Tea tree clearing facial wash review

When I was in university, my best friend [and roommate] introduced me to The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Face Wash [the entire line really]. My skin was really struggling under the stress of school and my acne started to really creep up on me.

The Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Face Wash retails for $20.00 [400 ml] on The Body Shop website. It has a medium-thick gel-like consistency and it is so potent. You really don't need a lot to cleanse, just pour a small bead into your hand, lather with water and watch it turn into a foam consistency. While cleansing, it leaves a fresh cooling sensation on the skin due to the tea tree oil. Because it is a gel, it's great for combo to oily skin types, but I believe drier skin types would also benefit from it since I had drier skin the first time I used it and enjoyed it the same. If you don't like the feeling of a slight tingle, then you might want to pass if you have more sensitive skin.

Find it cheaper on Amazon!

My Experience

I've talked about my skin journey in previous posts on my blog, and during university, I experienced serious breakouts for the first time. Having skipped most of the teenage acne that typically adolescents experience, I was rudely awoken into the world of acne.

My friend recommended trying this cleanser to clear up my skin because of its tea tree oil content. As we all know, it is an amazing ingredient in combating acne. At that point, I had nothing to lose and clear skin to gain. I tried a small size of this bottle consistently for 1 month. My skin really started to improve. I had fewer breakouts and when I did, they were no longer in clusters, nor were they painful. I can attribute my breakouts to stress at the time, and this did a great job of helping me manage them.

Once the Tea Tree Cleanser was done, I went on to try other things because naturally I love exploring what the beauty world has to offer, and this cleanser sunk to the back of my mind.

Years later, now well into my young adult years, my acne has come back with a vengeance in the form of adult acne. I typically experience painful cystic acne underneath my skin that has become very difficult to treat.

Now using this cleanser again, over the past four weeks I have noticed some great changes in my skin. My acne has pretty much stayed under control even during my menstrual cycle. My skin doesn't feel dry or irritated using this product. The only thing is I don't think this helped control my oiliness but I have other products that keep my sebaceous oil production in check. I use it both in the morning and night, and with consistent use, I have had great results

Acne is something that I have struggled with throughout the entirety of my young adult life. I know that a lot of others have also struggled or are currently struggling with adult acne so when I see something that has promising results I just have to share.

So far, if you are looking for a cleanser to help combat your adult acne, give the Body Shop Tea Tree Skin a try.

*This post contains affiliate links. This means that I receive a commission from items purchased through these links.

Today i am going to share my opinion Tea Tree Cleansing products including facewash and cleansers. Tea tree range have become popular due to their ability to combat issues related to oily skin like pimples, blemishes, sebum etc.

Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, has long been celebrated for its potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. In skincare, tea tree face wash has emerged as a popular choice, offering a natural solution for those seeking clearer, healthier skin.

I am sharing the benefits of tea tree face wash, how to use it properly and explore some top recommendations that can transform your skincare routine.

5 Benefits of Tea Tree Face Wash

1. Antibacterial Power: Tea tree oil is renowned for its antibacterial properties, making it effective in combating acne-causing bacteria and preventing breakouts.

2. Balances Oil Production: It helps regulate the skin's oil production, making it suitable for both oily and combination skin types.

3. Soothes Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil can help calm redness and irritation, providing relief for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.

4. Natural Exfoliation: Tea tree face washes often contain natural exfoliants that gently slough off dead skin cells, promoting a smoother complexion.

5. Refreshing Sensation: The invigorating and refreshing scent of tea tree oil can provide a spa-like experience during your skincare routine.

Top Recommendations for Tea Tree Face Wash 1. The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash

A cult favorite, this face wash combines tea tree oil with salicylic acid to target blemishes and promote clearer skin. It's suitable for daily use and helps control excess oil.

2. St. Ives Acne Control Cleanser with 2% Salicylic Acid, and 100% Natural Tea Tree Extract

This cleanser contains 2% salicylic acid along with tea tree oil to unclog pores, reduce redness, and promote a more even skin tone. It's ideal for those with acne-prone skin.

3. Dr. Woods Tea Tree Facial Cleanser with Fair Trade Shea Butter

Organic tea tree cleanser with fair trade shea butter is suitable for oily and combination skin. Gentle and non drying formula calms skin and provide radiant complexion.

4. Beauty by Earth Organic Peppermint Tea Tree Charcoal Bar Soap

This indulgent bar soap provides deep detoxification and remove blemishes, black heads, dead skin and give you glowing radiant complexion.

5. Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash with Tea Tree Oil

This face wash thoroughly cleanse skin with tea tree, lavender, chamomile and calendula essential oils while deliver antioxidants and vitamins to soothe, nourish and revitalize skin without over-drying or stripping skin of natural oils

How to Incorporate Tea Tree Face Wash into Your Routine

  • Start with a Clean Face: Begin with a clean face by removing any makeup or impurities with a gentle makeup remover or cleansing oil.
  • Apply Tea Tree Face Wash: Wet your face and apply a small amount of tea tree face wash to your fingertips. Gently massage it onto your face in circular motions.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water, ensuring that all traces of the face wash are removed.
  • Follow with Toner and Moisturizer: After cleansing, follow up with a gentle toner to balance the skin's pH and a suitable moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Use Regularly: For optimal results, use your tea tree face wash regularly, typically once or twice a day, depending on your skin's needs.

Tea tree face washes offer a natural and effective solution for those looking to combat acne, balance oil production, and achieve clearer, healthier skin. With the right formulation, incorporating tea tree oil into your skincare routine can be a transformative experience, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Explore the top recommendations mentioned above, and discover the benefits of this natural powerhouse for yourself.

Is Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash good?

Love this facial wash even my 20nyr old son uses it for his skin. We've used it for the past few years. Really helped with blemished skin. Rarely any breakouts.

Is Tea Tree face wash good for acne?

According to skincare experts, Tea Tree shows visible effects on the skin, especially oily and acne-prone skin with open pores. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help in gently purifying the skin from within. It allows an individual to achieve healthy and clear skin with constant usage.

Can I use Tea Tree face wash everyday?

The face wash is suitable for daily use because it washes efficiently but gently. Dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells and blemishes are effectively removed, while the product is gentle on the healthy skin.

How do you use Body Shop Tea Tree face wash?

How to use.

Splash your face with a bit of lukewarm water. ... .

Massage our face wash onto damp skin in circular motions, building up a refreshing grime-lifting lather as you go..

Carefully rinse your face..

Follow up with our Tea Tree Skin Clearing Mattifying Toner for best results..

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