Partner with anthony morrison review 2023

I stumbled across this program after receiving an email about it, so I decided to look into it to see what it was all about.

And what I found was that it’s a system created by Anthony Morrison, which apparently allows you to “partner with him” so that he can personally help you make money online.

Long story short, I decided to buy it myself to see if it was the real deal or just another scam. And in this review, I am going to share my personal experience of how it all went down.

The Partner With Anthony sales page claims that Anthony Morrison is going to “do mostly everything for you” and allow you to partner with him so that “you can make money when he makes money.”

This is no doubt appealing to newbies looking to make money online, especially given his level of success. I mean, surely if you could partner with an expert, you could ‘finally’ start making money online, right?

Maybe. But this is also a clever sales pitch and one that is used by a number of online “gurus” who sell similar programs. And it’s not the first time I’ve come across an ad for one of Morrison’s programs either.

Who is Anthony Morrison?

He’s basically an “internet marketing guru” that runs a company called Morrison Publishing, which he uses to sell a range of make money online courses. And I’ve reviewed some of these, like Success With Anthony for example. I’ve also written an article about the Profit Cycle Funnel which is a system Anthony created that teaches you how to promote ClickFunnels.

So, what’s this program all about? In short, Partner With Anthony is a training course that teaches you how to make money with affiliate marketing. Which is a business model whereby you promote other people’s products online for a commission.

Related: Complete Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model with good earning potential. I personally do affiliate marketing to earn six figures per year online, so I can say this from experience. And there is value in Anthony’s training too, so it’s not a scam.

However, there are some things you should know before buying.

How Does Partner With Anthony Work?

The way Partner With Anthony [PWA] works is by teaching you how to promote PWA itself as an affiliate. So when you refer others into the same site, you earn commissions.

You also earn commissions on any tools your referrals purchase as they progress through the training. For example, you will need to purchase tools like ClickFunnels, Aweber [email autoresponder] and link tracking software among other services, in order to make your business work.

Your referrals will need to purchase these services too. And when they do, you will earn commissions on these purchases given how the platform is setup.

And since these are ongoing monthly services, many of the commissions you can earn are recurring. Which is actually kinda cool because most of the services he recommends are great. Like Aweber for instance, which I use myself in my affiliate business.

Anyways, there are many other low and high ticket training programs that members can purchase within the platform. So there are more opportunities to earn commissions if your referrals purchase these.

I must admit, this is a clever setup from a marketing point of view.

This program operates by getting you in the door for $7, then once you’re inside the “eco-system” [as Anthony calls it], there are many other things you will need to buy to make it work.

Which isn’t cool for someone who’s looking to get started for minimal cost, but at the same time it’s potentially lucrative for those promoting it. And since most people fit into both categories [the buyer and promoter], there are good and bad points with this.

In any case, expect to spend a lot more money going into this. Because not only are you encouraged to purchase tools to setup your business, but also more training programs he runs.

Inside The PWA Members Area

To access the Partner With Anthony program, you can either pay $97 one time or $7 per month. I chose the $7 option simply because I mostly bought this for the sake of this review, and I intend to cancel before it renews.

In any case, once you buy you will end up at the Morrison Education website, where you can login. This is the parent company and website, where you can access all of Anthony’s programs.

And there are quite a few programs on offer here:

The PWA program itself consists of 13 ‘sessions’ [AKA modules] which each contain several videos. The first module is pretty basic, and just gives you an overview of the members area, how you’ll be making money and so forth.

The annoying thing about this course is that it’s ‘drip fed’. Meaning you have to wait 24 hours after completing a module, for the next one to open up for you:

So, at best, it’s going to take you a couple weeks to get through all of this training.

Either way, there are literally dozens of videos within this course across the 13 modules. So I can’t go into detail about what is within each, but I can sum it up so you know what to expect.

In a nutshell, the training modules show you how to promote PWA. With each module being a different piece of the puzzle so to speak.

So you will be creating a capture page [using ClickFunnels] to collect email leads. Which is setup to automatically redirect the people who subscribe to the PWA sales page, where they hopefully become your referral.

You will also be sending your subscribers emails about joining PWA. So you are marketing to people long down the road, even though they said ‘no’ at first.

That’s the process in a nutshell.

You are simply collecting email leads and promoting PWA as an affiliate. The only way you are “partnering” with Anthony is that he’s showing you how to promote his program, which means you’re both making money from each sale.

He’s also giving you some done for you funnels which is where the whole “I’ll do mostly everything for you” pitch comes into play.

But the truth is- done for you funnels aren’t as amazing as they sound. Everybody who joins this will be using the same funnels, and the same traffic sources, which makes these funnels ineffective for any length of time.

So if you want to be successful, you will still need to learn how to do internet marketing. As in, you’ll need to learn real skills. So it will still take time and effort to build a proper business out of this. There are no shortcuts.

Not to mention, you’ll need a decent bank roll when you factor in the tools and traffic [and optionally other training] you need to buy to make this work.

Conclusion – Is Partner With Anthony a Scam?

Partner With Anthony is not a scam in my opinion.

For a modest fee, you do get access to a fair amount of quality training. And you can definitely make money promoting PWA as an affiliate, which is what you’re doing here.

However, like anything, there are some drawbacks to consider…

Firstly, you’re not really “partnering” with Anthony. At least, not in the way he makes out in the sales video. He is giving you the step-by-step process in a series of pre-recorded videos, he’s not personally working with you at all. So this is a bit of a marketing gimmick.

Second, there are a lot of additional costs here. Such as additional training programs, tools and funds you will need to buy traffic. None of which is brought to your attention prior to purchasing.

Third, this is mostly about promoting PWA, rather than teaching you how to earn money promoting anything you want as an affiliate. And since there are millions of products you can promote as an affiliate, across many different niches, I do think this is a bit restrictive.

You can definitely use what you learn as a member to promote other affiliate offers, but by following this course, you are putting most of your eggs into one basket [promoting PWA]. Rather than learning how to successfully promote products within any niche.

Either way, PWA is a legit program being offered by someone who is an expert at what he does. And it is possible that you could earn money by joining and applying what Anthony teaches within the members area.

So it’s not a scam.

But at the same time, it’s not something I’d really recommend either.

Because I personally think there are better, more cost effective ways to make money online as an affiliate. Methods that don’t involve spending $1,000’s on products and traffic. And if you want to see my exact 4-step process for making money online, check out my free training. Whatever you decide, I hope you found this review helpful!

What does Anthony Morrison do?

Anthony Morrison is an Internet Marketer, Speaker and Entrepreneur. I founded Morrison Education to help others on their journey to success.

Is Adrian Morrison related to Anthony Morrison?

Anthony was the older brother that learned affiliate marketing while going to college and later taught his younger brother Adrian everything he knew about internet marketing. They run separate programs but they also do a lot of things together like running the Morrison Publishing and Launch Wise LLC.

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