9 Whats The Most Immature Thing Your Parents Do?
    • 8.10 What Kind of Jobs Have You Had?
    • 8.11 Do You Think Youre Judgmental?
  • 9 How To Start A Conversation With Your Crush
  • 10 What To Talk About With Your Crush

Questions To Ask Your Crush

Whats Your Favorite Thing About Yourself?

Knowing what your crush deems as their best feature or attribute will allow you to give them targeted compliments when theyre feeling down.

Who Knows You The Best?

Offer your crush the opportunity to discuss their inner circle. Learning about who is important to them helps you to delve deeper into their past and personal relationships without being too intrusive.

What Is Your Most Bizarre Pet Peeve?

Knowing your crushs pet peeves is key to staying on their good side. Theres nothing worse than grinding their gears without being aware of it! If you are good at flirting, then use these annoyances to your advantage. Playful teasing appeals to many, so give it a try once you get to know them better.

Do You Like Cooking?

Asking this question will always have a positive outcome. If they are a great cook, they can help you to improve your skills over time. If youre the more proficient cook, then invite them over. It may even charm them into dating you!

Whats Your Biggest Turn-Off?

Their answer to this question is something that youll want to avoid if youre looking to date further down the line. If you can find out what turns them off early enough, you can stay perfect in their eyes.

What Do You Like Doing on A Friday Night?

This question will give you an idea of how the two of you could relax and unwind together. They may like to order takeout and watch a movie or prefer to grab drinks with their colleagues. Their answer will show what their future expectations are for Friday nights to come.

What Did You Think of Me The First Time We Met?

First impressions are important, and this is your opportunity to see how you come across to others at first glance. If youre feeling confident, you can use this question as a segue into what they like about you now and how their perception has changed.

Do You Have Any Cool Hobbies?

Asking about hobbies will give you a good idea about who they are without feeling like youre prying. Quiet types may love to relax and watch a movie, whereas adrenaline junkies might talk about their latest mountain biking session.

What Are Your Favorite Animals?

This question may not tell you much about their personality, but you can easily dig deeper to find out what qualities they love about these animals to get a conversation started.

If You Could Go Anywhere in The World, Where Would You Go?

Many people wish to see the world and discussing that number one destination will expose the foods, cultures, and continents that they love. If youre looking to travel together someday, this could set things in motion.

What Is Your Hometown Like?

There is something amazing about discussing a persons hometown, and this question will give you a good idea about upbringing, morals and how they grew into the person they are today.

Whats Your Favorite Sport?

Learning more about your crushs favorite sport will inform you about their hobbies and life growing up. Not only does this question encourage you both to catch a game but using it as an excuse to play a sport together encourages a degree of physical touch and friendly horseplay.

Good Things To Talk About With Your Crush

Tell Me About Your Family

This question can feel personal because it is linked to family dynamics. It may not always be met with an open response. If there is a close family connection, getting to know more about them will give you pieces of information to use in conversations with their folks that will gain you brownie points.

What Do You Usually Do When You Hang Out With Your Friends?

Breaking into their inner circle can be difficult, but its crucial to get an idea of their friendships before getting into a relationship with your crush. Knowing what they do with their friends also allows you to tag along to their next outing.

Do You Ever Have Nightmares?

This question can help you gauge their base level of stress and worry. Nightmares can also be random, so if they seem unconcerned about their nightmares, you can discuss your strangest ones together.

What Would Be Your Dream First Date?

If you need first date ideas, this question will help you plan the next step. Youll want to be patient and ask this question after your crush is comfortable with you; otherwise, you run the risk of scaring them off by coming on too strong. If they seem interested in pursuing a relationship, take note of their answer and surprise them with the perfect first date.

What Kind of Shows Do You Like?

Are you still in the early stages of getting to know each other? If so, TV shows and popular culture make ideal conversation starters. If you watch the same shows, you can have weekly catch-up sessions on new episodes as they air.

