taking a break là gì - Nghĩa của từ taking a break

taking a break có nghĩa là

1. In a long, committed relationship; the couple are going through some confusion as to what they really want. They 'take the break' in hopes that after a certain amount of time apart, they will A) miss each other enough to realize they really love each other and want the other person back or B) realize they're better off without them.
Sometimes they do get back together and really do benefit from taking a break. Sometimes they don't.

2. In a less committed relationship; she takes a break with him because he's not interesting enough, or not what she expected. He takes a break with her because she's not hot enough or she's too clingy. People in these kind of relationships seldom get back together after taking a break.


1. guy/girl: "I really do care about you, but we've grown apart and I don't know if I'm in love with you anymore. I think we should consider taking a break, so I can have some time to myself to figure it out." (said in all honesty, with good intentions).

2. guy/girl: "I really do care about you, but we've grown apart and I don't know if this relationship is what I want anymore. I think we should take a break, so I can have some time to myself to figure it out." (most likely said to make the other person feel better, so you can make a quick escape and move on).

taking a break có nghĩa là

"Taking A Break" is the classic escapist cliché.

People with under-developed social skills or lack of problem solving abilities use this as a cop out.

In the minds of women this is often viewed as a nicer way of dumping a guy, most men who are not completely socially inept understands this, and realize taking a break will never bring you closer together. Only fill you with false hopes of extending the (un)natural life of a realtionship.

I your ex uses this, they're an escapist bitch and probably not someone you'd ultimatly be happy with anyway. These are people not worth your thought and emotions, you're best bet to feeling better is to realize that, and move on.


"I feel so distant from you, maybe we should take a break"
"Bitch!, we're fucking done!"

Taking a break is crap, and it will never bring you closer together. If a realationship is struggling, more distance is NOT a factor that should be added.

taking a break có nghĩa là

This relationship is over. I will tell you "let's take a break" because it seems like there is a chance that everything will work out, but I don't want to be with you, so that won't happen. This is often used in conjunction with several lies to make the other person "feel better" about the situation.


"Maybe we should just take a break"
"Ummm, okay..."
"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine, I just need some space and time to figure things out"
"Are you dumping me?"
"No way, you're my girl!" (Lie)
"Of course..." (Lie)

taking a break có nghĩa là

Taking a break is when you separate from your significant other for an undetermined amount of time,usually with the intent to get back together.
More often than not,the people taking the break usually end up fooling around with other people,which damages their relationship,probably causing a permanent breakup.
All the things you do whilst "taking a break" will be called upon,even though taking a break is totally a way to cheat and get away with it.
Some people don't understand that.

Chances are,if the guy says he wants to take a break,he's going to screw your hot friend he's had his eye on the whole relationship.While this is happening,the girl will be hoping she can "make it all better" somehow.This can usually be resolved when both of them move on,or the guy gets tired of the hot friend,and goes back to his girl.

If the girl says she wants to take a break,she's going to screw your friend she's had her eye on for the whole relationship(whore).Except in this case, the guy will inevitably end up getting into a fistfight with the friend,and shit will go down.How this one is resolved,I do not know.


John: Babe,I think we need to take a break. Claire: Okay,I guess we can do that.
::John gets drunk and screws Claire's hot friend Stephanie::
2 days later--
John: We're taking a break,remember?
Claire: Oh yeah...well when you want to get back together,I'm totally going to hold that against you.
John: Fair enough.

taking a break có nghĩa là

What urbandictionary says when you can't edit anymore.


*click click publish publish don't publish idk*
"NOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't wanna take a break! Damn you urbandictionay!"

taking a break có nghĩa là

Something Hamilton didn't do, and we all know he screwed up


Hammy didn't Take a Break, I guess he'll never be president now

taking a break có nghĩa là

Taking a break is generally a term used for couples to separate themselves with each other for a certain period(according to their agreement), both parties must consent before agreeing to ‘take a break’ Types:
1. Couples who are busy with their schedule such as outstation, living abroad or taking an exam. -Couple in this type maybe busy and cannot fully commit to their relationship. This action is taken to allow them to be more focused and avoiding chances to be distracted with their work. 2. Couples who are unsure of their feelings. -some couples may need time apart so they can experiment the love strength towards their partners. Whether, they will miss each other or to feel emptiness without their other half. In some situation, both of them may also date another person if both agrees. 3. Couples who need time alone to figure their problems. -Some couples get into an arguement and feels the need to take time alone for them to allow each other to reflect and come back wiser and stronger. 3. When a person abuse the word ‘taking a break’ as a step before actually breaking up.


A: Baby, i think we should take a break.
B: For how long?...
A: In a month, then we can comeback to each other to decide if we really want to be together or not.
B: hmm... if you wish..

taking a break có nghĩa là

1: The quote you use when your ex is dumping you, but you are not over them. 2: What you tell someone when your obviously dumping them, but don't want to hurt their feelings. 3: The thing you tell others when you brake up with someone, but when they talk, touch, or look at another girl in any way you come back to them.


We are not breaking up, were just... taking a break. Are you breaking up with me? No, I just want to take a break. Girls i'm so over him like he always wants to hang out with his friends. Oh crap did he just talk to that girl. Be right back, *yells* TAKE ME BACK LIAM, TAKE ME BACKKK.

taking a break có nghĩa là

Used when breaking up with someone. Usually means he/she is scared of their feelings.


Boy: I don't think this is working out.
Girl: Okay... um...
Boy: We are taking a break...
Girl: No I ain't goin' through that again, either you like me or not!
Boy: Okay... Then we're done!
GIrl: Good! 'Cause I got bigger fish to fry!

taking a break có nghĩa là

When urban dictionary doesn’t let you crush any more people’s dreams by blocking their definitions (just kidding, I publish all of them that aren’t personal vendettas or horrible)


Take a break. Nooooooo.