What is the key difference between an independent regulatory commission and an independent executive agency quizlet?

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Terms in this set [15]

Distinguish between independent agencies and independent regulatory commissions.

Independent agencies: as units in the executive branch outside the control of executive departments [EPA]
Independent regulatory commissions as units in the executive branch that make and enforce rules to protect the public interest, such as the Federal Reserve Board.

agencies are headed by single administrators, while commissions are governed by groups of commissioners. commissions are more independent of presidential control: commissioners cannot be removed by the president.

How does the Administrative Procedures Act [APA] influence rule-making by departments and agencies? When was the act passed?

APA was enacted in 1946 to ensure that federal agencies do not act unpredictably in the creation of rules and regulations.

first, a rule is proposed; second, a public comment period is held; third, the final rule is published in the Federal Register.

Discuss the role of bureaucratic agencies in adjudication, or quasi-judicial processes.

decision-making by a federal agency as to whether an individual or organization has complied with or violated government laws or regulations and whether penalties or corrective actions should be applied.

National Labor Relations Board settling disputes between labor and management on federal labor laws.

What role does an issue network play in the modern bureaucracy?

he loose and informal relationships that exist among a large number of actors who work in broad policy areas.

agency officials, members of Congress, committee staffers, and interest group lobbyists become involved in issue areas.

one form of organization within the bureaucracy that contributes to policy making.

How did the Hatch Act reinforce reforms initiated under the Pendleton Act? When were these acts passed, and what events precipitated them?

Pendleton Act was passed in 1883,replacing the spoils system, with a merit system,

Further restricted political influence on the bureaucracy by preventing federal employees from engaging in political activities, such as campaigning, fundraising, or contributing money to partisan causes.

assassination of James Garfield

How has the structure of the presidential cabinet changed since its origin?

Articles of Confederation instituted three executive cabinets,

additional areas of specialization have been developed.

bureaucracy responded by dividing into areas of specialization.

Discuss the limitations on presidential control of the federal bureaucracy.

Congress can check the president's influence on the bureaucracy, such as choosing not to confirm presidential nominees, or by modifying or rejecting the president's budget proposal.

most hiring and firing of federal employees out of the hands of the president, and that agencies themselves do not always follow the objectives of the president.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of the rule-making requirements specified in the Administrative Procedure Act?

guaranteed opportunities for public participation, and decreased criticism of some rules.

long, cumbersome process.

Explain the purpose that policy coordinating committees serve in the federal bureaucracy, and provide one example.

subcabinet-level committees created to FACILITATE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN AGENCIES

handle complex policy problems that span the jurisdictions of multiple agencies.

Homeland Security Council PCC, whose task is to ensure the creation and implementation of consistent, effective homeland security policies and to facilitate coordination of such policies with state and local agencies.

Define discretion as it applies to federal bureaucracy. Why might Congress grant bureaucratic agencies broad discretion in the implementation of federal laws?

ability of federal bureaucrats to make choices concerning the best way to implement congressional or presidential intentions.

when creating policies involving scientific or technical issues, or when ambiguity aids passage of a bill or allows members of Congress to avoid blame for potentially unpopular policies.

What are independent regulatory commissions, and why are they removed from presidential and congressional control?

Units in the executive branch that MAKE AND ENFORCE RULES to protect the public interest, such as the FCC

the desire to insulate commissions from political influence.

Define and give an example of a government corporation. Why are some services provided by government corporations, whereas others are left to the private sector?

corporation CREATED AND FUNDED by the government to provide some PUBLIC SERVICE

typically provide services that would be insufficiently provided by private companies.

Why did the size of the federal bureaucracy increase substantially over the course of the twentieth century?

population growth, industrialization, urbanization, economic problems, and involvement in wars.
Provide one or more examples to illustrate the needs that government agencies were created to fulfill, such as those designed to bring the U.S. out of the Great Depression.

How does Congress exercise control over the federal bureaucracy?

confirming presidential appointees, enacting budgets, conducting oversight hearings, conducting investigations, creating or abolishing agencies, transferring agency functions, and expanding or contracting the discretionary authority of agencies.

How does the president exercise control over the federal bureaucracy?

appointing department and agency heads and subheads, calling Cabinet meetings, issuing executive orders, submitting budget proposals to Congress, and pressuring Congress to create or abolish agencies.

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What is the key difference between an independent regulatory commission and an independent executive agency?

Independent Executive Agencies Contain: Examples are Nasa, General Service Administration, and the EPA. The independent regulatory commissions stand out among the independent agencies because they are largely beyond the reach of presidential direction and control.

What is the difference between an executive agency and a regulatory commission quizlet?

Executive agencies tend to have a single function and report directly to the president, while Regulatory Agencies have been created by Congress to regulate some area of American life.

How do independent regulatory commissions differ from independent agencies quizlet?

How do independent regulatory commissions differ from independent stand-alone agencies? Unlike independent agencies, regulatory commissions do not report directly to the president.

What is the difference between executive federal agencies and independent federal regulatory commissions quizlet?

Independent Agencies are outside of the executive branch and are not under the supervision of the president.

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