Therapeutic Listening music list

Therapeutic Listening ®

Sensational Kids OT is able to offer clients Vital Links customised Therapeutic Listening® programs. These programs when combined with Sensory Integration Therapy can achieve remarkable results.

What is Therapeutic Listening®?

Who developed Therapeutic Listening®?

How does Therapeutic Listening® work?

Who benefits from Therapeutic Listening®?

What are the benefits of Therapeutic Listening®?

Accessing a Therapeutic Listening® program?

Therapeutic Listening Headphones

Where can I obtain further information about Therapeutic Listening®?

What is Therapeutic Listening®?

Therapeutic Listening® is a specialised and evidence based protocol. It combines a sound-based intervention with sensory integrative activities to create a comprehensive program that is effective for diverse populations with sensory processing challenges.

Therapeutic Listening® uses organised sound patterns, inherent to music, to impact all levels of the nervous system to increase attention, balance, body awareness and control, communication, social engagement and organisation of sensory input. Overall, children are more organised and behaviourally regulated and have more rapid therapeutic outcomes.

Who developed Therapeutic Listening®?

Therapeutic Listening® is based on ideas from Tomatis Listening Program, Auditory Integration Training AIT [Berard] and Samonas [Steinbach] and also a Sensory Integrative Framework [Jean Ayres]. It was developed by Sheila Frick who is the founder of Vital Links []. Sheila has extensive training and experience in working with individuals with sensory processing disorders.

How does Therapeutic Listening® work?

The function of the ear is to feel and hear sounds and movement. It is referred to as the vestibular-cochlear system. The cochlea is the part of the ear that is our hearing sense organ, responding to minute vibrations and differences in sound waves. The vestibular portion of the ear detects movement of the head in space. It is considered the organizer of our body senses. It is our internal ear, allowing us to understand time and space from our bodys perspective. It has a strong impact on muscle tone, posture, balance, coordination, integration of the two body sides, visual spatial skills, emotional responses and motor-planning.

The vestibular-cochlear system is the first to develop in the utero and provides the foundation for both time and space organization of all other sensory systems. Therapeutic Listening® treatment stimulates and exercises the vestibular-cochlear system. It is designed to enhance the accuracy of the sensory information sent from the vestibular-cochlear system of the ear to its multiple connections throughout the nervous system.

Information taken from Teri Allen, OTR as adapted from the course: Listening With the Whole Body by S. Frick, OTR and C. Hacker

This approach builds on all of the scientific knowledge about sensory-motor integration as CNS organizer for meaningful function. Therapeutic Listening® includes the addition of music through the use of electronically altered chips to impact the central nervous system. This addition of music ties brainstem integration together with limbic system integration leading to more organized and functional behaviour outcomes. The addition of the auditory system to this treatment equation provides the considerable and unique power of uniting brainstem, limbic system, and cerebral cortex in the support of the development and emergence of higher cortical and cognitive function.

Information adapted from Steven J. Cool, PhD, FAAO in Vitallinks Newsletter 2004.

Who benefits from Therapeutic Listening®?

Individuals with the following difficulties:

    • Regulating sleep patterns
    • Restricted diet and eating patterns/habits
    • Reduced attention and difficulties sustaining concentration for tasks e.g. school work
    • Communication difficulties, delayed speech development
    • Regulating emotional and behavioural responses e.g. tantrums, anxiety, flattened emotional responses/expressions
    • Irregularities in toilet training
    • Reduced social skills, engagement and reduced self-esteem & confidence
    • Delayed or awkward motor skills; coordination, planning and balance
    • Handwriting difficulties
    • Visual perceptual difficulties
    • Disorganisation, impulsive behaviours or anxiety
    • Autism, Aspergers and ADD/ADHD
    • Sensory Processing Disorders
    • Downs Syndrome
    • Learning Difficulties

What are the benefits of Therapeutic Listening®?

When Therapeutic Listening® is coupled with a sensory integration framework it enhances the emergence of:

    • Attention & focus
    • Self-regulation
    • Postural Control
    • Praxis [motor planning], balance & coordination
    • Fine motor skills
    • Evenness or more regulated emotional & behavioural responses
    • Oral motor control and improved eating habits
    • Communication, articulation and social skills
    • Increased engagement and interaction, development of play skills
    • Visual motor integration
    • Improved sleep patterns
    • Toilet training

Accessing a Therapeutic Listening® program?

To implement a Therapeutic Listening® program the therapist needs to have highly specialised training from Vital Links. Tanya Williamson andmany of the Sensational Kids OT staffhave completed their training andare able to assess and develop an individualised Therapeutic Listening® program. Each client will need to be assessed for the suitability of implementing such a program which will always be coupled with the implementation of a sensory diet.

Each persons Therapeutic Listening® program will be monitored and updated throughout their ongoing treatment intervention with Sensational Kids OT. Therapeutic Listening® programs can be carried out at home, school/childcare or at the clinic with ongoing support from a therapist who is trained in their use. Eachchip is reviewed on a fortnightly basis with the overall program typically in place for two to six months for initial gains. However, many individuals continue beyond time frame or find some of the chips useful as part of an ongoing sensory diet. As you need to be a licensed provider to purchase Therapeutic Listening® chips Sensational Kids OT is happy to purchase these chips for ongoing use as requested.

If you would like further information to see if this would be a suitable intervention please call us on [02] 80042727 or send us an email

Information on this page is adapted from Sheila Frick training course Listening with the whole body.

Therapeutic Listening Headphones

The Therapeutic Listening® chips include sounds that can not be replicated by most headphones. The dynamic range and resistance specifications are critical and have been specially formulated to provide the best results from the program.

High quality HD500A Sennheiser stereo headphones are designed specifically for use with Therapeutic Listening® chips. Improved audio technology is fused with a BioNetic design that offers unsurpassed comfort for children and adults.

Headphone Purchase

Headphones can be purchased independently through Vital Links or other vendors. You must make sure that the headphones meet the criteria of the specified headphones, as outlined below, otherwise the program will not be therapeutically beneficial.

HD500A Sennheiser Stereo Headphones Specifications

    • Frequency Response: 18-30,000 Hz
    • Transducer Principle: Dynamic
    • Nominal Impedance: 150 ohm
    • Characteristic SPL: 1 kHz 102 dB
    • Total Harmonic Distortion: < 0.1%
    • Ear Coupling: Supra-aural semi-open aire
    • Weight [without cable]: 7.35 oz
    • Connector: 1/8 stereo jack plug with adapter to 1/4 plug
    • Connection Cable: 9.8 foot detachable single-sided OFC [oxygen-free copper] cable
    • Ear cushions: Velour

Where can I obtain further information about Therapeutic Listening®?

If you would like further information, download this video. Thisvideo is courtesy of Vital Links and is aimed at parents and care givers.

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