The best time for new beginnings is now là gì

“Tell your story…” is the first thing I see as I begin on a blank white page on the Medium platform. Now I’m really thinking, probably overthinking as I always do. What is my story?

For me, new beginnings don’t begin at the start of a new year. Every day is a new beginning for me. As someone who lives in her own head, is highly analytical, a workaholic when it comes to passionate ventures, and a perfectionist, it’s no wonder I’ve lived years with anxiety. The war within myself began in my early teens as a victim of domestic violence.

Fast forward from my teen phase into adulthood, within those twenty years were toxic intimate relationships, toxic friendships, toxic family members still under the spell of generational curses, and just clouds of negativity in my space, that eventually spread to my already occupied mental space. I spent a significant amount of years feeling unworthy. The only thing in my life that gave me a sense of self-worth was my daughter, who is now seventeen years old. I absorbed all the energies around me like a sponge until I reached full capacity and eventually crashed. I call it “The Blackout of 2009.”

Here I am, ten years later, not without some setbacks, but in a much better headspace. I put in a lot of work to change my outlook on life. For the past ten years, I became intentional in my journey to connect with myself, my self- worth, and my genuine happiness. I make great efforts to keep any type of negative energy out of my personal space, especially from other people. I’m still on a constant journey of maintaining my levels of mental healthiness while finding purpose.

I do things that bring me simple joys like lighting a scented candle, reading books of inspiration, sipping out of a mug printed with words of motivation, writing in my journal, and reciting a good prayer. There is joy in the simplicity of things, especially when it pertains to self-care. I indulge in these things to constantly keep peaceful energy around me while reminding myself of how amazing I am.

I’ve decided to build my business around the items I incorporate into my own life that bring peaceful energy, such as visual motivational reminders. The Sweet Decor pays homage to not only my personal journey but the journey of other women who share the same experiences. My business is about good energy curated through decor products.

Everyone has a story to tell. I’ve allowed my story to lead me into entrepreneurship. Maybe the journey of entrepreneurship will lead me closer to my purpose. Hopefully, my purpose is being a source of inspiration, be it through my business or through the relationships I build along the way. Nonetheless, every day is a new beginning. That’s my story.

Hãy luôn ghi nhớ rằng: quyết tâm đạt thành công của chính bạn luôn quan trọng hơn bất cứ thứ gì khác.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Bạn hoàn toàn hụt những cú đánh nếu bạn không thử đánh.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Mối nguy hiểm lớn nhất với hầu hết chúng ta không phải là việc đặt mục tiêu quá cao và không đạt được nó, mà là đặt mục tiêu quá thấp và chúng ta đạt được nó.

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is it too low and we reach it.

Thời điểm tốt nhất để trồng một cái cây đã là 20 năm trước. Và cơ hội tốt nhất thứ nhì là ngay bây giờ.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

Bạn không bao giờ có thể vượt đại dương nếu bạn không có đủ can đảm nhìn bờ biển khuất dần.

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Bất cứ điều gì con người có thể nhận thức và tin tưởng rằng mình sẽ đạt được đều có thể trở thành hiện thực.

Do you want your life to look different? Maybe you started the year with a brand new lease on life, and it has quickly faded. Don’t give up. It is not too late, and the best time for new beginnings is now!

The present moment is always an excellent place to start a brand-new beginning. And guess what—God has gifted us with a new moment one right after the other.


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You Can Be Who God Intended You to Be

It is never too late to be who God intended us to be. It doesn’t matter what we have done or not accomplished. We have to start, and there is nothing like the present.

When You Think You Have Failed

When you think you have failed, let God be the judge and take input from others. We are much too critical of ourselves. Do you know what I mean?

At first glance, I felt like I had failed my spiritual goal from 2019. I wanted to be ready to step out of the boat with a deeper faith and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. However, I hadn’t completed my goal in its entirety. You can read about Jesus and Peter walking on water here.

