rebecca blacks là gì - Nghĩa của từ rebecca blacks

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

Accomplished musical artist renowned for her skills in reciting the days of the week while having lots of FUN FUN FUN. Her life has been characterized by a series difficult decisions, such as picking a seat on the way to school.


Person 1: Today it is Friday. What was yesterday?
Person 2: Thursday, man! Didn't you learn anything from the new Rebecca Black song?

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

A vile creature who feeds on orphans and uses their screams to create music.


Stevo: Hey Rebecca, whats the day today? Rebecca Black: IT'S FRIDAY!! FRIDAY!! GOTTA GET DOW- Stevo: Godammit!!

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

A lyrical genius of our generation. She is clearly talking about the struggle for identity which all teenagers go through, when they don't really know their place in the world, or their 'seat' if you will. Seriously, this girl is a fucking genius. I thought it was more about the socioeconomic role of those in the front seat taking the lead in propelling industry and fiscal disparity between social classes, and those in the backseats being beholden to their whims. She's in the backseat, and clearly at the behest of the monetary elite who are driving her about, but she's also achieved a zen-like calm about her plight and has learned to enjoy the backseat, which she shares with her friends in a similar plight. The awkward smiles on their brace-laden mouths expresses a subtlety of both pain, at what they can never have, and an almost joy at their acquiescence to capitalism's class divergence. She's at peace with the back seat, and I think we can all take comfort in that lesson. But lest we forget, she is sitting in the middle of the three back seats. She can still perfectly see straight ahead at the wide open roads aka opportunities to move up in the world. Clearly she still feels some longing and jealousy towards the monetary elite. The repetition of "fun fun fun fun" seems as if she is trying to drum it into her head that she is content with her social standing, but she is not truly believing it. I hope we get a sequel to the video.


Rebecca Black is an auto-tuned Fran Drescher. Her lyrics: "Yesterday was Thursday,
Today is Friday,
Tomorrow is Satuday,
And Sunday comes afterwards."

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

Best known for her pop song 'Friday'. A heartwarming tale about a young, mentally challenged girl learning the days of the week.


Friday by Rebecca Black Lyrics: 'Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after … wards'

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

A girl that knows what day it is and feels the need to sing about it. She can be seen going to catch the bus but then contemplating whether to go in the front or back seat of a 4 year old's convertible. She will then time warp into 7:45 at night where she is seen with a friend to her right whilst "partying partying yeah" and having "fun fun fun fun" looking forward to the weekend. Then she precedes to let everyone know that yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday which she is quite excited about, tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterward. Then in an obvious change of events a 35 year old black man begins to rap about how he is following a school bus full of 12 year olds. Followed by a minute of a half of dancing children telling everyone it's "FRYday FRYday."


P1: "hey man, what day is it?" P2: "i don't know, ask Rebecca Black" RB: "it's FRYday FRYday"

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

a shitty, 13-year-old singer who released a song called "Friday" in which she gives us an explaination of which order the days of the weeks are ["Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards"] and in which she also can't make up her mind in which seat to sit in on her friends car.
Basically, she makes Justin Bieber sound good.


Person 1: Hey did you hear Rebecca Black's new song?
Person 2: No *listens* *world explodes*

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

Possibly the worst debut singer ever, her video amassed 2,500,000 views in only a month, not because its good, but because America likes laughing at her. She also informs us on the days of the week.


Rebecca Black: Friday, Friday, Partin' Partin' yeah! Friday, next comes Saturday,

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

Singer of the song "Friday", she is the person accredited to clearing up confusion as to where in the week Friday actually falls. Her inspiring lyrics "yesterday was Thursday [Thursday] Today it is Friday [Friday]. Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards" removed any confusion anyone may have had.
She is also an advocate for the "Difficult Decision- Which Seat Can I Take?" organization. She herself has had to deal with the stressful feelings that comes with picking a seat.


Thank you so much Rebecca Black, for showing me that my difficulty in choosing a seat to sit in is not uncommon.

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

Annoying teenage singer who sings the song "Friday". Autotune can't save her nasally monotone voice, her facial expressions are annoying, and her lyrics were written by 5 year olds that are learning their days of the week. *sing holding your nose*
"IT'S FRIDAY IT'S FRIDAY IT'S FRIDAY yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday and the day after is Sunday, Friday, Friday...." She begins by complaining about her week, then wakes up Friday to get ready for school. She begins to eat cereal with her family [I'm sure it was a green screened fake family because her real one probably disowned her], then she gets picked up by her friends in a nice convertable. Her friends don't look old enough to drive, but no that doesn't stop them. Afterall, it's Friday. Then she sings several verses contemplating which seat to sit in. There are 5 seats, and there are already 4 of her friends in the car. Who does she think she is anyway?? Is she really thinking about shuffling all her friends around so she can have the front seat? You stupid, arrogant girl. Then, randomly a 50 year old black man pulls up and starts rapping in a convertable of his own. I hope they aren't going to the same party. She sounds like pure, unfiltered, verbal diarrea.


Rebecca Black: Hey do you like my new song "Friday"? Person 2: Look, nowhere in that incoherant rambling was anything that we consider close to a rational thought. Everybody around you is dumber because of listening to you. You have been awarded no points. May God have mercy on your soul. Rebecca Black: Cheer up! It's Friday Friday Friday Friday...

rebecca blacks có nghĩa là

Some random female singer that has a terrible voice that released a song called "Friday" that has become a hit on Youtube for being called by some as the worst song of all time. This is due to her terrible singing voice and lame lyrics.


Person 1: Did you hear Rebecca Black's song "Friday" Person 2: No, is it good? Person 1: Hell no! It sucks balls big time!

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