What Kind of Music Do You Like To Dance To?

Open the door for awesome dance parties by asking about their favorite dancing music. You may be surprised to learn that they love jiving to country music or old 90s hits.

What Was Your Favorite Cartoon Growing Up?

Looking back on cartoons that you watched growing up can spark some incredible conversations. Childhood shows really stick in your memory, so you can easily bond over specific episodes or anecdotes that struck a chord back then.

Whats Your Favorite Season?

Whether your crush loves beach parties during summer or prefers ice skating during winter, figuring out their favorite season lets you plan the perfect future date. Theres nothing more romantic than cuddling up on a cozy winter night with hot chocolate.

Whats Your Favorite Food/Restaurant?

Dining out at their favorite restaurant with some incredible food will put them at ease and encourage them to be open with you in conversation. To make a statement, offer to foot the bill.

Are There Any Books You Would Recommend?

Start a great discussion about the best books they have read. If you end up reading their recommendations, youre sure to have some lively conversations and get into the literary analysis of these amazing stories!

Where Do You Wish You Could Go?

Raising the idea of the dream destination will have you both talking for hours on end. Feel free to take things a step further and plan imaginary trips that youd like to take together.

What Is Something You Really Want To Accomplish?

You can spin this as more of a personal or career-based question, but their answer will give you a decent idea of their goals and planned trajectory in life. Use this topic to see if your expectations are well-aligned or completely different.

Fun Things To Talk About With Your Crush

Whats Something You Couldnt Live Without?

Its always a good idea to find out more about what your crush holds close to their heart so that you can gauge your compatibility. A person who loves their family dearly is more likely to be suited to a long-term partnership than one who lives for nights on the town, for example.

Whats On Your Bucket List?

Matching bucket list items are a sure sign that you guys are meant to be, and this question also allows you to imagine future vacations that you can take together. This question gives you a decent glimpse into their personality too. Daredevils may choose skydiving, whereas more cerebral types may prefer a trip to Shakespeares Birthplace.

Whats Your Favorite Childhood Memory?

These memories can reveal a lot about their early life and how their family and culture shape who they are. Happy memories will lift the mood, and if they have recently lost someone important to them, these discussions can be extremely intimate and therapeutic.

What Is Your Favorite Dessert?

It may not tell you much about their personality but finding out about that favorite dessert will make any dessert date sweeter. Dont forget to ask for two spoons for sharing!

Whats The Most Beautiful Thing Youve Ever Seen?

Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, and their response to this question will tell you a lot about their awareness of the world around them. Those who can appreciate the natural wonders of the world tend to be more present and grounded than those who cant.

What Kind of Music Do You Like?

Everyones taste in music is unique, so you may not enjoy the same music. However, asking them more about their favorite bands and genres will give you plenty to talk about. To go the extra mile, suggest booking to see a band which you both love.

Would You Rather Swim with Dolphins or Whale Watch?

This will tell you whether they are daring or prefer to watch from the sidelines. Both activities are incredible, but one is much more hands-on than the other.

What Would You Do If You Had A Million Dollars?

Knowing whether your crush would donate to charity, invest in property, or perhaps start their own business can help you understand their priorities. The answer to this question will shed light on their aspirations, spontaneity and money management skills.

What Type of Movies Do You Like?

A movie date is a quintessential first date idea and figuring out what kind of movies they like will make the outing more enjoyable. If your tastes differ, you can both experience something new together!

What Does Your Family Do For The Holidays?

Asking your crush about their familys plans for the holidays shows that youre invested in their close relationships. Bonding over your different family traditions may even give you some fun ideas to bring home this holiday season.

What Is the Funniest Joke You Know By Heart?

Theres a good chance this will be a knock-knock joke, but watching them try to remember the details of their funniest joke will have you both laughing out loud. If you both have jokes to hand, take turns bouncing them off one another until you run out of steam.