When you don't do something all the way or as you expected, do you call it a failure?




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Although in working through the spiritual worksheets, talking with God, and listening to my wise husband, I realized I hadn’t failed at all. I did get out of the boat with my eyes fixed on Jesus on one significant endeavor of mine. Now, I might not have accomplished this goal of mine, yet steps in the right direction do indicate progress!

Do you discount your steps when you can’t check it off your list as done?

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Over the summer, I had a fantastic opportunity to do something that scared me spitless. I took the plunge and signed up at a writer’s conference to meet with publishers and agents to pitch a book idea.

As I approached my first publisher, my knees were knocking, my hands were sweating, and my well-rehearsed pitch was nowhere to be found in the recess of my mind. Have you ever been at a complete loss for words?

As she started asking me questions, all my doubts came rushing to the forefront of my mind. The fear of rejection got the best of me. My voice cracked, and I couldn’t even recall what the name of my book was. It was a dreadful experience. At the first hint of a suggestion, I took it as criticism and was ready to give up.

That running monologue of you can’t do this, began taking over my thoughts. I stamped myself with failure and ended the meeting early.

Taking all my thoughts of defeat, I headed straight to the privacy of my hotel room to weigh my options before my next appointment. I could quit.

However, I live by the motto “Never Give Up.” Plus, I had promised God to get out of the boat this year. How could I break my vow to the Lord?

I went straight to God in prayer. After a bit of whining, I sat and listened for His voice. In a whisper, I heard God loud and clear – “Maree, I have been with you every step of the way. Together, we have embraced the unexpected. This task is not beyond my strength. We have traveled through storms that threatened to drive you under the water. You can do this with me. However, you must take your eyes off of you and focus them on Me.”

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

So I pulled it together and headed back for my afternoon appointments. What a difference! We chatted about my book, the excitement rose, and new ideas emerged. It was a fabulous afternoon meeting with wise publishers and agents.

So why at first did I think I had failed. Well, I have put all the work of my book on a shelf and haven’t touched it since July. I struggled with letting go of obligations to make room for the time to write. Maybe fear has a little space there too. God and I are still working on that one.

Sometimes we don’t get as far as we want, but it certainly isn’t a failure.

When You Can’t Hear God

This year I struggled and wrestled a bit with determining a spiritual goal for the new year. It seemed practical to keep the same one. I diligently worked through the packet, and then I waited and waited for direction from God. He was silent.

Be patient when God seems impossible to hear. He usually works on a different timetable than us.



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Every day, I tried to force the words which kept coming to my mind. “Balance, Letting Go, Surrender, and more.”

Finally, one morning I awoke, with a word on my heart that I knew was from God. Of course, it seemed too simple, so I pulled out the thesaurus to find a more sophisticated one with a flash of pizzaz. Don’t worry; I quickly returned to my senses. After all, who questions God when you clearly hear His wisdom. The spiritual goal He chose for me is perfect, beautiful, and exactly where I need to concentrate on in 2020.

Download your free worksheets today to set a spiritual goal. The best time for new beginnings is now.


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My word this year will help me understand that the best time for new beginnings is now.

My Spiritual Goal for 2020

Seek God in Everything

My Verse for 2020

“Seek His will in all you do, and

He will show you which path to take.”

Proverbs 3:6

Maree’s Word Phrase for 2020


With a spiritual goal in place, we will be ready to set other ambitions. However, one big lesson I learned is as we try to take on new things, we must clear out the obstacles to make room for new beginnings.

Let’s Clear the Obstacles Together

Are there things you want to accomplish, yet somehow obstacles keep getting in the way? They may have to do with time commitments, or maybe you are in the way. It is easy to let our insecurities, fear of failure, and circumstances take the lead.

Perhaps life has hit you with the unexpected, and you have tucked away your wants and desires. Join us in February as we are starting a new series on Letting Go to make room for new beginnings.

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