travi là gì - Nghĩa của từ travi

travi có nghĩa là

Travises are known to be very sweet people. They can seem quiet at first, but they'll become one of your favorite people once you get to know one. Travises can be kind of nerdy, but it's why everyone loves them.


"get off me, you carbon-based life form!" Wow that kid is so awesome, he must be a Travis.

travi có nghĩa là

Travis is smart, energetic, kind and extremely loyal. He will treat you right, and spoil the woman that is in his life. He is hilarious, making even the grumpiest of person gut laugh. He brightens any room he enters. However, do not fuck with this guy. If he sees injustice being done he will take it upon himself to righten the wrong. He is strong, devilishly handsome and quick on his feet making all the ladies in the room swoon and wish they were with him. If you have a Travis in your life, you are one hell of a lucky person.


"dude do you know Travis?" "Yeah dude, he is the coolest person I know."

travi có nghĩa là

Sexy, Cute, and an amazing sweet talker. Caring, and Makes everyone feel loved. Makes good grades, and works to make his goals. Knows how to make you feel cared, and how to make you even tear up out of happiness. He knows best<3 he's wonderful, amazing, special and My everyday hero. The best friend, amazing listener.< p>


That was so sweet, Like a Travis. He looks so sexy, such a Travis.

travi có nghĩa là

The name Travis symbolises a legendary male... a great mate, always there in times of need Travis's are awesome people, can be the biggest smartarses, complete jokers, Super great to hang with never be bored with a Travis.


Travis is such a funny boy!

travi có nghĩa là

Travis is one of those nigga who don’t give a dam about Nothing I mean nothing the world could be about to blow up and that nigga could care less and all he do is sleep all the time and don’t get on this nigga bad Side then it will be hell on earth. King of not giving a fuck.


If that person is lazy as hell and don’t give a fuck there is a Travis

travi có nghĩa là

A tall sexy man who is fun to be around he makes jokes about bad things but still makes you laugh he is irresistible and you will do anything to hang out with him


Who is that tall sexy hunk? Probably a Travis.

travi có nghĩa là

Travis is a sophisticated, Loyal, beastly, handsome, freak and I’m talking in the good way (all night ladies all night) who cares very deeply for those close to him. To be with a Travis is to be on top of on top of the world. If you find this one in a million mythical creature carefully sculpted by god please marry him for your own good. Travis loves to please, however, he is not overly obsessive about being pleased. Travis may be reserved but strong, when I say strong I mean absolutely insane. Travis is the kind of guy that won’t let you split the bill, open the door or even have to get out of bed for breakfast because he will do it for you without wanting anything in return aside from love and affection. Some Travis’ may seem shy but don’t let this fool you, if they are quiet, not very outgoing and seemingly an introvert it’s because they don’t know you, but trust these types of Travis’ have the biggest personalities, they are party animals who are down for almost anything except for for something highly immoral. Travis can be the best Care Bear ever and is loyal to the very end without fault and extremely thoughtful of building a future while enjoying the present. Travis basically worships the ground you walk on if he loves you.


Stacy: oh my god Becky you remember Travis
Becky: Yeah
Stacy: he just proposed what should I say
Becky: that shouldn’t even be a question, marry him now

travi có nghĩa là

A Travis is a great person overall, he has dirty blonde hair with deep blue eyes and is fairly tall well put together guy. He is loyal to his friends and loves his family, he is weird but in a way that makes everyone want to be his friend.
A Travis is kind, sweet and caring, he is everyone's type. If he opens up to you he trusts you, if you break his trust be scared because he isn't afraid to speak his mind. Travis will always be loyal to you, so be loyal to him. If you have a Travis in your life keep him close because you are sure lucky to have him, even if you aren't friends with Travis he will always be kind to you until you give him a reason not to, Travis' are real keepers.


Girl1: He just stood up for me.
Girl2: Wow really.
Girl1: I don't even know him.
Girl2: Wow he is a realTravis! Boy: Hey did you meet my buddy Travis?
Girl: No I didn't, why?
Boy: He's really cool and I think you will like him, he's a real keeper
Girl: Cool, I will have to introduce myself Girl: Hey.
Travis: Hey!
Girl: I've heard a lot about you and I wanted to see if the rumors were true.
Travis: What rumors?
Girl: Everyone is saying you are a really good guy and no one is better than you because you're a Travis. Just wanted to see if it was true
Travis: Well do you think it's true?
Girl: Definitely!
.....And they lived happily ever after.....

travi có nghĩa là

The best friend ever and wants to show you all the cool stuff


Hey can we play a game
Yeah sure let's ask Travis

travi có nghĩa là

Solid father figure. Is often too hard on himself and others.hes a fucking savage. Gaurdian angel that eases the most troubled souls and leads lost children through the darkness safely. Without even lifting a finger. A heart of gold hidden beneath badassery and a brooding stern dissapointing fatherly stare.. Intentional or not your a fucking roll model and a good one people look up to you mister and your loved. Next look up ALWAYS


Travis saved my life.