qc là gì - Nghĩa của từ qc

qc có nghĩa là

QC, short for Quality Control.


Fansubs are going under QC.

qc có nghĩa là

QC is short for
Charlotte, North Carolina. The letters represent Queen City, an abbreviated expression symbolizing our past history with the crown of england. Many people in the area refer to the city as the Queen City or simply the "Q.C."

Both the town, now a city, and its county are named for Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the German-born wife of British King George III. The town name was chosen in hopes of winning favor with the crown, but tensions between the United Kingdom and Charlotte Town began to grow as King George imposed unpopular laws on the citizens in response to the townspeople's desire for independence. On May 20, 1775, the townsmen allegedly signed a proclamation later known as the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, a copy of which was sent, though never officially presented, to the Continental Congress a year later. The date of the declaration appears on the North Carolina state flag. Eleven days later, the same townsmen met to create and endorse the Mecklenburg Resolves, a set of laws to govern the newly independent town.

Queen Charlotte, [née Duchess Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; 19 May 1744 – 17 November 1818] was the queen consort of George III of the United Kingdom [1738–1820]. She is the grandmother of Queen Victoria, and the great-great-great-great grandmother of the current Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II.

Queen Charlotte was a patroness of the arts, well known and friends to Johann Christian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, among others. She was also an amateur botanist who helped establish Kew Gardens. George III and Queen Charlotte had 15 children, 13 of whom survived to adulthood.

Charlotte is the only city in the U.S. nick-named The Queen City based on a direct tie with the British Crown.

Not to be confused with
* Queen City, Missouri
* Queen City, Texas


1] Represent tha Qc!

2] Chelsea : Hey! How have you been?
Mike : Good, just living it up in the qc!

qc có nghĩa là

QC is short for Questionable Content, a webcomic.


Do you read QC?

yeah I do! you must be a nerd like me!

qc có nghĩa là

abreviation for the province of Quebec


I live in Montreal, QC

qc có nghĩa là

Nick name for Charlotte, NC; a.k.a. the Queen city.


Thats how we do in the QC!

qc có nghĩa là

Q.C.-Queen Cunt- A female in a work place that thinks that she owns the world, most commonly a QC will get everywhere that she goes by escort of one of her puppy dogs or more commonly known as a "Minion". The only forseeable way that caused the rise to power was by use of Tits Ass and Pussy. the QC is well known by the work staff and to some is a god, to others she is a cum dumpster and has about as much personality as a dried up piece of dog shit.


dude 1- Wow dude Michelle is a Real QC! look at how she is getting drove around by a minion because she dont have a licence! Dude 2- Yeah I know, I dont see how she still has a job here!

qc có nghĩa là

QC = Quality Check or Quality Control Essentially, a QC'er [senior / experienced staff member] is double checking to see if the entire scanlation is up to their quality standards. A few of the items that they're checking involve:
- Translation accuracy [might involve jargon / history research] & uniformity of translations across the whole story [some groups have different translators translate things differently].
- RAW pages were edited properly [redraw split pages, no smudges, proper B&W saturation, etc.]
- Text properly typeset & uniform font. So once a chapter has been QC'ed, then it's ready for release. A thing to note is that many speed subbers / scanlators don't QC as well or at all, in order to release their work earlier. There's also QC'ing and QC'ed.


This manga chapter has been QC'ed.

qc có nghĩa là

Short for Queensland Core Skills test. A test all Queensland year 12s have to take if they want to go to University. Also likes to fuck you over by asking you bullshit questions. Consists of 4 exams over 2 days, for a total of at least 7 hours. The first exam is the writing task, where they give you a theme and you have to write something. Second and fourth exams are multiple choice. Third exam is short response. Your class grades will get changed depending on how you did compared to your cohort, and how your cohort did compared to the state. That's right, if you go to a school full of idiots, you won't get into the course you want. Fucking bullshit.


Student: I hate QCS. Short response was such bullshit - I can't draw. I may as well accept my OP 25 now. Parent: It can't have been that bad Student: Have you tried drawing a picture of shoelaces? Did someone decide that you can't go to Uni if you can't use a compass? No? Then fuck off

qc có nghĩa là

Quadruple Chin Syndrome


Dude this teacher has QCS

qc có nghĩa là

Short for "quality content." Exclusively used online, especially in the context of shitposting


ALICE: posts a collage of thousands of pictures of Ewan McGregor's head making up a single larger image of Ewan McGregor's head BOB: QC.

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