Whats Your Favorite Pizza Topping?

Its easy to bond when you both love spicy jalapeño pizza and think that pineapple on pizza is a crime. Small connections make for great bonding moments, no matter how cheesy.

Interesting Things To Talk About With Your Crush

If You Could Pretend To Be Someone For A Day, Who Would You Be?

Find out the qualities that your crush deems important by asking who they would pretend to be for a day. They may want the adoration experienced by a famous influencer with millions of followers or prefer to make important changes as a prominent political figure.

What Superpower Would You Have For A Day?

Discussing superheroes will allow you both to reminisce about your childhood dreams and fantasies. Although its a simple question, their answer may give you deep insight into their personality.

What Would Your Parents Be Surprised To Learn About You?

This question immediately gives you a glimpse into your crushs more secretive side. Whether they snuck out last weekend or partake in a hobby that their parents wouldnt approve of, sharing secrets is a way for you to bond and begin trusting each other.

What Was Your Favorite TV Show As A Kid?

Talking about your favorite TV shows when you were younger will bring back fond memories of your childhood. Reminiscing over iconic episodes and game shows is guaranteed to connect you on a deeper level.

What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?

We all dream of winning the lottery, and this question will reveal everything you need to know about your crushs main concerns and material desires. Family-focused individuals may choose to use their winnings to secure retirement for their folks, whereas others will blow it on luxury goods or vacations.

Are You A Dog or Cat Person?

If you ever want to own a pet together, then this is a crucial question to ask. People can be extremely opinionated about these two animals, and there may be serious allergies to consider. If you love the same animals, you can spice up your conversations with pictures and videos to make them smile.

Whats Your Favorite Drink?

Knowing someones favorite beer or cocktail can give you some insight into who they are. If they love a good beer, they are likely to be down-to-earth and honest. On the other hand, a red wine drinker may be more cultured and appreciate the finer things in life.

If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone in History, Who Would It Be?

Those who love science may wish to meet Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla, while fashion gurus would perhaps love the chance to dine with Coco Chanel. Their answer will help you find topics of conversation for the future which align with their passions.

Do You Prefer the Beach, Mountains, or Countryside?

Not only will this question produce ideas for future vacation spots, but it can say a lot about how you both relax. Some people love going to the beach and find sunbathing therapeutic, while an escape to the mountains can provide ample time to think and decompress.

Whats Your Favorite Board Game?

Use the answer to this question to organize a fun board game night with some drinks. To keep things interesting, start with an intellectual game like Scrabble and move on to games like Twister as the night picks up.

Deep Conversation Topics To Talk About With Your Crush

Describe The Perfect Family

Its important to know whether your crush wants a big family or wants to avoid having kids altogether. This is one area of life that you two will need to agree on as a couple, so discuss it early on.

Whats The Best Feeling Youve Ever Had?

Maybe your crush caught an incredible wave on vacation to Australia, or they felt euphoric after receiving a scholarship to a top-tier college. Whatever their answer to this question is, it will give you an insightful look at what they consider central to their identity.

Do You Believe in Soulmates?

Those who believe in soulmates are usually romantic or spiritual people, so this question can show you a lot about their thoughts on fate and destiny. Asking this question may confirm whether your crush is a hopeless romantic or has a more tentative approach to relationships and dating.

What Is A Challenge or Obstacle Youve Overcome?

Obstacles and how we deal with them often shape us as people, so learning about their struggles and sharing your own is sure to help you to bond. Their challenges may also explain how they choose to react to certain situations.

Whats Your Dream Job?

Learning about career goals is key to a successful future together. Theres nothing sexier than ambition, so discover their career aspirations early to see whether youll be compatible long term. To keep the question fun, ask what their dream job was when they were younger too.

Random Questions To Ask Your Crush

What Would You Say Is the Theme Music To Your Life?

