Naruko tea tree essential oil review năm 2024

I no longer use this product every day as a cleanser as I found out that my skin is actually dry/combination instead of oily/combination. My skin was producing a lot of oil in the past as I was drying it out by using oil-control products that strip even more oil away from it. I use this product now only as a clay mask type of product. Just dab a little on a pimple and wait for a bit before washing it off; the pimple should become less inflamed!


For those who have read my post in December 2011 on Naruko Marjoram and Lavender Brightening Eye Cream and Classic Whitening Night Eye Gelly, I apologise for the long delay between posts on the Naruko products that I use in my current skin care routine!

Today, I'd like to feature the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser, which in my opinion, is an extremely effective, affordable and gentle exfoliating facial cleanser.

As mentioned last year, I had been using Danielle Laroche Purifying Gel as my daily facial cleanser from about February 2011. In October 2011, I discovered a new line of products by Naruko and have been using Naruko products in my skincare routine ever since. [You can read more about the brand history in my post on the Naruko Marjoram and Lavender Brightening Eye Cream and Classic Whitening Night Eue Gelly and on the Naruko SG website].

My skin is oily and prone to acne and I'm very self-conscious of taking/posting photos of myself without any make up on [this is the first time I'm doing that here - don't judge]. But to show you how effective Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser is, I'm making an exception!

Here's happy me with make up on, holding the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser.

And here's shy me, without a trace of make up on my bare face.

More after the jump!

The Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out series that I've been using is specially formulated for oily, acne-prone skin and contains witch hazel, vitamin B5, Tranexamic acid and peptides, helping to soothe and moisturise skin and keep pores unclogged. I currently use these products from the Oil Out series in my daily facial skincare routine:

1. Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser

2. Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Toner

3. Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Balancing Moisturiser [Day]

4. Naruko Tea Tree Oil-Cut Hydrator [Day]

5. Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Balancing Serum [Night]

6. Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Night Gelly [Night]

In this post, I will be featuring the first step in my daily facial skincare routine: the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser. [note: makeup remover is the first step if you have makeup on!] Facial cleanser is an essential first step in the facial skincare routines of men and women as it helps to maintain healthy and supple skin. That and because men don't usually go beyond using facial cleanser [protest and prove me wrong or something, all you guys out there!].

So, what's so great about the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser?

I'll give you seven reasons:

1. It's a facial cleanser for normal/oily skin that is gentle enough to be used daily.

2. Its exfoliating properties remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and prevent breakouts.

3. It contains Tranexamic acid and vitamin A, which subtly lighten scars and even out your skin tone.

4. It does not contain parabens, preservatives, artificial ingredients or pigment composition. It is also eco-friendly and animal-friendly.

5. It's extremely easy to use: just squeeze out a dime-sized amount and add water to make it foam. Then spread over your face and massage thoroughly. Rinse it off with water after about a minute.

6. It can be used as a facial mask: to do this, take a small amount of clay and spread it evenly onto areas prone to oiliness e.g. nose, T-zone. Wait 3 minutes and rinse off with water. Rinse face with lukewarm water and gently massage the T-zone area to release more oil from pores. It's recommended to do this once a week.

7. It's inexpensive. At 15 SGD for 120ml worth of cleanser, of which I only use a tiny amount every day, it takes me at least 3 months to finish a tube of this.

My experiences with the Naruko Tea Tree Oil out Acne Clay Cleanser

I've been using it since October 2011, and I have to attest to its effectiveness. Since using it, breakouts are practically non-existent, and my pores have definitely shrunk in size. I love the refreshing minty feeling as I apply it and wash it off my face, and the subtle lightening of my skin tone is a definite bonus to help my face look clarified and glowing. I used to use it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, but a few months later, I noticed that my skin became slightly tighter after washing the cleanser off. Since then, I've been using Danielle Laroche Purifying Gel in the morning and Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser for deep cleansing at night to remove all the impurities before I head to sleep. So far, the feeling of tightness on my facial skin has disappeared. I chalk the tightness up to using an exfoliating facial cleanser twice daily - it will tend to dry out the skin slightly, no matter how gentle the facial cleanser.

And in case you were wondering about those photos I was talking about... I took a number of before/after shots. The before photos were taken when I'd just woken up in the morning, after sleeping with the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Night Gelly on. As you can see, my face tends to be oily. I have blackheads and whiteheads on my nose/around my face. Pores are not too big, but still visible. The after photos were taken once I'd washed my face with Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser. I took these photos indoors and tried to maintain the same degree of natural lighting for the before and after shots. I did absolutely no editing or retouching of the photos - no change of exposure or contrast - so you can see how my skin condition is really like. I don't have the best skin, but I try to ensure I keep the acne/oil under control.

Before: Oily, irritated skin with acne After: Mattified, slightly fairer skin Before: Oily skin, acne enlarged pores After: Mattified and slight fairer skin, reduced pore size, less skin irritation Before: Oily skin, many small pimples, skin irritation After: Mattified and slightly fairer skin, reduced skin irritation and pimple size

In summary, the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser is an excellent product that you should definitely consider buying if you have normal/oily skin that is prone to breakouts. It is effective, skin-friendly and inexpensive, making it my number one choice for facial cleansing products. For someone with sensitive skin, I haven't experienced any issues with it apart from a little skin tightness [when used twice daily], and am using it religiously as the first step of my daily facial skincare routine.

Watson's pharmacies all carry the Naruko product line. You can also get it online at the Naruko SG website, where the full range of Naruko products are sold [international shipping is not available].

P.S. Naruko products come in recyclable boxes that can be used to create stationery! Instructions are included.

Unfold the box and score/cut according to instructions

Thanks for reading; stay tuned for future posts in the My Skincare Routine series!

Disclaimer: I was not paid, sponsored nor influenced by external sources when reviewing this product. My opinions as expressed in the review are 100% my own.

Rachel loves sharing about the beautiful things in life from different perspectives. She writes on beauty and lifestyle in Cherchez Beauté , and does more abstract stuff on Antelune . When she's not writing, she's playing with her dog Holly, doodling and reading fiction. You can follow her on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram .

What are good brands of tea tree oil?


Is naruko good for acne?

In summary, the Naruko Tea Tree Oil Out Acne Clay Cleanser is an excellent product that you should definitely consider buying if you have normal/oily skin that is prone to breakouts.

What is tea tree essential oil best for?

Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is an essential oil that comes from steaming the leaves of the Australian tea tree. When used topically, tea tree oil is believed to be antibacterial. Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat acne, athlete's foot, lice, nail fungus and insect bites.

What are the benefits of smelling tea tree essential oil?

When diffused, Tea Tree Essential Oil boosts immunity, fights infections, reduces anxiety, and relieves insomnia as well as congestion. It also eliminates airborne bacteria.

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