Topping E30 Audio Science review

Amir, who runs the Audio Science Review website, just posted a review of the new Topping D70S DAC. I posted the following statement below the review...

"I seriously doubt that anyone could tell the difference between even something as inexpensive as the Topping E30 and this DAC in a blind A/B test. We are lucky that such neutral, accurate equipment is now within financial reach of the common working person. And, I just don't get MQA. It's a complex, lossy format in a day when storage is dirt cheap. Get your music is FLAC format, and be done with it."

Amir himself replied...

"These comments belong outside of review thread of this specific product. Future posts will be deleted. Discuss it elsewhere."

I found this response unnecessarily rude and hateful - so much so that I deleted the post, and contacted him directly, asking him to delete my account, which he did, without apology or explanation.

I've been on that site for years without issue, having commented on dozens of articles, and have bought several pieces of equipment, based on his reviews. I'm at a loss to explain such unprofessional, rude, hateful behavior. Has anyone else had trouble on that site?

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