Which of the following is true of program evaluation?

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McDavid, J. C., Huse, I., & Hawthorn, L. R. [2019]. Chapter 4 Measurement For Program Evaluation And Performance Monitoring. SAGE Publications, Inc., //dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781071878897

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Related Questions

  • Q4:

    A major disadvantage of the community forum approach to needs assessment is the representativeness of the opinions expressed.​

  • Q5:

    Because the rates under treatment approach to needs assessment only looks at those currently utilizing services, it is vulnerable to underestimating the true extent of need.​

  • Q6:

    Agency administrators who ask in-house program evaluators to assess their program's effectiveness are likely to​ A] ​promote an atmosphere in which the paramount priority is on free, scientific inquiry. B] ​give the evaluator complete autonomy in designing the research and interpreting its findings. C] ​desire a study that is methodologically as rigorous as possible. D] ​imply that they expect the results of the evaluation to be positive.

  • Q7:

    In order to maximize scientific objectivity, program evaluators should avoid involving stakeholders in planning an evaluation.​

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    One criticism of goal attainment evaluations deals with the often fuzzy link between program mission statements and operational indicators of program outcome.​

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    Evaluators who report negative findings about a program will usually be respected by stakeholders as competent and honest, provided that their methodology is reasonable.​

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    External evaluators, as compared to In-house evaluators, are likely to:​ A] ​have less access to program information and personnel. B] have more knowledge about program processes.​ C] have less independence from agency administrators.​ D] experience no pressure whatsoever from stakeholders regarding desired results.​

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    If a rigorous experimental assessment of program outcome finds that a program is not effective in attaining its goals, then there is no need to evaluate the program's implementation.​

  • Q13:

    Which of the following statements is NOT true about the utilization of program evaluation findings?​ A] ​They are less likely to be used if they contradict deeply held beliefs. B] If the results are clear and have obvious policy implications, they will always be used.​ C] They are less likely to be used when they threaten vested interests.​ D] How they are written up rarely has any bearing on their potential utilization.​

  • Q14:

    Agency administrators and practitioners are likely to encourage maximum scientific rigor in evaluations of program outcome, irrespective of the funding implications.​

  • 1. 

    The ultimate purpose of program evaluation is

    • A. 

      The collection of data on the number of people who utilize a service.

    • B. 

      The improvement of programs and the selection of the best program among possible programs

    • C. 

      Making decisions about the proper groups a program should serve.

    • D. 

      An assessment of how program staff people spend their time.

  • 2. 

    [seperate answers with commas] Evaluation is the ____________________ of the ___________________ of a program or policy, compared to a set of ________, as a means of contributing to the _______________________.

  • 3. 

    Carrying out a _________________ requires that a evaluation be conducted according to accepted social science research principles [quantitative and qualitative].

  • 4. 

    ________________ is the study of the way a program or service is carried out.

  • 5. 

    ____________ are the effects or results of the program.

  • 6. 

    _________________ is one type of evaluation

    • A. 

      Needs assessment

    • B. 

      Individual assessment

    • C. 

      Program audit

    • D. 

      Basic research

  • 7. 

    An evaluation that documents the extent to which implemenation has occurred and the degree to which the program operates as expected is an

    • A. 

      Evaluation of efficiency

    • B. 

      Evaluation of need

    • C. 

      Evaluation of outcome

    • D. 

      Evaluation of process

  • 8. 

    An evaluation of need refers to evaluations that

    • A. 

      Isolate the costs of providing various services

    • B. 

      Are particularly useful in planning a new program

    • C. 

      Are similar to performance appraisals

    • D. 

      Are done at the end of a program cycle.

  • 9. 

    An evaluation of __________ is designed to determine how program recipients perform as a result of participating in a program.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 10. 

    The strongest advantage that an external evaluator has over an internal evaluator is

    • A. 

      More well-developed analytic skills

    • B. 

      The trust she/he has built up over the years

    • C. 

