Lỗi u8glib.h no such file or directory năm 2024

This is being compiled on a new machine, so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it. I've tried to remove extra instances of U8GLIB to no avail. I have a working firmware version loaded on the board, but I think my measurements are off in terms of build volume on the old firmware, so it needs to be updated. I've been working on this printer for years now off and on and I'm so very close to getting it running, this is driving me mad. I'm a bit of a novice with Marlin so this just eludes me and I don't know where to begin.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited 1 time[s]. Last edit at 11/05/2019 07:47AM by Tempest815.

delete the directory C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Arduino\libraries\U8glib and try again

I updated to 1.1.9 just to see if that would compile, and it did!

But now my graphic controller is heavily artifacted and I'm not sure where the issue is. There were no issues in compiling, no error messages, so now I'm not sure what's what.

Attachments: open | download - 20191105_084014.jpg [350.1 KB]

Aaaaaand now the motion is totally broken. Ignoring endstops, placing endstop 0.00 at the furthest end of travel, etc. Should I just make a new topic, or just keep dumping my sorrows here?

You replaced the brain of your printer with a new brain, but didn't teach it anything about the body it was in...

You need to configure the firmware to match your hardware.


Dust You replaced the brain of your printer with a new brain, but didn't teach it anything about the body it was in...

You need to configure the firmware to match your hardware.

See, I thought I did. I have all my settings ported over, all should be okay. Also when I send M119 I get every endstop reading TRIGGERED. I can upload the configuration tomorrow, but that still doesn't explain the corrupt graphics controller.

So, basically:

Motion is frozen Corrupt display All endstops reading TRIGGERED

With endstops triggered the printer thinks its at min and max position at the same time.... it cant move when it thinks its trapped between two endstops

Does the endstop change to open when you close the switch? if so you just need to invert the endstop, If the endstops don't change it could be pullups aren't enabled

You need to play with the lcd timings

In configuration.h add these to override the defaults.

define ST7920_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS[0]

define ST7920_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS[0]

define ST7920_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS[63] // these are the default values for a 16mhz processor [ie a mega2560]

which is used in this bit of code

define ST7920_SND_BIT \

WRITE[ST7920_CLK_PIN, LOW]; ST7920_DELAY_1; \ WRITE[ST7920_DAT_PIN, val & 0x80]; ST7920_DELAY_2; \ WRITE[ST7920_CLK_PIN, HIGH]; ST7920_DELAY_3; \ val

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