This question will give you great insight into the inner workings of their mind. If they choose a sad song, they may be battling demons which you can help them with. On the other hand, those who choose upbeat tracks are more likely to be happy and positive.

Whats Something You Like To Splurge On?

Everyone needs to treat themselves on occasion. Discover what they splurge their hard-earned money on, so you know what is important to them. Whether its a big vacation, luxury spa treatment, or something more material, you can use this information to pencil in future gifts and experiences.

Do You Like Dressing Up?

Hitting the town is always fun, and you can use this question to figure out whether you agree about attending fancy events. If you love going out, then a homebody who enjoys sweats and nights in may not be the best fit.

What Shows Do You Watch?

Binge-watching TV shows together is a date idea that never goes out of style. Grab your favorite box sets or start streaming these episodes, order pizza, make popcorn, and spend quality time together. Simple and fun conversation starters can be the perfect way to get your crush to open up.

How Often Are You on Social Media?

No one wants their partner scrolling through social media during quality time together. If you want to gauge their social media usage, ask how often they frequent their favorite social sites. If appearing in social media posts is important to you, use this question to ask how regularly they post.

Whats The Best Gift Youve Ever Given?

This question can give you a decent idea about your crushs generosity and financial status. Many people dont believe that expensive gifts are the most effective, so if they mention a handmade or personal gift, it shows that they are both resourceful and thoughtful.

What Would Be The Absolute Worst Name You Could Give Your Child?

You may know someone with an unfortunate name, or you can both discuss your least favorite celebrity names to get the conversation started. Be creative the more atrocious the name, the better.

Do You Prefer Tea or Coffee?

People can be very passionate about hot drinks, so finding out whether they love tea or coffee will put you in a great position. Surprising them with a piping hot drink when theyre having a rough day can quickly turn their day around.

What Do You Wish People Would Stop Asking You?

This simple question can let you know about pet peeves, triggers, traumatic events, and the relationships in their life. Its important to understand what frustrates and annoys the person you are interested in potentially dating.

Do You Like Going To Plays, Musicals, or the Theatre?

Heading to the theatre can be an exciting experience for artistic types and finding out what kind of art stimulates them will improve your date options. If you see a musical, grab the soundtrack and blare it in the car to reminisce.

Tell Me An Amazing Fact That I May Not Know

Some people love to affirm their knowledge, so present them with the opportunity to do so by asking for their most amazing fact. You may just learn something new.

How Would You Describe Your Fashion Style?

Theres nothing better than being well-dressed. Find out your crushs style and make a mental note to purchase them something special as a gift. A sleek tie or stunning purse that matches their style is sure to be appreciated.

Funny Questions To Ask Your Crush

Whats The Funniest Thing Thats Ever Happened To You?

Funny anecdotes are a great icebreaker if youre nervous. People who can laugh at themselves are always more attractive and you can refer to this moment if youre teasing them.

Who Is Your Favorite Comedian?

This will give you a glimpse of their sense of humor. It could also lead to booking into a comedy show or stand-up gig in the future!

Whats The First Thing Youd Do If You Were The Opposite Sex For A Day?

The answer to this question is always amusing and will help break the ice if youre still nervous around each other. Be prepared for some X-rated and unexpected responses to this one.

What Is Something That Everyone Looks Stupid Doing?

This is one topic of conversation that youll both laugh about for days on end. You can talk about tourists taking pictures with iPads or the uncomfortable sidewalk shuffle that occurs when two strangers constantly change directions to try and get past one another!

Who Is The Worst Guest Youve Ever Had Come Over To Your House?

This interesting topic will get your crush to tell a funny, embarrassing, or scary story about the time a guest came over to the house. Weve all had terrible guests and this will give you a chance to connect while laughing about each others stories.

Whats The Most Ridiculous Fact You Know?

Everyone knows at least one random fact that they will never forget. Make sure you dont let them know if youve heard the fact before, as theyll want to have their moment!

