Topology; a first course pdf

This book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by CrossRef.

Cavicchioli, Alberto 1987. Generalized handles in graphs and connected sums of manifolds. Journal of Geometry, Vol. 30, Issue. 1, p. 69.

Andrews, Peter 1988. The Classification of Surfaces. The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 95, Issue. 9, p. 861.

Przytycka, T. and Przytycki, J. H. 1990. On a Lower Bound for Short Noncontractible Cycles in Embedded Graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 3, Issue. 2, p. 281.

Frolov, Valery P. 1991. Vacuum polarization in a locally static multiply connected spacetime and a time-machine problem. Physical Review D, Vol. 43, Issue. 12, p. 3878.

Socolovsky, M. 1991. Reparametrization of paths in manifolds. Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 11, Vol. 106, Issue. 7, p. 727.

Borisovich, Yuri G. Bliznyakov, Nikolai M. Fomenko, Tatyana N. and Izrailevich, Yakov A. 1995. Introduction to Differential and Algebraic Topology. Vol. 9, Issue. , p. 161.

Borisovich, Yuri G. Bliznyakov, Nikolai M. Fomenko, Tatyana N. and Izrailevich, Yakov A. 1995. Introduction to Differential and Algebraic Topology. Vol. 9, Issue. , p. 387.

Dekov, Deko V. 1997. Finite complete rewriting systems for groups. Communications in Algebra, Vol. 25, Issue. 12, p. 4023.

Zabrejko, P. P. 1997. Topological Nonlinear Analysis II. p. 445.

Dekov, Deko V. 1997. Finite complete rewriting systems for groups. Communications in Algebra, Vol. 25, Issue. 12, p. 4023.

Colyvan, Mark 1998. Can the Eleatic Principle be Justified?. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 28, Issue. 3, p. 313.

Craveiro De Carvalho, F. J. and Robertson, S. A. 1999. Graphs and their parallel groups. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Vol. 48, Issue. 1, p. 65.

Camerlo, Riccardo and Kechris, Alexander S. 2000. Countable structures with a fixed group of automorphisms. Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 117, Issue. 1, p. 105.

Lozada, L.A.P. de Mendonca, C.X. and Stolfi, J. 2000. Visualization of three-dimensional maps. p. 251.

Firby, Peter A. and Gardiner, Cyril F. 2001. Surface Topology. p. 120.

Firby, Peter A. and Gardiner, Cyril F. 2001. Surface Topology. p. 32.

Firby, Peter A. and Gardiner, Cyril F. 2001. Surface Topology. p. 64.

Firby, Peter A. and Gardiner, Cyril F. 2001. Surface Topology. p. 77.

Firby, Peter A. and Gardiner, Cyril F. 2001. Surface Topology. p. 141.

Firby, Peter A. and Gardiner, Cyril F. 2001. Surface Topology. p. 101.

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