the vanguard là gì - Nghĩa của từ the vanguard

the vanguard có nghĩa là

The foremost position in an army or fleet advancing into battle; the foremost or leading position in a trend or movement; those occupying a foremost position.


The vanguard of the group led their whole military to victory.

the vanguard có nghĩa là

A typical girl at Vanguard University of Southern California. She has wavy blonde hair, green eyes, is short, and unnaturally, rediculously, skinny. She wears baggy ripped jeans, rainbows, loves little african babies, and has an equally annoying boyfriend. She also has a tatoo on her inner wrist with a faith related saying in cursive letters, and thinks she was the first one to get it.


A Vanguard girl loves Africa, dresses bohemian, shops at urban outfitters, and has an iphone.

the vanguard có nghĩa là

A typical Vanguard girl will find a way to have school spirit even though her attempts are ultimately futile. She is in love with the idea of third world countries and enjoys explaining why she enjoyed her mission trip so much using the phrase "It changed my life." She usually leaves out the part about how it affected the foreigners, but this is just a minor detail. During her time out of the classroom she is either at the beach or going to Disneyland (because she has a pass...for life). The most dangerous Vanguard girls fall into two categories: women studies majors and theater majors. If you are a male and see either, run before you testicles are either chopped off or "monologued" to death. Either way, your balls are gone. As stated before, most Vanguard girls will have a tattoo or piercing of some sort on their body (mostly wrist tattoos). These tattoos consist of either a Bible verse or a single word that truly represents their feelings (the most common being "Beloved"). The tattoo usually contains doves breaking out of chains (symbolizing their internal struggle against the forces of darkness). Lastly Don't bother dating a Vanguard girl if you want a quick hook-up. Statistically speaking, 1 in 2 Vanguard girls will find someone to date and marry them as soon as possible to justify losing their virginity. They will usually find out this was a bad decision after their first child and find out it isn't "fun" or "hip" to be a mother at 19.


I saw a Vanguard girl today...I married her and had 2 kids.

the vanguard có nghĩa là

Typically wears flannel or plaid of some kind, occasionally combined with a loose fitting beanie. They find it tantalizing to not shower or practice any form of hygiene, for the purpose of not prohibiting their “manhood.” Vanguard boys enjoy listening to emo, indie or rock music, in an attempt to pursue originality and diversity in their musical tastes. Plays or at least owns some form of guitar, surfboard, skateboard and Toms shoes (in order to accurately display their love for needy children in 3rd world countries). When it comes to dating and relationships, Vanguard boys consist of 2 categories: The first insists on dating nobody, either out of their fear for the opposite sex or for the purpose of waiting for their perfect future spouse. The other insists on dating everybody, keeping their options open and unrestricted. In extreme cases Vanguard boys have dated roommates simultaneously, disregarding female societal norms. CAUTION: Vanguard Boys are prone to commit and initiate several coffee rendezvous and intentional conversations on Vanguard’s bench or block- but nothing more- real dates are for real men! At first Vanguard boys emphasize their spirituality in the relationship, showing you their softer theological side but eventually break up with you to “pursue all that God has for them.” CAUTION: Confusion comes into play because first you must actually be “in a relationship” for him to break up with you.


A proper use of the term “Vanguard Boy” can be in reference but is not limited to any of the following terms: egotistical, immature, manipulative, shallow, afraid, awkward, unhygienic, two-faced, and a tool. **Due to the generalization of “Vanguard Boy” there are very few exceptions and limitations please consult a Vanguard girl if you have nay questions or concerns**

the vanguard có nghĩa là

verb; to ruin an eagerly anticipated product by prematurely pushing it to market in spite of known flaws and overall incompleteness, virtually assuring disaster and disappointment.


I agree that I want the game out soon, but that is secondary to having a quality product. Let's not have them 'Vanguard' this.

the vanguard có nghĩa là

An alliance on Evony that is a bunch of retarded farmers who have no sac whatsoever. This is proven by the lack of leadership and the excuses, with promises that never happen.


Don't pull a Vanguard, we've seen enough retarded things lately.

the vanguard có nghĩa là

an absolute cain0r @ cs.


"Phwoar! I wish I ripped it as much as vanGuard."

the vanguard có nghĩa là

To trump or out perform one's peers. The action of being holistically better than a colleague. A statement at the end of a rebuttal. Similar to being "owned".


Dave and Pat got vanguarded on the court, they were out matched completely. Synonyms: owned, dominated, finished, raped, embarrassed.

the vanguard có nghĩa là

The nickname for The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency,which served, hence the name, to protect our country from the undead. Was first established in 1868, and was disbanded 1975, due to the major decrease of undead attacks.


Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA),, also known as "the Vanguard," was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead.(Taken from

the vanguard có nghĩa là

The nickname for The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency,which served, hence the name, to protect our country from the undead. Was first established in 1868, and was disbanded 1975, due to the major decrease of undead attacks.


Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA),, also known as "the Vanguard," was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead.(Taken from