Deep Personal Questions To Ask Your Crush

Tell Me About Your Proudest Accomplishment?

Most people like to talk about their proudest accomplishments. This question will boost their ego and help you understand what they view as their biggest success.

Have You Ever Been In Love?

Talking about love is a deep conversation that will help you understand what your crush is like in a relationship, how comfortable they are talking about their emotions, and why they broke up with their significant other. As a personal question, you may want to start this topic after the first date when it is appropriate to ask about their relationship history. If youve never been in love yourself, its important to be open and honest with communication.

Have You Ever Cheated on Your Significant Other?

This question can reveal a lot about someones moral compass and allows you to decide whether youre willing to risk heartbreak. Change and growth are always possible, so you dont necessarily need to condemn your crush if they have cheated on a partner in the past.

Which Would You Choose: To Be Smart or Happy?

There is no wrong answer here, but this question will teach you about their view of the world and what they feel is important. Career-driven people may choose to be smart, but those who value experiences and family will choose to be happy.

What Would You Do To Improve Yourself?

Your crush likely has insecurities, and this question is a sneaky way to weed them out. Once you know what they would like to improve, you can help them on their way to becoming their best self. Their response will also show you whether they can be reflective, or whether they are blind to their flaws.

Whats The Sweetest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For You?

Do you want to know how other people feel about your crush? The sweeter the gesture, the more appreciated they are likely to be.

Whats The Most Ridiculous Thing Anyone Knows About You?

Look into your crushs private life by finding out what other people may not know about them. Finding out that they still use a night light is something that you can tease them about for years to come.

What Are You Most Attracted To In A Person?

Knowing whether you possess attributes that your crush finds attractive is always useful. If they say they adore athleticism in a partner, then you have a golden opportunity to discuss your new workout routine or invite them along to one of your sessions.

Whats The Most Immature Thing Your Parents Do?

Discussing the wonderfully immature things that their parents do daily will make them smile and quickly break down any walls that theyve put up.

What Kind of Jobs Have You Had?

Even the most difficult work helps to shape a persons approach to their life, so dont be afraid to ask them about their best and worst jobs. You will probably find that these experiences taught them how to be successful, handle people effectively and fight for what they want.

Do You Think Youre Judgmental?

No one wants to be around someone whos constantly putting people down or making judgments. Being judgmental can be a sign of insecurity and poor self-esteem, meaning it may be best to steer clear.

How To Start A Conversation With Your Crush

The best way to start a conversation with your crush is to talk about something that person is passionate about or interested in. While it can be daunting to talk to your crush, youll want to be calm and cool by approaching the conversation casually. You can ask a question, make a playful comment, or be funny in a flirty way that doesnt come on too strong.

The perfect conversation starters are light and fun, and can be as simple as asking about a common interest or discussing current events. The goal is to start talking, avoid being awkward, and find ways to keep the conversation going naturally where both of you are enjoying your time together.

When it comes to texting your crush, start the conversation with the basics and dont overthink everything. Talking and flirting over text with a guy or girl doesnt have to be scary. If youre funny and witty with your friends, take the same approach to having a conversation with someone you like. Interesting topics and good questions can be an easy way to chat via text or over the phone.

Just remember to be yourself and dont try to be the person you think your crush will like. There will always be someone out there who will appreciate the person that you are and love you for being you.

What To Talk About With Your Crush

  • Simple conversation starters can help you begin talking and learning about this guy or girl you like.
  • When talking to your crush, focus on interesting and fun topics that will allow you to be funny and flirty.
  • The best questions to ask are ones that allow your crush to talk about themselves and give you an opportunity to get to know them.
  • If you want to ask deep questions, youll need to wait until youve developed some rapport to avoid coming on too strong.
  • Open communication and good conversation create the foundation for meaningful relationships.
  • Youll want to talk about and do different things on the phone, over text, or on FaceTime.

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