Bài tập về although though in spite of despite năm 2024

Trong quá trình học tiếng Anh, các cấu trúc although, in spite of, despite là phần kiến thức gây ra không ít khó khăn cho người học bởi chúng cùng mang nghĩa là “mặc dù.” Trong bài viết này, IELTS Cấp Tốc sẽ nhắc lại lý thuyết của các cấu trúc và các dạng bài tập về although in spite of despite kèm theo đáp án chi tiết. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu nhé!

Lý thuyết về although, in spite of, despite


Although là gì?

Although /ɔːlˈðəʊ/: Dù, mặc dù, dẫu cho, cho dù.

Cách dùng:

  • “Although” luôn ở vị trí đầu câu hoặc giữa câu và thường được theo sau bởi một mệnh đề có đủ chủ ngữ, vị ngữ tạo thành mệnh đề “Although + S + V”.
  • “Although” là mệnh đề phụ trong câu. Vì vậy, không thể đứng một mình mà được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho một mệnh đề chính.

Cấu trúc Although

Vị tríCấu trúcÝ nghĩaVí dụĐầu câuAlthough + S1 + V1 + …, S2 + V2 + … Thường được dùng trong tình huống trang trọng, lịch sự.Although she is very talented, she remains humble.[Mặc dù cô ấy rất tài năng, cô ấy vẫn khiêm tốn.]Giữa câuS1 + V1 + … although S2 + V2 + … Nhấn mạnh sự tương phản giữa hai vế trong câu.She decided to go to the party, although she was feeling tired.[Cô ấy quyết định đi dự tiệc, mặc dù cô ấy cảm thấy mệt.]

In spite of

In spite of là gì?

In spite of /in ˌspaɪt ˌəv/: mặc dù

Giống với Although, In spite of được sử dụng để diễn đạt một tình huống khi có một yếu tố hoặc điều kiện ngăn trở hoặc tương phản với điều gì đó khác.

Đăng ký thành công. Chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ với bạn trong thời gian sớm nhất!

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Cấu trúc của in spite of

Cấu trúcVí dụIn spite of + Danh từ/Cụm danh từ/V-ing, mệnh đề chính In spite of the rain, we decided to have a picnic.[Mặc dù trời mưa, chúng tôi vẫn quyết định tổ chức picnic.]Mệnh đề chính, in spite of + Danh từ/Cụm danh từ/V-ingHe always finds time to exercise, in spite of his busy schedule[Anh ấy luôn dành thời gian để tập thể dục, mặc dù lịch trình bận rộn.]In spite of the fact that + Mệnh đề, mệnh đề chính In spite of the fact that she had no experience, she got the job.[Mặc dù cô ấy không có kinh nghiệm, cô ấy đã được nhận công việc.]


Despite là gì?

Despite /dɪˈspaɪt/: mặc dù, bất kể

Cấu trúc của despite

Cấu trúcVí dụDespite + Danh từ/Cụm danh từ/V-ing, mệnh đề chínhDespite the heavy traffic, we managed to arrive at the airport on time for our flight.[Mặc dù tắc đường nặng nề, chúng tôi vẫn kịp đến sân bay để lên chuyến bay.]Mệnh đề chính + Despite + Danh từ/Cụm danh từ/V-ingThe children played outside for hours despite the cold weather.[Những đứa trẻ đã chơi ngoài trời hàng giờ mặc dù thời tiết lạnh.]Despite the fact that + mệnh đề 1, mệnh đề 2Despite the fact that they had disagreements, they remained close friends.[Mặc dù họ có những bất đồng về quan điểm, họ vẫn là bạn thân.]

Xem thêm:

Phân biệt cấu trúc Despite, In spite of, Although, Though, Even though

Cấu trúc và cách dùng Although

Cách làm bài tập liên từ trong tiếng Anh

Bài tập về although in spite of despite kèm đáp án

Bài tập về although in spite of despite kèm đáp án

Bài tập 1: Viết lại các câu dưới đây, sử dụng từ gợi ý

  1. In spite of the fact that he was sick, he went to work.

-> Despite _______________________________

  1. Despite the stormy weather, they decided to have an outdoor picnic.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. Despite their financial difficulties, they started their own business.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. Although he lacked formal training, he had a natural talent for painting.

