What are the benefits of using portfolio assessment to the students and teachers?

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Updated on March 04, 2019

A portfolio assessment is a collection of student works that are associated with standards you are required to learn. This collection of work is often gathered over a long period of time to reflect what you have been taught as well as what you have learned.

Each piece in the portfolio is selected because it is an authentic representation of what you have learned and is meant to demonstrate your current knowledge and skills. A portfolio by nature is a storybook capturing a student's progression of learning as they move through the year.

What Goes Into a Portfolio

A portfolio can include classwork, artistic pieces, photographs, and a variety of other media all demonstrating the concepts that you have mastered. Each item that is selected to go in the portfolio is chosen within the parameters of the purpose of the portfolio itself.

Many teachers require their students to write a reflection that correlates with each piece in the portfolio. This practice is advantageous for the student as they self-assess their work and may set goals to improve.

Finally, the reflection helps reinforce the concept for the student and it provides some clarity for anyone reviewing the portfolio. Ultimately, the most authentic portfolios are built when the teacher and student work collaboratively to decide which pieces should be included to demonstrate mastery of a specific learning objective.

The Purpose of Developing a Portfolio

A portfolio assessment is often deemed an authentic form of assessment because it includes authentic samples of a student's work. Many advocates of the portfolio assessment argue that this makes it a superior assessment tool because it is demonstrates learning and growth over an extended period of time.

They believe it is more indicative of what a student's true abilities especially when you compare it to a standardized test that provides a snapshot of what a student can do on a particular day. Ultimately, the teacher guiding the portfolio process helps determine the purpose of the final portfolio.

The portfolio may be used to show growth over time, it may be used to promote a student's abilities, or it may be used to evaluate a student's learning within a specific course. Its purpose may also be a combination of all three areas.

The Pros of Using a Portfolio Assessment

  • A portfolio assessment demonstrates learning over the course of time rather than what a student knows a particular day.
  • A portfolio assessment provides an opportunity for a student to reflect on their learning, to self assess, and to formulate a deeper understanding of the concepts they are learning beyond a simple surface explanation.
  • A portfolio assessment requires a great level of individual interaction between the student and teacher wherein they are always collaborating about the requirements and components going into the portfolio.

 The Cons of Using a Portfolio Assessment

  • Developing and assessing a portfolio is time-consuming. It takes a lot of effort from both the teacher and the student and is a demanding endeavor in which you can quickly fall behind.
  • Portfolio assessments are very subjective in nature. Even if the teacher utilizes a rubric, the individualized nature of a portfolio makes it difficult to remain objective and stick to the rubric. Two students working on the same learning standard may have two totally different approaches thus learning may not be the same.

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As an alternate assessment strategy, the portfolio provides students with the opportunity to select a progression of work to demonstrate knowledge of a topic. For example, in an English course, a student may collect essays over the series of a semester to demonstrate increased writing capability and to showcase favorite pieces of writing. In a science course, a student may keep a portfolio for the duration of an experiment, demonstrating results and tracking hypotheses.

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1 Types of Portfolios

Although the purpose of the portfolio is to provide a means of assessing student learning and understanding, a portfolio can take on a variety of forms. The growth portfolio is used over an extended period of time as students collect samples of their work to demonstrate their understanding of concept. Additionally, focusing on end products or a demonstration of a student's best work takes place in a presentation portfolio. In this second format, the student tries to select work that best shows his learning. Finally, an evaluation portfolio demonstrates a student's work over the course of a year or semester of work, providing information about student achievement in a variety of topics.

2 Features of Portfolios

In addition to a compilation of a student's work, the portfolio assessment includes other items provided by both student and teacher to provide evaluation of student learning and understanding. The National Council on Measurement in Education includes student participation, guidelines for selection, criteria for evaluation and student self-evaluation as elements of portfolio assessment. Student selection of items for inclusion in a portfolio and self-evaluation contribute to the learning process as students determine value and importance of selected pieces. The criteria for both evaluation and selection provided by teachers give students clear parameters of how items will be assessed so the student can make informed decisions during the creation process.

3 Function of Portfolio Assessment

Using a portfolio for assessment allows the student to self-monitor her own learning, but it also gives the teacher opportunity to see growth and development in the form of one project. Additionally, the portfolio assessment can be easily shared with parents, giving teachers concrete evidence of a student's achievements and struggles. Other purposes for a portfolio assessment include use as an element of an admission package, final exams and grades, and a means for students to celebrate their own accomplishments.

4 Benefits of Portfolio Assessments

The portfolio assessment is a means of providing alternate assessment and provides benefits to both students and teachers as an instructional method. The portfolio allows students to earn credit for the process of learning rather than for performance on a test. The process of assembling a portfolio can also increase communication between students and teachers, as discussion can surround decisions about inclusion of items in a portfolio. Additionally, the process creates clear requirements for completion and may be an advantage for students who struggle with traditional assessments.

About the Author

Based in Los Angeles, Jana Sosnowski holds Master of Science in educational psychology and instructional technology, She has spent the past 11 years in education, primarily in the secondary classroom teaching English and journalism. Sosnowski has also worked as a curriculum writer for a math remediation program. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in print journalism from the University of Southern California.

What benefits can students get by using the portfolio in assessing their learning?

Portfolios can encourage students to take more ownership and responsibility over the learning process. In some schools, portfolios are a way for students to critique and evaluate their own work and academic progress, often during the process of deciding what will be included in their portfolios.

What are the benefits of a portfolio for students?

Benefits of Student Portfolios.
Allowing students to track their own learning progress over time..
Helping teachers identify areas where students need improvement..
Providing valuable feedback to students..
Motivating students to do their best work..
Saving teachers time when it comes to grading student work..

How does the use of portfolios improve teaching and student assessment?

It also can encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, and enhance student-teacher communication. In addition, portfolio assessment has a potential to demonstrate students' learning process and leaning product over time.

What is the importance of portfolio in the teaching and learning process?

Portfolios provide documented evidence of teaching from a variety of sources—not just student ratings—and provide context for that evidence. The process of selecting and organizing material for a portfolio can help one reflect on and improve one's teaching.

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