      The influence to see that the findings are used by the program staff.

    • D. 

      The potential to be more objective

  • 11. 

    Internal program evaluators usually have the following advantage over consultant evaluators:

    • A. 

      Better knowledge of the program

    • B. 

      Better objectivity

    • C. 

      Better statistical and research competence

    • D. 

      Better support staff

  • 12. 

    The purpose of a formative evaluation is to provide information to program sponsors when they are

    • A. 

      Making program improvements.

    • B. 

      Trying to minimize the effects of arbitrary federal requirements for program evaluations.

    • C. 

      Trying to improve public relations.

    • D. 

      Making decisions about maintaining or terminating a program.

  • 13. 

    When an evaluation relates the cost of a program to its outcomes, we think of this form of evaluation as

    • A. 

      An evaluation of performance.

    • B. 

      An evaluation of efficiency.

    • C. 

      A form of basic research.

    • D. 

      Applicable to business but not to social service programs.

  • 14. 

    In the mid-1990's which of the following was true:

    • A. 

      Both Conservatives and Liberals were interested in evaluation.

    • B. 

      Liberals were interested in evaluation but not Conservatives.

    • C. 

      Conservatives were interested in evaluation but not Liberals.

    • D. 

      Neither Conservatives or Liberals were interested in evaluation.

  • 15. 

    An evaluation whose purpose is identifying and measuring level of unmet needs within an organization or a community is an evaluation of ___________.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 16. 

    Which of these are not a task of an evaluation of process?

    • A. 

      Nature of people being served

    • B. 

      Degree to which program operates as expected

    • C. 

      Document extent to which implementation has occurred

    • D. 

      Assess whether or not the services are meeting individual needs

  • 17. 

    The evaluation that asks if participants are performing well is an evaluation of __________.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 18. 

    Which of these are not a type of evaluation?

    • A. 

      Need assessment

    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


    • E. 

      Individual Assessment

  • 19. 

    Formative evaluations are conducted to _____________.

    • A. 

      Improve the program.

    • B. 

      Monitor the program.

    • C. 

      To determine of the program should continue

  • 20. 

    A summatitve evaluation seeks to

    • A. 

      Improve the program.

    • B. 

      Monitor the program.

    • C. 

      Determine if the program should continue.

  • 21. 

    A monitoring evaluation serves to

    • A. 

      Improve the program

    • B. 

      Monitor the program

    • C. 

      Determine if the program should continue

  • 22. 

    Formative evaluations are conducted

    • A. 

      Before the program starts

    • B. 

      During the program implementation

    • C. 

      After the program is completed

  • 23. 

    Summative evaluations are conducted

    • A. 

      Before the program starts

    • B. 

      During the program

    • C. 

      After the program is compeleted

  • 24. 

    Before a program is developed and started, an evaluation of ________ should be conducted.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 25. 

    A program might be ineffective because the

    • A. 

      Target population does not feel a need for the service provided.

    • B. 

      Program treats the needs of the target population.

    • C. 

      Program deals with needs that the population really has.

    • D. 

      Program has a well thought out model.

What is evaluation of a program?

What is program evaluation? Evaluation: A systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using data to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and, as importantly, to contribute to continuous program improvement.

What is the main purpose of program evaluation?

Program evaluation is a valuable tool for program managers who are seeking to strengthen the quality of their programs and improve outcomes for the children and youth they serve. Program evaluation answers basic questions about a program's effectiveness, and evaluation data can be used to improve program services.

What are the three purposes of program evaluation?

The aim of program evaluation is to answer questions about a program's performance and value. Program evaluation should have three outcomes: Assess program implementation, assess program results, and highlight methods of program improvement [Newcomer, Hatry, & Wholey, 2015].

What should be included in a program evaluation?

Framework for program evaluation.
Engage stakeholders..
Describe the program..
Focus the evaluation design..
Gather credible evidence..
Justify conclusions..
Ensure use and share lessons learned..

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