-> In spite of _______________________________

  1. Despite his young age, he was appointed as the team leader.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. In spite of her fear of heights, she climbed to the top of the mountain.

-> Despite _______________________________

  1. Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.

-> In spite of _______________________________

  1. Although it was her first time traveling alone, she had a wonderful trip.

-> In spite of _______________________________

  1. In spite of being nervous, she gave a confident speech.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. In spite of the traffic jam, they arrived at the party on time.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. In spite of the late hour, they continued their discussion.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. Despite the noise from the party next door, he slept soundly.

-> In spite of _______________________________

  1. Despite their differences, they remained close friends.

-> In spite of _______________________________

  1. In spite of the long distance, they managed to stay in touch regularly.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. In spite of her busy schedule, she made time for her hobbies.

-> Although _______________________________

  1. Although the weather conditions were unfavorable, they went ahead with the outdoor event.

-> In spite of the _______________________________

  1. In spite of the tough competition, she won the championship.

-> Despite _______________________________

  1. In spite of the cold weather, they decided to have a picnic in the park.

-> Despite _______________________________

  1. Despite her limited resources, she managed to start her own business.

-> In spite of _______________________________

  1. Her brother really enjoys this job, although the salary is very low.

-> Despite _______________________________

Bài tập 2: Điền vào chỗ trống với although, in spite of, despite

  1. She passed the exam _________________ she didn’t study much.
  2. _________________ he had a lot of work to do, he still found time to relax.
  3. We decided to go to the beach _________________ the bad weather forecast.
  4. He’s a great chef, _________________ he’s only 25 years old.
  5. _________________ being tired, she managed to complete the marathon.
  6. _________________ it was her first time traveling alone, she had a wonderful trip.
  7. They remained friends _________________ their different political beliefs.
  8. He’s very talented _________________ his lack of formal training.
  9. _________________ his fear of heights, he climbed to the top of the mountain.
  10. They were able to finish the project on time _________________ of the unexpected challenges.
  11. He decided to travel the world, __________ he had never been outside his home country before.
  12. She achieved her goals __________ of all the obstacles she faced.
  13. __________ of his busy schedule, he found time to spend with his family.
  14. ___________ the room was dirty, Charlie didn’t clean it.
  15. They continued to play soccer, __________ the hot weather.
  16. __________ of the cold, he decided to go camping.
  17. __________ the restaurant was crowded, the food was terrible.
  18. __________ he had limited experience, he was given the leadership role.
  19. Tyler knew what she wanted __________ of not saying anything.
  20. I still love her, ___________ our relationship is toxic.

Bài tập 3: Tìm và sửa lại những lỗi sai trong các câu dưới đây

  1. In spite of he had never been to Paris, he knew a lot about the city.
  2. Although her young age, she is a talented pianist.
  3. Despite I don’t like spicy food, I tried the curry and it was delicious.
  4. They decided to go hiking, in spite of they were concerned about the weather.
  5. They enjoyed the vacation, although the bad weather during the trip.
  6. Despite the book was long, she finished reading it in just a few days.
  7. Although his fear of heights, he climbed the mountain.
  8. Although the heavily storm, I still went to school last Wednesday.
  9. In spite of the restaurant was crowded, they enjoyed their meal.
  10. He wanted to buy the car, despite it was quite expensive.

Bài tập 4: Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây

  1. She passed the exam, _______ she didn’t study much.
  2. In spite B. In spite of C. Although
  3. _______ it was raining, they went for a walk in the park.
  4. Although B. Despite C. In spite
  5. He decided to go on the trip _______ feeling unwell.
  6. Although B. In spite of C. In spite
  7. _______ being tired, he stayed up late to finish his work.
  8. In spite B. Despite C. Although
  9. _______ the difficulties, they managed to complete the project on time.
  10. In spite B. Despite C. Although
  11. _______ the fact that it was her first time cooking, the meal turned out delicious.
  12. Despite B. In spite C. Although
  13. __________ it was very late, he continued working.
  14. In spite of B. Despite C. Although
  15. _______ having a full-time job, she’s pursuing a master’s degree.
  16. Despite B. Although C. As
  17. The cat, _______ its small size, is very brave.
  18. In spite B. In spite of C. Although
  19. _________ the movie was long, they stayed until the end.
  20. Although B. Despite C. In spite of

Bài tập 5: Chọn đáp án thích hợp giữa hai từ cho sẵn để hoàn thành câu

  1. [Although/In spite of] ________ she is a vegetarian, she cooks meat for her family.
  2. [Although/Despite] _________ the movie received mixed reviews, it was a box office success
  3. She decided to go to the party [despite/although] _________ feeling unwell.
  4. [In spite of/Although] _________ the long hours, she completed the project on time.
  5. He passed the exam, [In spite of/although] _________ not studying much.
  6. They had a wonderful vacation, [although/despite] _________ the bad weather.
  7. [Despite/In spite] _________ being tired, he attended the late-night meeting.
  8. [Although/Despite] __________ the dress was on sale, she didn’t buy it because it didn’t fit her well.
  9. [Although/ Despite] _________ the challenges, they managed to succeed.
  10. [In spite of/Although] _________ his fear of flying, he booked a ticket for the overseas trip.

Đáp án

Bài tập 1:

  1. Despite the fact that he was sick, he went to work.
  2. Although the weather was stormy, they decided to have an outdoor picnic.
  3. Although they faced financial difficulties, they started their own business.
  4. In spite of lacking formal training, he had a natural talent for painting.
  5. Although he was young, he was appointed as the team leader.
  6. Despite her fear of heights, she climbed to the top of the mountain.
  7. In spite of the rain, they decided to go for a walk.
  8. In spite of it being her first time traveling alone, she had a wonderful trip.
  9. Although she was nervous, she gave a confident speech.
  10. Although there was a traffic jam, they arrived at the party on time.
  11. Although it was late, they continued their discussion.
  12. In spite of the noise from the party next door, he slept soundly.
  13. In spite of their differences, they remained close friends.
  14. Although there was a long distance between them, they managed to stay in touch regularly.
  15. Although she had a busy schedule, she made time for her hobbies.
  16. In spite of the unfavorable weather conditions, they went ahead with the outdoor event.
  17. Despite the tough competition, she won the championship.
  18. Despite the cold weather, they decided to have a picnic in the park
  19. In spite of her limited resources, she managed to start her own business.
  20. Despite the low salary, her brother really enjoys this job.

Bài tập 2:

  1. Although
  2. In spite of
  3. Despite
  4. Although
  5. Despite
  6. Although
  7. Despite
  8. Despite
  9. Despite
  10. In spite
  11. Although
  12. In spite of
  13. In spite of
  14. Although
  15. Despite
  16. In spite of
  17. Although
  18. Although
  19. In spite of
  20. Although

Bài tập 3:

  1. Although
  2. Despite/In spite of
  3. Although
  4. Although
  5. Despite/In spite of
  6. Although
  7. In spite of/Despite
  8. In spite of/Despite
  9. Although
  10. Although

Bài tập 4:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A

Bài tập 5:

  1. Although
  2. Although
  3. Despite
  4. In spite of
  5. In spite of
  6. Despite
  7. Despite
  8. Although
  9. Despite
  10. In spite of

Như vậy, ngày hôm nay IELTS Cấp Tốc đã khái quát lại cho bạn lý thuyết kèm theo bài tập về although in spite of despite. Hy vọng rằng, với những kiến thức và bài tập mà chúng mình cung cấp có thể giúp bạn thành thạo sử dụng ba cấu trúc này một cách nhanh chóng và chuẩn xác nhất. Chúc bạn học tốt!

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